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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 1 hour ago, Nessa said:
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    The piracy thing was hilarious. 🤣 So he compares piracy to the holocaust, which any of us couldn't ever due, then gets away with it by pulling the "I can say this because I'm of Jewish descent" thing. 🤣🤣 Some incredible mental gymnastics there.

    And then he pulled a kickstarter for an album but only released a few short songs after getting over 10 times the budget.  😂 Nice scam there.

    Then he makes a subscription thingy for cloud based music creation, after comparing piracy to the holocaust. 🤣😂

    I didn't have an issue with his reaction to Bethesda. We all know beth is crap. Todd is crap. That sounds like something they would do.

    The women stuff, I don't buy that at all. More likely they were after him and he either said no or dumped them when he got a brain. (Geez the one woman is the very definition of woke freak.)

    Even with all that, TES6, assuming it ever gets released, won't have a decent soundtrack at least. Which means it will be a total woke dumpster fire.


    The more I'm thinking on it.... I only really like about half the Skyrim soundtrack anyway. I hated the title song, and despite liking Oblivion's soundtrack... I still had all music off there too. I always have music off in games as no matter how good it gets, it gets old.

    Until BG3. (Too bad it was so woke everywhere else. But mods are fixing it thank goodness!)

    That is unless they re-use the music that they had in previous games.  Tweak a bit maybe but keep the basics. Basically rip off the old games to try to make the new game meaningful.


  2. Good lord. Run the game without mods! Are you crazy?  :P

    If the unofficial patch fixes it, then, likely I had it fixted the entire time I played that game.  You are correct. I likely had mods that made that work properly like a metric shit ton of other stuff work properly. Or at least better.

  3. 2 hours ago, bjornk said:

    At this point I'm beginning to think that the "queer miners" of Dragonborn DLC (i.e. the miner guys using female animations) was perhaps intentional. 🤣

    I bet TES6 is gonna be a huge meme-fest in the worst possible way for Bethesda, might even force Todd to retire early. Hope I'll be around for the laughs. 🤣

    I'll have to check that out when I play Skyrim..

    Which is when hell freezes over :P

    I don't remember that. was it like that from the beginning? Or perhaps they slipped that in during one of there updates.

  4. 12 hours ago, bjornk said:



    Linux is moving towards immutable OS for general desktop users. It would be like downloading a chrome OS and then selectng your packages.

    Fedora has a version of this called Silverblue.

    It has been discussed for some time at least a year or more abut Unbuntu moving to immutable.

    The issue with "Snap" is it is unbuntu. it can be open but Unbuntu controls the entire ecosystem.  Also IMO it sucks. It is slower to start and uses more resources at least feels like it to me. Flatpacks is better IMO. I use old computers and not have a problem with Flatpack or distro downloads but Snaps were more of a problem.

    As for stories, I seen many of the stories mentioned about this. I didn't hear about the Shaman and the antiwhite for RedHat. I did hear they were in troubles but I didn't read into it.

    Use Debian is the best advice I can state. Mint is an easy to use for noobs. Debian is much better and less bullshit. Arch is great but you should know more about linux to use Arch. IMO at least.

    He is 100% accurate about Linus he is awesome.  He has helped protect linux.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    No one I know admits to playing it so the base has to come from the consolers/players-are-payers crowd.  Bethesda funnels manpower and funds into it, turning their 'every four years' dev cycle into what it is now.  Honestly, other than laughing I have no interest in what they're doing.

    They are chickens :P

    I have easily and readily stated that I played various games. Sometimes they were good enough for me.  I played .. actually tried Starfield as some people I know played it. They seemed to like it so I gave it my own check and found it was utter trash.  There has to be something going on with that game. It doesn't make sense except for the xbox subscription and they giving it to people.  That is liklley the reason for a portion of Starfield #s. People can jump in and fuck around for an afternoon without any real committment.

    I can't do that now as I don't have the subscription for xbox anymore with some of their bullshit. Haven't turned it on for the past couple of months and even got one of the games I liked once it popped up on sale on Steam.

    Slightly off topic. How good is the companies offerings (that made witcher I forget the name right now) Is it worth buyijng a game from them instead of Steam/Origin and whatever other bullshit ?

  6. 35 minutes ago, Nessa said:

    Yeah don't do it. I still have a working FO4 before they trashed that with the update (and that modding scene is still a mess by the way) but it is just not worth the effort anymore. Go play something that only needs a few mods to work out instead. (What few of those there are. 😅)

    For new stuff I only focus on indies now. All the AAA's can spew out is woke trash with ugly characters. And a good portion of the indies too. Have to look out for those bait and switch tactics like BG3. Pre-release (friend of mine got it then): no woke trash. Release: full of garbage. No thanks.

    I have actually started to look to the games that are an outrage to the left community. If they bitch about it likely it is at least a properly made game. Hogwarts the monkey game that just came out etc. hell even Robocop which was bitched about (not as much as it wasn't a AAA game ) was good for a decent amount of play through.

    If it has woke, or better to indicated the more wokeness it has, the less good it is. the more crap it is. 


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  7. 2 hours ago, Nessa said:

    Same. Even now when I see the bland, desolated wasteland screenies from Starfail, I amazingly still have no interest in even checking out the modding scene. Seems I at long last part company with Howardism. 🤣 (About damn time I think!! 😅)

    Hell if they (actual modders and players that I know and trust) stated that the modding tools and shit was in good shape and that progres is being made in making the game playable etc. That would at least get me to look seriously at it. The most I looked at it was on my xbox when I had a couple of months of the microsoft subscription where I could download various games and check them out.

    Guess what?  Can you guess how long I played it?
    You might be supprised that I lasted until I got off the planet. (the tutorial section)  It was bad, but I was still stupidly hopefull. Once I got to space and saw the bullshit that they setup. I was done. This combined with all the modders that have been steadfastly working on previous Bethesda Gamebro games stating that it is impossible (or near impossible) to work on modding and so frustrating. Combined with Bugthesda totally revamping a game that has been out for years fucking up the modding scene so that they can better tool for their bullshit creation club sales. Haven't looked at it.

    It is so bad that I have worked so hard to get my gaming machine back up and running that I have played old KTOR and other games and haven't even got the energy to start to mod any of the Bugthesda games. Keep telling myself I want to but when I sit down to actually start to go through the process of fixing the game so that it is mildely playable... I get frustrated and just fucking tired and go play another game that actually works out of the box.

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  8. 9 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Plenty of videos like this pointing out the obvious; 'the message' doesn't sell.


    Yet.. despite how many times this is proven, there are still companies that still do this.  There is a serious case of mental illness going around ;)

    9 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    And Putin has publicly announced that he wants Kamala-chameleon as President.

    And we should vote for Kamala!

    Nothing can go wrong with doing that, right?

    After all we all know Putin has our best interest in mind.

  9. Now a days you don't duell boot. You virutalize windows and then pass through some hardware if you desire and need it to the Windoze vm and use it. People game on virutalized windows in linux passing through the graphics card etc. There is a small hit on the performance but most people have well more powerful computers than they need to game with in any case. You still need to have a dedicated graphics card unless you  use one of those professional cards that cost wel more than an insanely configured gaming or even workstation. (Both AMD and Nvidia block that option to use VM for graphics for retail skus ;) yes, they are that much o f a shit)

    For people that just want to use windoze for some productivity office work etc. A simple basic VM is good enough an a newer machine.  Only the older and weaker machines are hindered but it still works just a bit slower and more limiited.

    There is even project looking glass for linux that is taking the graphics card output so that you don't h ave to kvm or swap inputs on your monitor (or have a dedicated monitor for windows vm) that is developing slowly but developing in any case.

    I exclusively use Linux for everything but my windows gaming. I don't know enough to be able to do the passthrough and some other setups otherwise I'd have it on my gaming computer and VM Winndowz and call it a day. The only outer place I use Windoze is at work and that is required for their antiquated setup and security "concerns".  Laughs to self.  The crazy thing is almost every back end tool they use is Linux capable. Their cridtical systems (servers) are linux and they use Windows for the end users. lol.

    Before someone decides to start bitching about Linux... there are a lot of issues regarding Linux and it is a pain for someone that wants to point their cursor on something and have it just work.

    As for running all 3 OS's. You can build an hackintosh and do that. I haven't but know people that have and so far they are still able to use the most current OS so Apple hasn't blocked that yet. I currently have an old intel mac pro that I got refurbed for less than 200 dollars that works fine and I was going to play around with Linux on it as well as multiboot and such. I might just do exactly what @Nessa mentionied!  I'd not be able to store much on it as it has 250gigs SSD but that is enough for setup of all three OSs. (not enough ram for vm for this machinie at least not for Windoze bloat ware. I can get a VM linux working well on that .. or should be able to as I had a similar setup on an old i5 third gen intel laptop)

    People who are willing to and want to put in a bit of effort should move to Linux for the majority of their computing needs. Hell even Windows gaming is much improved over what it was just 10 years ago. With Microsoft continuing their "Recall" bullshit and requiring an Microsoft account for registering windoze (and blocking each way that comes up to bypass this) amoung other bullshit they are doing... this is only going to push people off Microsoft Windoze and elsewhere. At least those that have the ability and desire to dig in and do a bit of reading and learning.

    I did VM linux for a bout a year or more off and on, then moved to an very old laptop mentioned above. Since replaced that laptop with another cheaper (and more powerful but not much more lol) laptop and exclusively use Linux. When I am not on a linux laptop Iam using Chrome (linux with some google features) Yes they track you. I use Chrome for my Google accounts which I had for decades (since it started or close to it) and am moving away from it.  When I am able to setup a linux server with some nice storage space, I will move even more from it. Email, dropbox, mega etc replacement the works. Serve my movies (ripped from my DVDs) as well as music (ripped from my CDs ) all working with out any big brother bullshit of Google, apple ir especially Microsoft.



    Move from Windows/Apple etc. to Linux. If you are smart.

    Many sources on the web to learn from.

    Treat Windowze like the bitch it is. ;)


    P.S. I use Debian based Linux.  Arch is too bleeding edge IMO for a noob. I don't like chasing bugs and issues. Fedora is derived from a company that is a Microsoft equivilant in the Linux world. Linux Mint  is the ones I'd suggest for someone new.


    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, bjornk said:

    Josh "Go watch porn!" Sawyer should never open his bloody mouth, ever, about anything.

    As for Chris Avellon...

    I had completely forgotten this guy, except the fact that I never really liked him. I remember that he also was a spineless guy just like Cain. I'm sure there's a reason why he's critical now about the lore and shit, he's never opened his mouth for anything about the "lore" that Bethesda shat upon in Fallout 76.

    The tweets linked above in case you can't see them:



    This Chris?



  11. 1 hour ago, bjornk said:

    Looks like Recall will be recalled in October. 🤣

    "Microsoft will try the data-scraping Windows Recall feature again in October"




    Keep that shit up Microsoft.  Other than a gaming computer which has shit all on it and my work computer (that work provides) I don't use Microsnooze. I moved to linux and getting more proficient to the point that I might do the Linux from scratch where I don't even use the distro setup.  Or at a minimum use the source OS that everybody butches to create their distro

    I haven't been using windoze for months for my daily driving and general work.

    There are alternitives that people have and will start to move to with this bullshit you keep on trying to do.  Now we can't even create a local account? Seriously? NOt without jumping through a ton of hoops that you keep on removing options and ability to do so.

    Oh and even Windoze gaming on Linux is getting better and better with ever better tools.

  12. On 8/26/2024 at 6:57 AM, Doublezero said:


    If you are hiring too many white men etc. It can be a bias but it also can be that the indistry is dominated by this metric. What to do? Companies can hire those that don't have all the skills BUT put them in a program to help develop these skills.  Grow and develop those alternate groups. The problem wasn't hiring a diverse workforce. It was due to fucking hire loosers that can't do the basics of the job.

  13. On 8/19/2024 at 4:18 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    Hit the road Joe, and don't you come back no-mo-no-mo-no-mo.

    Wow. They did him wrong. Real wrong.
    That just shows what they are and how they think. Can't even give a few moments of respect to Biden and his democrat career. Like hiim or not. he performed within the democrats agenda and got their shit done.  Start to have some issues and you get a kick in the ass and totally disrespected. Just wow. Jesus Christ they were assholes to him.  Fuck Kackles worked with him as second in command for a little over 3 years and still no respect? Shit. That is just cold.

    What can you expect from them? 

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  14. What shows you how bad your group you thought you were part of is actually is can be seen as an example below:




    They just pushed him so late most people didn't even see him. I know some people (that liked him) waited through all that BS to see him and ended up just going to sleep before he was allowed on the stage.  Seriously? That is how you treat someone? It was bad enough that you both hid the fact that he was deteriorating from the public and then once it was so clear and the shit stunk to high heaven you ousted him. They had to go and disrespect him on what might be his last major public speech? Just wow.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

    For about a week I've been getting bombarded on Youtube with shill/cope 'Ukraine is winning' video recommendations.  Just about every one I bother to look at is cobbled together stock footage with AI voiceovers.  Can't figure out if it's a psyops or hate-watch engagement farming.  Whatever is going on, I block them and they get replaced with another channel doing the same thing.  Now when something pops up I don't recognize it gets blocked out of hand.  Pretty annoying.

    I can't tell you how many videos I was given through Facebook regarding Kackles needing us to donate.  Right after she was the prime canidate this started. I kept on getting them until I realized that they were using a mailing list from the local goverment that is supposed to be used to give out details of policies, rules, general infromation regarding what is going on.

    I mention that as there might be something going on with your browser.  some random cookie that they are looking at to send this to you. Perhaps you are researching news on the subject.  My browser I used for bulshit searches dumps everyting once I shut it down. Nothing stays so I get fresh results based on the ... then current searches.  I used to get a metric shit ton of shit like that and other shit I had no interest in.

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