The idea behind these 'Opinions & Policy' articles (there will be more if needed) is to get the NSFW membership involved and active in a new forum culture. Unlike other gaming websites the staff here wants the members to be informed on the decision-making process. NSFWmods is NOT a 'Nanny State'. If a dubious post or mod gets deleted or hidden anyone will be able to see the reasoning behind what might be an unpopular staff decision. It won't be justification, there will be a tangible reason.
Additionally, the members who read this article will be informed and can determine on their own if they should or should not upload or post something that might be an issue. Members will also be able to identify potential problems on the forums and be an active part in making the site run smoothly.
As a side note; the conclusions in the article were made after extensive research, reviewing the forum software licensing and a lengthy staff discussion. Cases for and against were heard and after all considerations were addressed Doublezero made his decision. The situation wasn't taken lightly and the article is worded in a way to allow for staff discretion and consensus on all questionable content. If the staff feels that a mod or post might be substantially disruptive or otherwise damage the site it will not be allowed.