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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I love how she blames the Porn industry for destroying her relationship with her family. She can't take any responsibility for her own actions. SHE chose to do that job with the very likely knowledge that her family wouldn't accept it or her for doing such a thing. People love blaming others for their plight in the world... can't take responsibility for their own actions.
  2. It is more likely they are thinking that nobody will continue to show them up
  3. They just remove the name male and female from the game? WTF.. Wow. The more and more I see the game, the more and more it looks like they are taking steps backwards in what they are producing.
  4. This was the last possible game I would have considered preordering. Fucking glad I didn't! Yes, shitty. They aren't being inclusive.. they are removing other options. If they had say Male Female, custom.. with that being able to pick and choose what you wanted... that would have been cool. It would have worked out as there would be some that after playing through a few times would choose that to change things up and explore that option. Those that want to be "They" (non gendered so someone told me was the term.. at least around where I live. Met two "people" that "identify" as "They". That is just confusing as fuck but I don't care. I am perfectly fine with letting them be "They" if they so choose to be but I am not going to fork out premium $$$ to play a game that removed the standard options. I believe I read somewhere that they (CD Project Red) sated that they wouldn't use him again. (perhaps a camio but that is about it) and instead would be using the Witcher world instead. Even if this is the case, that world has clear Male and Female roles. There is an option (cross dressing elf) and other alternate lifestyles that they could introduce into the game as options if they decided to open up the character to this, but I can't see them being able to pull that off on this as easily as they can with 2077 The author is trying to sue for the money and such but I believe based on my reading he has shit to stand on. Nothing, zero, zilch.. his rights are fucked for a few thousand dollars. He'd be able to bitch as much as he wanted to.. some might listen to his bitching but I can't see how he could do shit about it. The lore does have various degrees of genders and gender neutral. I know someone that loved the game back when ti came out years ago (pen and paper) knows a lot about the game and still has it. The issue isn't the fact that someone could select such options.. the issue IMO is they (CDProject Red) decided to remove the mainstream options and force players to do this. the game itself no.. but the game has such materials in it. Also the current game has this content in it. Remember the blow up about a trans showing a boner in a advertisement from one of the demos? I agree this is just them trying to push an agenda. Making excuses... instead of creating a great game. It wouldn't hurt them one bit to have traditional Male and female options along side with whatever other options they had. Not one bit. Their (CDProject Red) true colors are starting to show. If they push this shit hard, as I think they will.. I hope so very much experience a crash and burn with their game as a result. It is so sad that they did such a good job with balancing things with alternate options in Witcher (for the most part) that now they are going full steam in the opp site direction. I really hope I am wrong but seriously doubt I am
  5. Well.. they very likely lost my purchase. That is an incredibly huge red flag. They will have to do a metric shit ton of work to prove to me that this game isn't just a SJW centered game. I don't care how popular the game is or how great the game play is.. I won't buy shit like that. If this is the case, it is possible that one of the most anticipated games of the last 10 years will be one of the biggest flops. Well they are due for a failure.. they have been too successful thus far. I have no problem with inclusion and adding an option to be gender less or alternate gendered. That is reasonable. Excluding and/or removing the option for traditional Male and Female options.. No. I can't see how that would work in any reasonable way. (Making the character a generic name ... V is the smart way that I would expect a company to name their main character that could be essentially anything) If this is their path.. then perhaps they should wait until 2077 to release their game.
  6. I really enjoy some of those simple games created by a small team. They are great and fun. I encourage many of them in the past. However, yes, they can't compete with some studio with all those resources. They still do great work with what they have. I enjoy their works far more (in general ) than any commercially created project. even if there are some problems here and there due to the nature of the project. Often there so creative and interesting with their approach that that alone is worth the price of admission as they say. One could hope those upgrades and concepts would be implemented as the computers get stronger and stronger and more and more capable AI can be created. One could hope but currently I am of the same mindset that this is very unlikely to ever happen even if the computers and other tech is available. On this I tend to agree with you. It is so sad. if you asked me 10 ~15 years ago I would have strongly believed this time period would have ushered in a new renaissance in gaming. I was sure I had years of terrific games to look forward to. My current self is crushed by the fact that companies have decided to go they way they have.
  7. People have. There is one on LL.. right now. It is a sex sim but still it is a game someone made. Indy games do this as well. They have difficulty getting all the ducks in a row so to speak but they are making them. There are many that are making games now. I know a group that is working on a game right this minute. Not a RPG but still they are working on it. I believe they have 12 people in their group yes. I agree. Keep in mind the ideas being tossed about are generally well known request and desires of those that are interested in RPGs. This is something a company should want to include to attract these individuals. However, what do I know, apparently it is the new norm to fuck over your fans and give them shit (looking at you EA, Bethesda etc) So maybe I am wrong
  8. they would have been better to create a game with less story say, only a few good NPCs. Like some traders, Faction leaders and such. Leave the main story arc to the community. Create the tools to mod the game and release it at the same time as the game. The money they saved used to improve some of the tools (just a part of the cost to develop all that shit that people complain about. If they have any time left... improve the fight mechanism, and Sim tools. They practically are just creating a world.. no story, nothing really interesting. they might as well create a sandbox where people can do what they want. When I heard about Fallout 76 being Online and being Multiplayer without any "NPCs" I thought they were going to do it. But alas .. I gave them too much credit.
  9. I believe Oblivion had a few itself. Similar to Skyrim. Vampyr had a few type B but it was less in my opinion than Skyrim and more along the kind of Mass Effect in quality. Mostly noises (response from the monster to let you know it was around, about to attack etc) and a few comments from the Hunters etc. There were some NPC setups that were there to advance your introduction, (NPC interactions) but they were scripted for the game not random interactions. Not sure if that qualifies in your list. (someone was attacked) I only briefly played Metro ... and it had some NPC interactions with each others. Most are scripted and most become quite annoying with the repeated events. I don't know of any that reach the level that you are talking about @bjornk
  10. I believe a nice title would be "Various Interaction Types in an RPG Game".. Doesn't really matter what you call it. It is all good. I would personally put the environmental interactions with the player into a category of C. personally. No reason or evidence just seems a bit more logical in my mind. The other two have NPC interactions in them. I do seen and understand the reason I believe you put them together though. I remember type 2 in Mass Effect I.. "I will destroy you!" being constantly screamed in the same voice during combat with Biotics... There are other examples in other games that have just annoyed me all to hell. The same when Type 1 happens with the player character. When they repeat the same thing over in reaction to an event that occurred. I really wish they'd (the developers) would add a few more different lines to the game. I understand older games had space constraints but now with most being downloaded... a few more bits isn't going to hurt if it helps the game feel more alive. That is the holy grail in my opinion of what a true RPG game is. The game could even be a bit liner if it provided this. One of the worst offenders in this is Fallout 4. (out of the games I played) give you the title of General but you are the grunt going out risking your life to do task that he should have done.. this is my opinion of course. I always have that in the back of my mind. I would love having plenty of B type interactions in CP2077. However, it depends on the game and what is offered. If it is on par with Witcher level of story and NPC development and such.. it might be OK to be the errand boy/girl IMO however, if they (CD Project RED) seem to start slipping .. then perhaps not or at least not until it is very cheap. TBH.. I was excited for that game and happy Keneu decided to join the project. However, with some of the interviews it appears that we will have someone talking in our ear telling us the quest and such, guiding us the entire way. This dumb down will be disappointing if it does come to pass.
  11. A little necro ... however, I seen it on EA and have a pass so I tried it. Not bad however not Witcher (haven't played the other games) There are some glitches that occur but not any beyond what I would expect a finished game (that has had time to be patched) would have. I haven't been able to replicate it. One thing that annoyed me (due to my being lazy and used to being spoon fed with today's modern games) is the game gets you near the location, but doens't tell you exactly where what you are looking for and in many case it was hard to find the quest item or NPC due to the game design. Made you really look. Also they actually have a "Story Mode' which is setup to play and explore and harder modes (which at least not will kill me very shortly) There is a slight learning curve to figure out how to do things (not sure if I like the keyboard mapping) but lord do they have conversations. It is interesting in that it doesn't require you to protect much, (you can kill anyone) but has some protections cleverly part of the game. You have to gain a skill level to be able to kill some of the people. once you reach that level.. you can "feed" Doen't matter how important that NPC might be. There are also serious changes when you kill someone depending on their importance in the game. (some .. most of which you might not even realize) as that status of the area drops... it starts to get bat shit crazy with attacks and other combats... (but when you "feed" .. they call it embrace, you gain XP which gives you more options for character upgrade.. ) So far I am playing a goodish person. Killed 2 for upgrades as carefully as possible. (needed the XP ) the game rewards you for good or bad acts. Not sure about the repeatability of the game. The Roll play is getting on my nerves.. searching out and having leghty conversations with everybody for the next quest.. Update.. Not sure if it has repeatability but it does have a very unusual and creative ending. Not quite a witcher but not half bad. (not worth full price though IMO)
  12. True... I use a butcher's block that is quite large recovered from a counter or something. (I found it tossed out) (another one larger is used for my desk top.. lol) I prefer to use some thick cardboard cut from a box (not the motherboard) to place my motherboard and such on. Most of the time if I am not in a hurry. I am reluctant to advise people to use that solution as people aren't always good about understanding what is "non-conductive" . I have learned not to be surprised by the things that some people think and / or do. It is hard to go wrong advising someone new to use a proper mat. Of course if someone is showing some level of competence.. then you can forgo the mat advise. Just make sure they are aware to be following anti static precautions. (which especially include the person building the computer. )
  13. Stadia.. might not be what these companies really want. They think they do, but that shit might not be the thing they expect it to be. My thoughts... If someone releases a game like Fallout 76 again.. in order to attract the attention for their services (and possibly their rip off in game purchases) they need a really good game and lots of hype. Without a great game the hype won't sustain a model where the person can just change games like someone opens a new browser. Once the word gets out it is shit.. there isn't any reason to even stream it anymore. those lazy developers wanting mod authors to fix shit.. well that won't happen. So Bethesda.. is royally fucked... Games that have massive in purchase options.. will be less likely to gain anything.. The subscription fees won't cover their development cost (I can't see how unless it is "in house" and even then) Also.. people might just start moving away from those ingame purchase at least not investing as much as they don't "own" the game. That mental believe (yes belief as we haven't really own our games for a very long time) which helps them justify the expense as an investment. I can only see the 20's something and younger seeing any value in this. So these streaming services might be really fucking the Developers in the long run. No DLCs. etc. as it is streamed likely fully updated (knowing Google) I can however see the streaming services eventually trying to cash in with special groups, bandwidth tiers and such (for visual quality) and other options. Taking more of the "game money" that is or would be used to purchase other game bullshit. I hope Cyberpunk doesn't become a Stadia exclusive. If so I can't play it, regardless of if I want to or not. I don't have the band width to do so and no way to get better (and wouldn't just to play a fucking game) Eventually I might just get stuck playing my old games that I have and have to be content with that, or move on to something else.
  14. You did better than me.. I coudn't really understand what the fuck was going on or what the fuck that singer (use the term loosely) was trying to get across. hard to understand the words, context etc. Horrible for a singer. Shows they are idiots.. sad thing is ... there is no real way to call them out on it. If you mention how stupid they are doing something .. .they just delete it. If they are popular and you decide to create a video that is criticizing them... they get YouTube to delete your video. If you post outside in an article etc.. it is very likely unless you are a well known person.. nobody will ever really see it. So people keep on flexing the solder connections while they try to insert ram sticks onto the motherboard. Potentially (not always) causing issues with the solder points and thus parts of the motherboard. Where in any A+ manual does it show you testing a motherboard on a cardboard box? On any box for that matter. If anyone reads this post.. do yourselves a favor.. get an anti static mat.. they don't cost much, only need one big enough for your motherboard etc (processor and some ram) along with anti static device for your hands. (which often is part of the kit that comes with the mat. ) and don't follow those cringe-worthy videos that are showing people doing that on YouTube. Seriously you can accidentally flex the board which can cause issues with the solder points which might not show issues for an unknown amount of time. @bjornk your observation is truly cringe-worthy in my book!
  15. I would tend to agree. If you want to listen to an abomination of Battle Star Galactica... check or search for the Disco version of it. Shudders. Also.. Berry White is a classic. I don't recall hearing any song he made that didn't sound good.
  16. Theme songs from the 70's and early 80's.. from Stu Phillips I don't know if it was the fond memories of my watching these shows or if the music intros and throughout the series being great is the reason I still enjoy these.
  17. I agree with what they are stating in the video. A dev that doesn't have the funds to create the game, hire talent and get a game out. Orcs must die 3 wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Google.. that is cool. However, also comment was true when there are companies with major funding and such isn't needed. Major titles must be released for different platforms. As much as I am not interested in consoles.. I understand the need for a release to be made available for them as well as a PC
  18. It is a wait and see... the brother sister that is writing it according to the article was one of the original writers.. (however it isn't stating her brother is part of the project, wonder how that will effect the end results) I will play the wait and see game for this one. Hopefully the rest of the crew that is hired isn't those individuals that have been tearing down Ghostbusters, and Star Wars franchises. If this is the case then it will very likely be s shit storm. If not, not sure.
  19. I don't believe it needed one. I could be wrong though. Have you tried the instructions (naming the nif in the OP to get the desired body? Anyway, I believe this is a complete "Mesh" rework. meaning what comes with the game. When replacing or updating textures and meshes that are already present in the game, you don't need an esp. (or an esm) Follow the instructions and see if all is good. (or follow whatever instructions Kendo gives after this post of course :P)
  20. Good for you. Happy you got the mod you wanted / desired. I'd pick up as much from there I could if I was anyone here. Likely that site might just go away if they don't have a new license and don't even seem active. Only a mater of time before closed IMO Just be careful with the materials you get from there. ... Please.
  21. You come up with some of the most interesting ideas for outfits in Skyrim!
  22. WTF... are they stupid? Milking cows is necessary if there are no calves.. I don't work on a farm and know this. It is extremely uncomfortable for the cow. Painful is what some have said when they aren't milked. It is cruel not to milk her to relieve the pressure. There is no way she can do it herself. So the following is cow sex equiptment ?
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