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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Generated through AI from NightCafe.
  2. My frist generated image through AI from NightCafe.
  3. I'm never tempted and never have been to pre-order or buy early on a new game. Been like this since a kid. But back in the days when I was a kid, I wouldn't really consider myself a gamer. I had NES and SNES at that time and had a lot of games for them, but I was a very active kid always outside with friends being a bunch of rascals and flirting with the girls. So I would always see pre-ordering as a sign of desperation. Video games were secondary to me at that time. Still is sorta...I got into Fallout 3 in late 2009 or early 2010. Didn't know about the game to be honest. It was more to do that I had modded Final Fantasy 11 Online back in the days so the 8 years of being on that game, I was bored at that time and was looking for some other game to mod. Especially with nudity. I searched online and the first thing that came up was Oblivion and Fallout 3. I was more intrigued by Fallout 3 because even at that time I was burnt from medieval/fantasy games. I wanted something different. Turns out that a post-nuclear apocalypse was something right up my alley and I didn't even know it yet. It wasn't until I pirated the game, tried it, was blown away the moment I left Vault 101 stepping out into a dystopian world. Liked the so much that one day when I was in Walmart, I saw the GOTY Edition on a shelf for PC games and I picked it up for retail price of 60USD. Did not regret that purchase. Now that was the first thing that I was looking for with BG3. Does it have nude mods? Yes! One of the major selling points for me. Will it live up to the expecations of Skyrim modding? I don't know. I haven't done my research on that yet. But I mostly do not expect it to. And that's fine. The only co-workers (in the past) that I've ever ran into that were gamers were WOW gamers. They tried hard enough to convince me to play WOW, but it never caught my attention. I was already playing FFXI Online so I wasn't going to play another MMO. Heck, I remember my final years on FFXI people talking about TES Online. And while my friends back then on FFXI were hopping on the FF14 train, I wasn't. They too desperately wanted me to migrate. But FF14 has such a terrible launch and I was sick of Square Enix and the way they shafted us vertans on FFXI all to accommodate new players ruining the endgame experience we had. Hence my user name. I ran my own guild and ran my own endgame events. Anyways, I told them that I would hop on TESO, but that never happened either. lol I stuck with FO3 and FNV until I got bored of both and been on Skyrim since 2014. I haven't bought any new games so BG3 would be my first modern game I purchase. But I'm not in any rush to buy it. I'll do my research on it first.
  4. I'm thinking about getting this game. Just checked out BG3 on Nexus and they seem to have a decent amount of mods in a short time.
  5. From the king to Drag Queen of Beers.
  6. And rightfully so. This is why I don't agree with the LGBTQ community. Especially the trans. You can't force your way onto others because it's only making it worse. At times it's almost pushed me from being tolerant live your life as you see fit as long as you don't harm others to I'm fucking getting sick of this shit.
  7. Senile Sniffer's admin will surely add more sanctions to Africa.
  8. I'm sure her grandfather is proud...
  9. For some reason, I've always pictured Lydia to be this tall voluptuous body female who feels out of place because as her body started to develop the older she got, the more she was picked on. Obviously her proportions are not normal, but she comes to accept herself the way she is. But damn are those thighs a giant pair of nut-crackers. She can crush watermelons with ease. Better yet, gourds.
  10. Let's not forget the gimmick BS sold as "DLC" for Fallout 4 in a bundle. Some of which were just paid mods. Low tier and effort content. Even Obsidian did the same with Courier's Stash. It was nothing more than paid mods. Anyone can make a starter pack as a mod. Place a container in Doc Mitch's house and add some unique guns, ammo and set of unique armor.
  11. No. I won't. I could type a wall of text on all the reasons why from Bethesda to the mod community and scene. But I'm exhausted. I still think you can definitely get more than your money's worth out of these games, so long as you have the freedom to mod it like Skyrim and previous titles. For me,, it's beyond just Bethesda bugs. And I was ready to just let that go and accept their bug infesting games. But it's beyond the bugs at this point. Honestly, as exaggerating as the whole 1000 planets sounded coming out of Todd's mouth, it was the only thing that really sparked my interest of this game. I occasionally look for new worlds/lands in Skyrim, but 99.9% of the times I'm left with disappointment as they are too ambitious for the modder that it becomes abandoned, or they don't add navmesh in most areas. I would have gladly taken advantage of a few planets to create a world for exploration. I had some ideas in mind what I wanted to do on some of these planets, but that's also not going to happen as I also had projects lining up for Fallout 4 after the official trailer was released.
  12. What a bunch of idiots. But you can always count on idiots like this to rat themselves out.
  13. This shouldn't come with a surprise, but it still boggles my mind how many chronically stupid people we have in this world.
  14. There was already a match a month or so ago of men vs women. Wrong video but this was the one. Had this been men vs. men and the results were 12-0, the losing team would be ridiculed all the way to hell. In the 2014 World Cup, it was held in Brazil. I believe it was in the semifinals Germany vs. Brazil. Germany dominated the game and scored 7-1 giving Brazil the biggest beat down they've ever had. It was the most embarrassing moment Brazil had ever felt. I'll never forget that match. Brazil men's national team were very ego inflated and arrogant in that WC. And it was a savoring moment to see them put in their place. For me at least. They were in endless tears when the game was finished. I'm sure that scar still stings till this day.
  15. More world stupidity. And in other news: Jason Aldean latest song offends the cancer cancel culture. Color me shocked!
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