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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. You can always make a play on the Captan Cosmos idea. Instead of being a hero he coudl be a zero. Then there shouldn't be much of an issue with the outfits having issues of looking bad. Something to think of. A Hero turned zero... Well, after all it is SUPPOSE TO LOOK LIKE A CRAPPY 50s TV SHOW.. lol So in this case by your own admission you succeeded greatly! You can't fail even if you wanted to.
  2. LOL.. looking at this, I thought about the possibility to change the Overseer into the Chimp... lol
  3. The only thing like this I liked in Fallout 4 was Nuka Girl.
  4. I wasn't saying that the wasn't hot. I was stating how "wrong" it was to be attracted to her when I was very young.. Before I really started looking that way at women. That is all. In any case, Kendo's work reminded me of her even though I doubt it was intentional.
  5. Cheetara! LOL She is an alien... I am so wrong. When I was very young I thought she was so hot.. before I knew what Hot meant... lol I'm so bad.. LOL
  6. Chimps don't have tails. Monkeys do. In any case, having a tail might not work out well as it likely won't be animated well (unless you can do something with the Skyrim race that have tails ? ) In any case, if you were interested in releasing this there are some children's clothes that would work well and be period appropriate as well. Zip the monkey is one example there are others from the turn of the century. Still used... However, not actual Chimps.. For example "the Umbrella Academy" The butler is a chimp. lol
  7. Shit yes... !! Too bad there isn't some outfits that can go with it. Equal hilarious as well.. I can see someone running through the wasteland killing and doing other things in this suit.
  8. All good on my end. I didn't notice any changes. (which I assume is a good thing )
  9. I believe in 6 months they are suppose to offer a Steam option but without all the extras. Interesting thought I had though. If you can get a few of a group to go hog wild in the game desiring it.. they motivate others to play it. Some of the people I know have groups that they get together on a night or weekend and play together. They have planned games that they will be playing as a group. In order to be part of that "group" you have to get the game or abstain. Older people likely can take it or leave it but younger ones... might not be so capable. I am fairly sure at least one of the group that I know doing this got it just to be part of the gaming group and play. That sucks. Going out to a movie or something cheap (comparatively) is one thing. This is way more. or is it. After all, it can be played again and again for a long time. It was just something I was thinking of. Trying to understand why so many gaming companies are getting successful, successful that they can basically tell their hard core fans to go fuck themselves. 10-15 years ago this wasn't the case in almost any industry. Now movies and practically everybody is doing it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/08/06/are-take-twos-massive-sales-expectations-for-borderlands-3-reasonable/#29f212726bd5 48 million August 2019 (sales) ^ Not sure how that ranks to other games of that level+ LOL IT RELEASES ON FRIDAY THE 13TH
  10. So many RL people I know are getting this. Paying THIS. Planning on time off from work. So bad that when someone request a day off around the release time the boss ask if it is for Borderlands 3. I am fucking serious here. Anyone else here excited? I played the first or second one (I forget) and didn't get far into it. don''t get me wrong. The game is solid just didn't grab me. However I am not really playing with friends etc (being fucking antisocial.. lol ) Also looking at this .. the package ... etc.. Makes me think this is what other companies are really trying to achieve. Covet even. thoughts?
  11. I missed this when it was first posted
  12. Actually that is cool in itself. Looking forward to the possibility of seeing some of this in a future comic or even a single page of work Also, much better looking alien females from previous version you shown me. The face is weird but great at the same time. First is it like .. OK ,, nice looking woman then.. you look again and notice the strange things happening. The alien things.
  13. Awesome idea. Does the appendages wiggle or move?
  14. There are always swings in society. With Chappelle's show and the fact that it was a success, might show that now is the time for those that want to make such materials to come out in force.
  15. Many famous and critically acclaimed movies wouldn't be able to be produced in today politically correct world.
  16. It isn't cringe for me. It is just a shit show. Pages of pages of the same shit. It was put there to attract post and outrage. Seriously, even if you are stupid as fuck as to what to say or do in x situation (in this case a Trans) if they are offended.. you stop if you didn't want to offend.. Apologize if necessary. Most trans are quite tolerant to those that aren't intending offense. Shemales don't find it offensive if they are in the industry because that is what they are called. They use that to attract those that are interested in someone with a Dick that isn't a "male". Think of it as a porn "Trigger Word" for masturbation in those interested in that. Shemale, Ladyboy and others are $$$$$$$ for them. As for Trolling.. just create an account using a proxy. done. But honestly... It is just a shit show. At least from my point of view. OH.. and FML.. .I finally seen a sign posted on an outside of a business that said "get woke" on the bottom of the sign. (one of those like out side of a Gas Station, Burger king etc. Where you can combine the letters etc. It isn't even worth reading... Just a waste of internet space. 5 minutes I will never be able to get back
  17. ritualclarity


    I don't think I seen them. I thought I seen all the vampire and such movies! I guess not Hey, if you or someone else reading this knows of some great Hammer ones.. perhaps post them on the Movie thread!
  18. ritualclarity


    Not sure I seen any "hammer' vampire show. I'll have to check into it.
  19. They publicly stated that they wern't going "DLCs" but expansions.. As I understand it. If that is the case.. the "Expansion" will be stuff that should be included in the original game. Just like other companies are doing. Short changing the consumer and then adding content later. Now... if they do like they did with Witcher and give that to those that bought the game for free. Then they haven't went all the way to the Bethesda/EA dark side yet. I can't tell you how interested I was in this game. Now how disappointed I am in what they are trying to do.
  20. They had YEARS to develop this game. YEARS!!!! The game (pen and paper) has these classes.. it NEEDS to be in the game. There is no reason for it to be out... unless they are trying to do what other companies now do. Sell an expansion. Remember the comment "Reasonably Priced Expansions" however, it should have been part of the game to begin with unlike Witcher's additions Lets wait and see if they do that. Previously I would have stated that they are still working on the game, and still have some time to work out some of those added classes and might possibly add them. however, with them fucking around and changing shit that isn't necessary they won't have the time to do this now.
  21. I was with them on their choice of third vs first person. It is something many companies have to choose to do early on. Nothing unusual. However, allowing harassment of the fans that are voicing a desire for one or the other is quite another thing. Perhaps that is /was an early warning sign of things to come. One thing this should prove beyond a doubt for those that wanted this game to be great and now think "?" and not so sure to positive that it is crap for them, is one of the most awarded game companies can change drastically on their products /releases and pre-purchasing anything from them is a great risk. A risk that isn't deserved regardless of how long in the past they were great for you with their previous releases. There isn't any honor or adherence to the previous formula or loyal fans to give them what they have wanted and desired. The companies, EA, Bethesda, CD Project Red, isn't looking at that, sadly enough, they are looking at trying to formulate where they can get the best bang for the buck, fuck their fans, their loyal customers and consumers. What is really sad.. is they (CD Project Red) will win all the awards that they did before. They WILL BE PRAISED for their work on this game. They will make more $$$ than most any other game company. With the Hype.. I don't see them crashing on releasing this game. They won't release it with the piss poor quality that Bioware did with MEA or Bethesda did with Fallout 76. It will be polished as much as possible. With the bar being set so low now from other gaming companies.. people will praise them for doing their fucking jobs and releasing a quality final product that is fairly polished. The situation with gaming and releases is so piss poor now (not including Indy or small gaming companies)
  22. Na... Alien sperm... True Story! LOL
  23. It is still good to see you flex your modding muscles once in a while on a project regardless of the reasons.
  24. Nobody is complaining about Saints Row 2 presets. There is still MALE and FEMALE which you can alter to what you desired. The developers didn't try to remove things in a political way.. they added options that some might find appealing for the customization. This isn't what is happening at CD Project red. CDProject RED is trying to be political by removing all mention of the word. (trigger for SJW) The only thing they didn't do is put the word "They" in its place during character development. I am a HUGE fan of Witcher III and only wanted the best from the newest project but I have to agree with the concerns of people that CD Project Red will add more and more SJW content / features into the game that isn't necessary, that isn't required. Forced into the system. Now thinking back to Witcher, It is entirely possible that they would have done something similar if they didn't have the main character so firmly rooted into literature. Now with more freedom with their story (giving us more freedom) they can start to develop and do things they could only dream of back when working on Witcher. The more that is happening with Cyber PUnk makes me think more and more about how much of that content was in Witcher and how unlikely some of that would ever have become public in a middle age if trying to be somewhat realistic. It is making me think about my fandom of Witcher now. Possible reconsideration?
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