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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. WTF... WOW https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44486
  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-14/austria-tests-easing-lockdown-with-some-stores-reopening-tuesday
  3. or taken under the bleachers.. lol
  4. Why purple? Is there a reason for that or is it just to be 100% clear and sure that it couldn't be missed. Also depending on where you live etc.. Gas, Electric, utilities etc can come in.. (however, they are required to announce their visit.. .call out etc when they do) as for the postal service I was always told that you can move your postal box to the start of your property /edge of it. Then even the postal worker can't step on the property.
  5. His mod... (likely with a fair bit of tweaking and such) I'd start with the body and makeup mods available here. Then see what you can do and work from there.
  6. Ah, is that the reason you aren't able to get seeds from Walmart? @Kendo 2 The birthday card is reasonable as it can be a carry the disease if given shortly after contact with a Covid positive person. Seeds and shovels. not so much
  7. Of course... I see, my bad.. I wasn't clear... She was growing some of her stuff (through you) instead of buying it. Even more the valuable, when she has to do next to nothing! (germinate.. and drive. ) lol
  8. Nobody will (and shouldn't know) due to the HIPAA laws. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/laws-regulations/index.html Even though the acts of these individuals can effect others. I'd watch to see if anyone is isolating that normally wouldn't be. Likely that is the person. However, to be honest. I am Isolating but that is due to be being at added risk because I am sick from Asthma. (on a side note... nobody told me that I can do "therapy" to help with that . just 5 days into doing them (in a shitty way by the way) my lungs have more capacity than they did 20 years ago! Anyway, I digress) So it could be that as well. But it is a hint that something might be going on. The rest you might be able to figure out with the rest of your "Team" The bullshit of how things are being done in patchwork style is really pissing me off. What needed to be done is a national directive, covering what happens when / if someone does come down in that area and is confirmed. I believe your local leaders are to be blamed for that. TBH, it is happening here as well. Doesn't seem to be as bad as in your location as most everything is pretty much standard now.. but there are a few things here and there that aren't. As for walmart. What is to like... ? WTF ban anything for sale? If they are open they should sell whatever they have. Now if they can't get more of somethings then that might be a different story. (note on the CANT) Besides, it seems as if your area is ripe for gardens and growing and such. Can't see a reason for it not to be available. Just another example of companies doing stupid shit without really understanding what the fuck is going on. Not restocking garden supplies ietc n my area makes sense. it is difficult to do much here other than plant a bush or flower. Your area... seems like it would be stupid to not sell and restock supplies. So fucking sad considering Walmart has a incredible inventory tracking and logistic setup. It isn't that they can't relocate and stock just they don't fucking want to for some likely dumb as rocks reason.
  9. The only problem with the theory I can see is if they wash away easily after the cardboard rots. (don't know your specifics related to rain and such) If it was in my area.. that wouldn't likely be a good idea due to the way the water runs around my home. (however, there isn't enough light do that is a moot point but still) It is nice to see that another person sees the value in growing your own. (your sister growing some of her own stuff)
  10. She does have a mom vibe... I can see that.
  11. I agree with you on this character. Not grabbing me like the other fantastic characters you have created.
  12. I can see it. It is one of those faces.. if she likes you it is sweet.. if she hates or dislikes you.. it is snooty or bitchy. I would love to see some of that bitchy ness worked out of her in one of your comics!
  13. Don't let anyone get you down on this. I WISH I could do what you are doing but currently where I am I can't. Not in any meaningful way if it can be done at all. (not much light even for window or such planters ) I know others doing exactly what you are doing as well due to the current events. Among other things. (prepper)
  14. Hey if you had a jack that worked forever.. then you got your monies worth out of it IMO. I am so far out of date on what to do with tools (auto) .. lol. I was looking under the car I got and didn't understand how to use the jack with that stip of metal there .. I was used to actually seeing a FRAME... (old GM A frames etc)
  15. The jack I used was because I was 17 (and more stupid than smart) AND it worked fairly well. I would never have used something that required 2x4 and such to do so. As for the longer handle.. perhaps you can get a length of pipe and use it just for jacking? Not the best and not advised but.. could do in a pinch if needed. I know of some that have tack welded an extension to the pipe (depending on the model of the jack and type of metal of course. My old jack had an extension that was built for that type of work. https://www.floorjackshop.com/how-to-use-a-floor-jack-extender/ In any case, remember that a jack is designed to only lift and lower not hold. Too many use if to hold.. that is what jack stands are for. I am sure you know that but just in case I have to put that out there. I've seen people get hurt and property damaged, (mainly a friend of mine that just to live upstairs from me) they did about everything that wasn't suppose to be done. Amazing the crazy things a person does when they are young! Exactly! Try telling that to a 17 year old trying to save 400 dollars! Now I have a nice appropriate low jack that can get under these newer cars easily. A proper "puck" (I believe that is what is called) that can be used to not damage some of the undersides of cars that have strange formed frames. (piece of steel for example that is thin and runs along the bottom right where the jack point is located. It even has a nice case and small enough to easily lift and carry if needed (yes, a bit of effort but not hard) Not like the old jack that weighted maybe 75 pounds with all the equipment I wasn't able to use that jack for more than 12 years because it had too much of a height. I would have had to jack the car first then jack it with that jack.. My brother in law has repaired it and even did some restoration in the process (its exterior was rusting a bit, the original paint was corroded / damaged) Leave with a funny story. I have worked on cars pretty much not heavy like rebuild a trans or engine but replace parts. Anyway about a funny story. My friend mentioned above used a come along to try to remove a stuck transmission off a f150 (believe it was a 1990 model perhaps even mid 80's. don't know, had real glass headlights if that helps. ) Well he decided it was not smart (after being told it wasn't) to mount the come along to a solid wall. because of course it would pull the truck off the stands if not careful. Well he decided instead when he was told it was stupid idea ot use that tool.. to mount it to the back bumper of the truck.... well you can guess what happened to the bumper. The truck had over 200 thousand miles and was at least 10 years old and was beaten and abused for those years and rusted badly... if you guessed he badly bent the bumper.. you'd be correct? That reminds me of bumpers.. another friend had a bumper that was pushed in. IN the old days 70s cars had bumper shocks. They would gon in and then come back out.. like a shock. however when the get old.. they get stuck. Instead of replacing them (don't know if that was a possibility though) with something that was new or refurbish, he decided to pull it back out. He decided to use the electric pole to do so... Well those poles are solid as fuck compared to a close to 20 year old rusted bumper from an olds. yep.. he pulled the fucker right off the car. With little effort. Now, to be clear. He was told not to touch that bumper. By his brother, me, the original owner (which made it a point to cover the problems with the car since the buyer was just turning 18 .. .he sold it for 100 over junk pick up price. It ran and worked and had decent breaks. Worked for a year afterwards and still worked when he finally gave it up when some minor electrical issue came up with the lighting which prevented it from being safe to drive (breaks lights) Everybody telling him he can't do anything except get a replacement. He pulled the fucker right off the car. His replacement... he replaced a metal fuel line with a rubber one.. THAT RAN ACROSS THE ENGINE! amount other things. I can create a thread on the antics that this dude did to his cars.. There is stupid.. .and there is crazy stupid things people do with their cars to repar them.
  16. I had a leaky jack once a long time ago. Didn't matter, use the Jack Stands for the "major lifting". The jack was only to get things started. I was young and couldn't afford to get a new jack at that time. OFC nobody went under or even reached under (more than to put the jack stands) Also, it would hold well for about an hour losing about an inch every 15~30 minutes so wasn't loosing too badly or quickly. Still had it for a long time (it was huge) and traded it to my brother in law for a newer smaller one that I works perfectly on a small car and such that own (not a truck anymore) he went and fixed it. (changed the seals and such) prehaps you could .. mine was a mechanic version and apparently not many like that are sold anymore. (oh and I got a break job on all 4 of my tires .. labor only, included ) My sister stated he was tickled to be able to get that antique!
  17. Throw a couple a day... keep us teased
  18. ritualclarity


    Is that from Megaton Saloon where Mr. Burke would sit?
  19. ritualclarity

    Midnights in Megaton

    Hope she is following CDC guidelines for Social Distancing...
  20. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/488919-fbi-white-supremacists-encouraging-members-to-spread
  21. What the hell? I had more posted there. Serious comments... Well.. it went like this... I(Ill post the general of what i tried previously here so not to confuse the thread. )How bad will this cause the economy to crash.. ( using the starter comment as an example) money won't be made. How long before serious financial issues occur for those that aren't sick. Go to work and school is fine but... What if like the above example.. your work is bar keeping, clubs, etc. Work is restaurants and food establishments. We are getting toward spring.. Tourism (Florida for example) what about the revenue lost there. Restaurants are starting to open their outdoor parts for patrons... Where will they be if this continues. Most of the above make their money just to survive and continue for next season. I can see lots of establishments filing bankruptcy if there isn't some protections for them during this time. For something they can't in any way control... World wide.. seasonal tourism for example. Helps many poor er countries get much needed cash.. Italy for example they will be seriously harmed by this (and shutting down as mentioned above.) When you take into consideration what is happening... Wow.. its going to be a world of hurt for all people.. not just those that get sick. Everybody will feel the pain. What if this continues on (which it appears only to be starting.. ) and you loose your job due to being sick and having time off.. or taking care of someone else that is seriously sick (like a parent or something) and you get sick after you loose your insurance.. ? Serious pain is coming. Government revenuer from events like parades, sporting events and such. Already they are shutting down many events and it is just starting. What about the tax impact of that ? Combined with all those people needing assistance (medical) that might not have medical.. Wow.
  22. So that means a stripper goes to the club but has no customers... ?
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