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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Which are likely use taxes to help cover operational expenses, as otherwise it wouldn't make sense to have services there.
  2. The advised "safe place" is in a basement preferably away from large windows. If you care for a librial that is in need of a safe place on a regular occurrence... it is advised to heavily insulate a room in the basement and if not some place away from stimulus. If you don't own your property and can't remodel said location, then packing foam sheets can be attached to the wall by tape or some other material. Keep in mind.. you might be responsible to repaint that room and do some light patching but that is the responsible thing to do when caring for a librial. lol
  3. Not if it is working for you now. The sexout bodies add that second body. You needed to have the sex body / nude body installed properly of your choice to have things work properly as a result you had issues. If you installed the ones provided for you, the body would have likely changed when having sex or depending on when you installed (your chosen mod vs SExout bodies .. which overwritten the other) I believe the female body is singular. so if you have a chosen nude body chances are you are good to go.
  4. isn't it strange that really hot girls often have great voices... even if they aren't .. "singing"
  5. Strange there wasn't already a second body when you installed Sexout? There should have been. One (the first one) is for walking around. You can have a nude flaccid, erect, or even underwear version. The second one is the body that animations use for sex. There has always been a second body for Sexout. (one body for females if you are curious.. If I am correct. .. they use armors to change to pregnant versions... Off topic.. yes.. sorry will get back to topic ) I ask because I haven't seen any situation where there was only one body (path) .. I thought it was something along the lines as one body was this mod and the other (sex one) was the original Breezes which has that UV issue as the cause. Not having the second body should have caused floating head hands and feet issue. Not graphical issues. I must be getting really out of touch with Fallout NV mods. In any case, excellent of you to come back with your solution. top notch, keep it up. ( ... pun intended.. lol)
  6. and likely not a direct take on the actual books as well. SJW all the way!... If that is the case, it will be so sad. however, I guess it is what needs to happen before a decent movie / series can be created. happened with many super hero movies. remember the 90's ? Talk about crap. Then the movie studios decided to get their acts together (for a brief time before SJW entered there) and created some pretty good ones. Fortunately, it seems as if the whole SJW movement is starting to die. I really hope it isn't just sleeping for a bit before coming back with a vengeance.
  7. Yes, I was talking about time as a construct of humanity. Not referencing actual time as a scientific principle. as for the dilation.. I believe (forget his name sorry) one of the scientist stating if you had t wins and one was going faster than light on a space ship, time would slow for him. His twin would live out his life back on earth. When the twin on the ship returned after only a very short time, his earth bound twin would have gotten much older. Some good scifi movies cover this when talking about space travel. Long haulers leaving and coming back with their earth bound (or planet of choice) much older or even dead. Sometimes these movies even mention for deep haulers seeing their grandchildren or the grandchildren of their family members when they return. (traveling at near light speed) yea... my Googlefu didn't fail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox
  8. That looks like a headache more than it is worth. Can't imagine how to handle new apps needs. Still, I would like an solid alternative to Android and iOS.. Hell even Windows version if they managed to fix that shit.. (who are we kidding, that is near impossible! LOL) Having alternatives are great. To get back no subject Wonder how many different game plays can one do with Cyber Punk. has someone done the math on it?
  9. I agree with you on time being a measure of events in order as we understand them. However, I differ with you on time being created by humans. The sequence of events are there even if we aren't. It would exist and as scientist have formulated various physics laws. .. (slow time relative to speed of light etc) The old adage if a tree fell in the forest would it make sound.. the answer is yes.. would we hear it ... no unless someone was there. Unless you subscribe to the universe being solely the events that are precieved by us and constructed by us. Then, everything exist because we make it so.
  10. True.. iOS is only one system. Also, as I understand it.. Apple is seriously working to intergrate Apple main desktop OS to iOS so that they are as seamless as possible.
  11. Interesting about some of the things that were removed from the game. I know I was interested in the game that was to be with Fallout NV learning about things that changed and was removed. Sorry if it was posted somewhere here before. It is an older video.
  12. My comments in Green with some links to check. There are lots of materials and comments on this throughout the web. Interesting times for these types of discussions.
  13. Possibly being hidden by advocates of Windows 10 Making it harder to find such materials. Most phones aren't using the standard Android! They are using the base, then adding a top layer to it. Locking the phone down making you have to jump through hoops to get the standardized Android option. Chrome book is making changes to the environment of Linux as well making many things exclusive to the Chromebook adding to the fray so to say. Only difference is they sell more premade so that grandma has a linux based system to use as opposed to downloading, installing, configuring it on a .. most likely windows machine or one that was built. More "mainstream" I still hear good things about Steam OS from time to time. It is particularly good from what I am told if you wish to use Steam Linux games (or games with a version for linux) Less need to fiddle with the OS to get the things you need. From what one person that tried it told me. It was the closest things to the Windows experience for Linux gaming he has seen. (without the CTD and other bull shit lol) If anyone has a 5 year old laptop give them a try (Umbuntu, Steam OS etc) if not give it a try with a free VM manager and a downloaded ISO. No harm done. Umbuntu and its cousins have some of the best Linux support for issues that arise. Good for noobs. Who knows, might be able to move from Windows as your primare machine. Added info. You can with some desktops use IMMOU (believe I got that acronym correct) to "pass through" a second graphics card and other hardware while using your Linux system. Essentially having two machines in one. that isn't using Linux per say but that OS mentioned is based on it. (from my understanding) and a good quick example of what I am talking about. Then you can keep your important shit away from Microflop as much as possible.
  14. I don't give a flying fuck if it is main stream or lacks standardization. It is something I can use to get away from Windoze to do 90% of the shit I want done. the rest of the people can spend the 5 minutes watching a few videos and or reading some sites to start using Linus or continue using Windoze. I don't care. there is so much support for various Linux distros that anyone with some tech savy can install it and get it up and running in a reasonable time. I did (not a mainstream computer but would provided I had an alternate to my gaming one) I have yet to see any tool or app or dependency that I wanted, that was available on another Linux branch not be available for my chosen distro provided the one I choose is in any way even close to a main stream distro. I have heard of them, never seen a need, the worse case download the source and compile. Only problem I still occasionally come up with is hard ware compatibility however, it is light years better than it was back in the 90's and getting better all the time. FYI.. Chromebooks are Linux and they are standardized. You also can assess the Linux under pinnings if you wish. https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/9145439?hl=en Beta but likely will be much more mainstream and standardized as time goes on considering the market penetration and avent of more and more powerful versions of Chromebooks.
  15. For some.. very rare instances, it might make sense to use that service. (for businesses .. select ones etc etc) however, the common person, it is just plain shit. However, I don't think they give a fuck about the standard user unlike what Gates did when he founded Microsoft. windows 7 is awesome, but I have been using Windows 10 after they fixed some of the issues that were problems with me (both at home and work) so that I could migrate over. Also some of my needed software worked better in Windows 10. I can't see how they will force Ray Tracing, just provide support. It makes sense for them to advertise it and work on showing it in action to both help their partner company nVidia as well as show a game in its best form possible. (from their standpoint. ) Ray tracing does look great, however, It isn't for me as I have an upgraded graphics card (1~2 years ago) that is quite powerful and no need to upgrade for quite some time. (need a processor, motherboard, ram upgrade first and don't even really need that in spite my computer hardware listed above is more than 4 years old. (so old that the fucking processor cooler failed and had to be replaced and the heat sink paste refreshed Those that understand tech.. understand how much and how old that shit is. ) If it is, then no matter how much I like the game, they won't get my money until i need an upgrade. Also, might not get it if I go to where I am leaning to for future computer (AMD) both processor and graphics (for Linux and other compatibility reasons) Unless I can use some of my older shit to have two computers run (provided it keeps on working through that time lol) Then I can h ave a dedicated gaming rig and essentially fuck all this Windows shit (mainstream use, still might need a VM or such but they provide "evaluation images for that. ) and just use a "real" OS .. for my main works. I'm telling you, the more I am getting use to it.. the more I am liking it. It is a massive learning curve but .. FUCK.. man.. just a line of script in the terminal my shit is all updated.. A line or two and I got all sorts of software installed. All my shit is from reliable repos and 99% of it is open source no compiled shit. All watched and monitored by 100s of eyes far smarter than I am about security. Then.. the best part.... THE OS DOES WHAT i WANT WHEN I WANT IT TO .. AND DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE! No tracking bull shit, no background communications to "home" or other shit Windows do. I do trade off the ability to talk to my computer and have it do shit for me. Auto filling programs and shit like that.
  16. It is an upcoming "Feature" I for one am saying "Hello" to Linux and other OSs
  17. Yes, that is the stable market price for those items as well as there are stable market prices for other items. It is the companies (and gov) that try to artificially inflate the cost to ring up more profits. When those cost start getting out of wack.. (when investors and companies start getting bent out of shape due to the cost of oil going up above that price) It is because there is a carefully watched and understood maximum prices (yes prices for the same product) that people will pay for. There is a maximum price before people will put off travel with the cost of gas (the finished product from crude oil) A maximum price a person will pay or consider paying when purchasing a future car (taking gas into consideration, keep in mind that historically people didn't buy trucks and large suvs it is a marke thing. Other countries don't do this like US) Each time that price starts to go above a set level... people stop buying and the market shrinks and cost them all that profit as they either have to lower the price.. or loose the money. Same goes for corn.. to high a price, people will eat something else Price for everything like corn goes up.. people will hold off as much as possible.. forcing companies to sell at lower prices (sweet spot) again loosing their profits. In the 70s and before, companies took a reasonable profit, took care of their employees (most) with good pay understanding that employees needed money (reasonable amount) to be able to fuel the economy. Now, it is winner take all shit. Cheapest labor, cheapest materials, cheapest cost to get the maximum profits.
  18. I think I see why these gaming companies are doing so much .. loot boxes, ads etc etc. Eventually they will say that they do these things in order to keep the game cheaper.. (60+ dollars) otherwise it would cost 120 or so for the same game without these things... O.o They will then talk about how the game prices haven't risen with the cost of inflation and added cost of creating such games. They are on the "loosing" end and can't keep this up without one or the other.. Then they will offer their base game for 120 to start with 200 dollar plus special editions and such. I am fucking cynical today, so fucking cynical today.
  19. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-z-frank-chevy-sign-met-20150102-story.html 5:26
  20. Amazing how these shows just stick in your minds..
  21. Might be the person that started the great Wihelm Scream.. according to some lol Thoughts?
  22. https://www.altpress.com/features/kids_performing_on_stage_with_bands/
  23. Is it difficult.. perhaps the users an update it themselves for their use. I'd do so but I don't have it installed (our using it ) either. Besides not having a clue how to do it.
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