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File Comments posted by ritualclarity

  1. 4 hours ago, Nikos1231 said:

    can someone just send me the base ids for the outfits so i can spawn them directly to my character cause i cant find a way to make it work with the coc command :(

    get FNVedit.. open it and look at this mods list there.. You should see this under armors or something like this to get the code. 

    It is likely you typed something wrong or did something wrong.  Also keep in mind once you get there you will need to return to the game world again and use a coc location command (inserting your favorite location command ) to return.

    Keep practicing and learning. This site sort of requires you to be a bit more advanced to use some of the mods. Kendo's especially so.

  2. On 7/11/2019 at 12:46 AM, sykoholic001 said:

    Since I can't even seem to open a .package file, I'd say it's pretty clear that I don't know what I'm doing so... 😕

    Well start reading some of this


    Of course keep in mind all the work you are doing is for your own personal use. Cant be distributed Unless permitted by Kendo ;)


    After basic understanding of how to install mods and such (posted previously) then you need to learn how to do the mods.. after understanding that. Then you might be able to understand how to tweak a premade mod. (some might not be able to be done that way or problems occur. if that happens ask the author :) Might be ignored but... worth the effort )


    I haven't made or tweaked any mods but I am told by many sims 4 authors it is not that hard to make mods for Sims compared to some other games.


  3. 4 hours ago, Thehunteroftruth said:

    very good job! I like that you made the underwear a separate item. Keep up the good work!

    That was a very nice, concise comment. Thank You and welcome to the site! Hope you have fun while here.

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  4. Thanks... for the added detail. Hopefully this gives the info needed. :) Might be a bit before Kendo is able to respond.

    I never looked "up there" before that i can remember... lol. so I am not sure about if I ever had that problem... ;)

  5. 4 hours ago, Gazyi said:

    Can you fix UV on Breeze's legion/marked armors?

    As far as I know there shouldn't be any UV issues with Breezes armors anywhere. However, if there is any, I would assume Kendo would need some examples of what you are experiencing, the mods being used etc, etc. so that he can understand the issue before any answer can be given or any "fix" can be done.

    Note: I haven't ran into any issues with Kendo's Breezes bodies regardless of which faction etc was encountered. This is the reason I state there shouldn't be any issues...

  6. I believe you'd have to rework the textures and change those to a color that you'd want. It is a bit of work to do this.

    Personally, I don't see them as super dark. They might be, but they aren't distracting from the captures that are available. They look fine as far as I can see.

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    Fusion Heels n09

       549    9
    13 hours ago, JoshQ said:

    The real hero is MarkJS he created what I believe were the first shoes capable of increasing height then if I'm not mistaken MJ95 (maker of the Madlen shoes) followed, in the middle you have people like CmarNYC, Blooms Base, MrAntonieddu and many more who contributed in several ways. After a lot of months I was able to finally understand how those shoes worked and how to make my own then it was a matter of learning how to mesh, generate textures, morphs, bones and of course battling with the game itself :P

    It sounds very difficult but the biggest hurdle is know how to mesh programs like Metasequoia, Blender or Wings 3D are a big help, the rest is just to get used to the game's specifics and limitations. One day I will write about the basics.

    :) Humble as well...

    Don't sell yourself short in any fashion. They were the trailblazers and proved that it could be done however, it is no easy feat even with guidance and proof of concepts to get this level of work done.


    t was a matter of learning how to mesh, generate textures, morphs, bones and of course battling with the game itself :P

    You were learning from scratch. New or at least pretty new to the idea of modding and content creation. You went from that to the level you are. This is what I find amazing. Proof concept that if someone is willing to work at it they can do and create great things. Most newer mod users have the concept that people doing this are experienced in texture creation, meshes, animations and such already and just using their skills to make some mods for the community when in fact, many modders first experiences are doing those mods they are working on. Which is so AWESOME when you think of it.

    I really hope you do write about the basics sometime. Retextures for example, slight mesh alteration or even how to change where the shoes are shown in the sims game would be great. Really anything that could get some more people creating content that they want and don't have.

    Fusion Heels n09

       549    9
    2 hours ago, JoshQ said:

    That's right, shortened legs (and lack of bunny suits) were some of the reasons I decided to learn how to mod this game, oh boy what a trip! Thanks for your support I really, really appreciate it :D

    You deserve the support. There are authors that do recolor and retexture etc. I understand the process somewhat however I understand that even the shear amount of effort it would take to do what you did (even more when you didn't know how to do it)  pales by comparison to the actual work needed. This is because even though I understand the gist and some of the procedures that are done. I have no clue or ability to understand the actual complexity of the actual task.

    For those newer members, If I am correct, JoshQ actually redid the meshes in such a way that you could have proper high heels (where as Karma appreciates the character gets taller) This is far different than creating a set of shoes to cover the feet alone. Trust me. Then to make it compatible with the rest of the game and any mods that follow the same expected structure of EA... Can't even fathom how that was done. :) 


    Fusion Heels n09

       549    9
    8 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

    i never liked high heals in TS3 because Sims' height didn't change, wearing high heals shoes actually shortened legs...

    with all the shoes you are posting it isn't so, they actually do what heals are supposed to do... so i really like them !

    thanks. :D

    JoshQ has really taken his time to learn the trade. His skill is easily recognized by looking at the works he has done. The "Devil is in the details" is what you are pointing out. The little things that mean so much and make such a difference. These little touches really make this such a great mod and JoshQ such a great mod author.

    I don't have Sims 3 (however starting to consider the purchase due to excellent mods like this one) but if I did I truly believe this is one of the first mods I would install in my game.

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