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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I'm sure her grandfather is proud...
  2. Let's not forget the gimmick BS sold as "DLC" for Fallout 4 in a bundle. Some of which were just paid mods. Low tier and effort content. Even Obsidian did the same with Courier's Stash. It was nothing more than paid mods. Anyone can make a starter pack as a mod. Place a container in Doc Mitch's house and add some unique guns, ammo and set of unique armor.
  3. No. I won't. I could type a wall of text on all the reasons why from Bethesda to the mod community and scene. But I'm exhausted. I still think you can definitely get more than your money's worth out of these games, so long as you have the freedom to mod it like Skyrim and previous titles. For me,, it's beyond just Bethesda bugs. And I was ready to just let that go and accept their bug infesting games. But it's beyond the bugs at this point. Honestly, as exaggerating as the whole 1000 planets sounded coming out of Todd's mouth, it was the only thing that really sparked my interest of this game. I occasionally look for new worlds/lands in Skyrim, but 99.9% of the times I'm left with disappointment as they are too ambitious for the modder that it becomes abandoned, or they don't add navmesh in most areas. I would have gladly taken advantage of a few planets to create a world for exploration. I had some ideas in mind what I wanted to do on some of these planets, but that's also not going to happen as I also had projects lining up for Fallout 4 after the official trailer was released.
  4. What a bunch of idiots. But you can always count on idiots like this to rat themselves out.
  5. This shouldn't come with a surprise, but it still boggles my mind how many chronically stupid people we have in this world.
  6. There was already a match a month or so ago of men vs women. Wrong video but this was the one. Had this been men vs. men and the results were 12-0, the losing team would be ridiculed all the way to hell. In the 2014 World Cup, it was held in Brazil. I believe it was in the semifinals Germany vs. Brazil. Germany dominated the game and scored 7-1 giving Brazil the biggest beat down they've ever had. It was the most embarrassing moment Brazil had ever felt. I'll never forget that match. Brazil men's national team were very ego inflated and arrogant in that WC. And it was a savoring moment to see them put in their place. For me at least. They were in endless tears when the game was finished. I'm sure that scar still stings till this day.
  7. More world stupidity. And in other news: Jason Aldean latest song offends the cancer cancel culture. Color me shocked!
  8. Title says it all. Can be anything. Image, video, something you did present or a fond memory from the past.
  9. How did google find out about the link? And can't they work with you and tell you which one it is? I mean, it's fucking stupid for them to flag every site because of some link to a malice site when every site is vulnerable to this that allows a link to be posted. You'd think if you are trying to figure this out they would offer some help.
  10. Just keep the tab open. At least I think that would be one way.
  11. I don't think any changes to this game will ever catch my interest again. I would've preferred a blank slate character and all the classes added from the table top. Since neither of those two seem to have fruition, I'll stick to my guns. Such a shame but to be expected. CDPR are not a developing team that makes an RPG, but rather an narrative story with RPG elements. I would've prefered the old school style of RPG with all classes and a blank slate character that you could see grow in the game. But every iteration will either be playing as V or some other letter in the alphabet.
  12. I was fortunate the few times many years ago never to get pulled over under the influence while driving. One of those times was smoking a joint with some friends in my room and then driving with one friend to some place. I was at the intersection in the front left lane waiting for the light to turn green. A cop was on the opposite side of the intersection in the front. I never felt so much weight of guilt on me. I started to panic and think that I would end up running over the curb once I make a left turn and the cop would flip his lights on and pull me over. I found a way to be calm and collective. I think that was the last time I smoked weed ever again. I was like 21 then. It's just not worth it for various reasons. I still drink, but I do so every now and then and at home.
  13. I can't help but cringe and laugh at the same time over this overgrown toddler. You couldn't pay me to be a police officer. I don't have the mental fortitude to deal with people like this. I would probably just laugh in her face as she cries like a child.
  14. The biggest mystery yet to be solved.
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