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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Not a problem. WE aren't like other sites. You were asking about a simple question that was answered then it just grew (naturally). This should be a better location for this discussion. Hopefully someone can chime in and give some pointers... I'd suggest watching some Blender tutorial videos from Youtube to get the basics down.
  2. Now the rad roach children can have a space of their own
  3. Yep... Asenasen is your guy. A master at that. There are some others here that likely can do that, but they are mostly in other games. Got lots of talent here.
  4. the videography of that video is like a cross of the way to old school educational video and a mid 80's porno... lol Music however, is much improved... over that. lol. However, that is the great thing about this thread. You hear classics and all sorts of other things you might never (likely never) get a chance to hear!
  5. Channeling some of the 70's disco/funk goodness. Big hair, and bigger pant legs and highly combustable clothing (and hair) Ah, Memories.... Listen to the song lyrics... She is so fresh.. Fresh as a summer breeze.. (one would hope it wasn't the opposite case )
  6. Lets Celebrate... There is a party going on right here....
  7. We didn't need the constant monologue... A reporter she is not. The authority are just going to sit there and wait until it "stinks" to high heaven and people decide they had enough of that shit. I would suspect if this occurs much longer that the authorities wouldn't start to build a wall around the area and secure the exterior got some problem people... instead of sending them to prison for minor problems... just send them there We have people traveling thousands of miles to get away from that shit and in the US we have people sitting there crying about how bad it is (video) and not walking a few blocks out of that shit... Seriously.
  8. As funny as those mems are... Missouri does have rights to defend your property https://statelaws.findlaw.com/missouri-law/missouri-self-defense-laws.html however, https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/will-gun-wielding-st-louis-attorneys-be-able-to-hide-behind-the-states-castle-doctrine/ https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3750&context=mlr Not specific to this but.. https://www.jgradyrandlepc.com/local-governmental-entities/gated-communities-private-roads-public-services-practical-guide/ Definitely cringe-worthy
  9. Yes, much better. But you always know what to do
  10. Superpowers... Taste like a Kiwi
  11. Either the Covid -19 issue wasn't as bad as they expected and they aren't telling us.. or the average person's life doesn't mean shit. Prohibit a person from buying fucking gardening supplies to work his garden but ... fuck let massive riots and looting um, a, peaceful protesting to occur where 1000's of people are standing on top of each other. To the government, (those in power) choose a fucking narrative and try, please try to stick with it. It is bad enough that you can't make it make any sense, but at least stick with it my intellect is being assaulted enough as it is. @driftscape start doing what you wanted to within whatever possible avenues you can.
  12. I was just thinking of the extremely high amount of mentally ill people that are walking around in society these days and wonder how many of them are being caught up in all this crap. It is sad really that they are likely being caught up in this. (like that woman kissing shoes) 2020 is truly turning into the year of cringe with the amount of falsehoods and downright lies being tossed around and people eating it up and spouting bullshit without any attempt to understand what they are saying.
  13. isn't it amazing that someone that has the willingness to use some common sense and try to understand a problem .. in an honest fashion is attractive? At least to me, that is high on the criteria for attractiveness. Don't have to agree with said person, just see that they have a solid well thought out position with an open mind. On a side note.. what is with the weird camera angles (that aren't necessary of course) I have seen this on other videos from women. Is the new thang?
  14. j One reason for not banning guns / conceal and carry For when the shit hits the fan and people are being assholes and the government shits the bed. Also I am in touch with someone in LA like that person in the video and was cheering on their response to this bullshit. Busing in people to break shit up..WTF.. go break your own shit up where you live. Peaceful protest and demonstrations and such .. is another matter. We have had people come in from out of state (according to info found out by the police from video and such) to do looting a local commercial strip where I live. Likely none of them even lived there. Stupid fucks were driving rental cars.... doubt all of those cars were stolen. (at the peak 20~30 such rental cars) Hit the place not once, 2tmes but 3 times before they stopped (likely left to go home)
  15. RANT INCOMING (also very cringe ) Keep on barking up the wrong fucking tree. See where that will get ya.
  16. I don't know about you .... I wasn't thinking anything along the lines of what the speaker of this video is for 5:26... Just there looking at her ass.. lol. Didn't care about the art that was attempted to be created. Also, black face... NO, NO, oh lord NO! Seriously, NO... shouldn't need to be said but... guess now a days it is needed.
  17. That would be hilarious.
  18. There are likely more options, I don't do Sims and haven't edited them myself. Perhaps post a thread asking for info on modeling and such for Sims (your choice of version) there are some here that have done mods. They might be able to h elp guide you more. That or some Google searches. I know there has to be some easier ways to do some if this.
  19. A bit of Queen this Friday. Queen Bohemian Rhapsody (Live from Budapest, 1986)
  20. Yep... and of course we are to de-fund the police...
  21. just put (sarcasm) at the end of the remark? Is that so hard? That is so silly to have a specific font for this.. if you have to, gotta have it.. then why not a emoticon ? Perhaps a S like found on superman's outfit for how powerful and clever you were (sarcasm) Even that is stupid.. they don't follow the rules, or the OP's request but someone expects they will change out fonts for sarcasm... really?
  22. If you have to shave your heads there are better causes to do so than that. How about for cancer? To help give long hair to little girls and women that have lost it due to cancer? From the photo and reason, I believe that just ended up on the floor to be swept up. Such a waste.
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