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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Taking my two mules out for a stroll.
  2. I think they shadow banned me. I've posted a few comments asking a question with zero responses.
  3. And speaking of stupid YT. I'm sure most of you already know about the ad blecker YT is trying to lecture anyone who uses it.
  4. I'm on the verge of deleting my YT account. I'm fucking getting sick of them dictating on what I can watch. For a long time they censor any graphical video. I get a warning whether I want to proceed or not and I click yes then it blocks me from viewing the video. I've sent them a really heated feedback about this and these motherfuckers continue to treat me like I'm some fucking 5 year old who can't watch violence or gore. The current video in reference that I can't watch because of these fucking babysitting faggots is this one...
  5. I saw that yesterday. What an idiot. lol
  6. They are the busybodies of the game industry. And it looks like Bethesda might be doing the same with Starflop.
  7. Having my second screwdriver for tonight.
  8. That's what they get for hiring incompetent people and pandering to a bunch of losers.
  9. Happy Hallween to all the NSFWmods members!
  10. The fact that they fired people to save money from their failures shows their incompetence. The ones that should be fired are the ones who thought this was a brilliant idea to begin with.
  11. Found it. It was on this website the whole time. lol I remembered that asenasen did a daz collection long time ago so I went and checked. Downloaded it too to see if it was the right one. And it is. Click download and scroll down to the bottom and you'll see maid outfit.
  12. I don't seem to have it. Have you tried on Skyrim Scandal to see if maybe it's there? https://skyrimscandal.blogspot.com/?zx=56a50eb6e770f7e
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