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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Disney... Oh Disney... So WOKE...
  2. Them is fighting words.. So many talented artist, is it me or recently they are getting fewer and fewer new entries into this pool.
  3. However... Stevie would be excellent as well there. Not sure which would be better... He does have a mean.. really mean blue rip. His skills are pretty dam next to none.
  4. i'm imagining a bit of Santana in there as well.. That is about all that I can think of that would make this better. It is pretty dam perfect as it is. His Gutar work is excellent.. Imagine playing along with John and zz top. Wait.. a bit better example.
  5. both.. There are younger generation that seems to be perfectly comfortable and think it is reasonable to pay for cosmetic and other items to play the game their way.
  6. yep.. their next step to lock down their Creator Club for future games.
  7. You missed the internal memo.. they are going to create a micro-transaction where you are given devices that allow you to freeze time ... Its a feature you can now buy and use when you want! (till you run out)
  8. https://www.gophersvids.com/?gopher_video=fallout-4-mod-vault-32-the-comfy-chair Hey, @Kendo 2 you wouldn't have to get up.. just ride around Boston in comfort. Is that enough to get you back in Fallout 4? to those that do play Fallout 4 (or purchased it and trying desperately to get some value out of your purchase) check out Gophers site. https://www.gophersvids.com/ there are some links and videos on quality (reasonably considering it is Fallout 4.. what is an author to do) mods.
  9. Let me guess. barbed wire hidden inn the hedge? Glass in the dirt.. Kendo terrorizing the kids.. Anyway, I was super busy when I posted that joke before and coudln't really get deeper into your original comment. I don't believe they think it is stupid.. and in many ways it isn't.. from the Horse Armor to EAs loot boxes.. they are winning for loosing. Each time they advance the line.. they get the shit kicked out of them and the retreat.. however, they only go back 2 steps not the 5 they tried. Each time advancing on their path. In reality they are quite clever and the consumers are quite stupid and those that aren't.. they don't give a fuck about. As long as the mass public is still on their path.. they win and won't change. kind of like the movie "They Live".. lol. Hidden agenda that we aren't aware of. Not until you put on the glasses and let me tell you .. they aren't rose colored.
  10. Yea.. I feel the same way. Do you also often yell at kids to get off my fucking grass as well. I know I do...
  11. The two primary colors that make sense for these items.
  12. How did i miss this? My father loved westerns and I had to sit through most every one ever made but I can't remember this one.. I would have liked this one.. lol Maybe that was the reason I never got to see it when I was young lol
  13. As far as I can tell Nexus moderators have become much better than they were previously.
  14. Is she suppose to be a Dark elf?
  15. He is awesome, highly underrated. The entire premise was nice, new ( to me at least ) and interesting. There was stuff that could be done with that. too bad it was just a quickie (movie wise) and didn't go anywhere. I also don't think it fits anywhere in teh current comic world of movies. Shame such a waste.
  16. Now we need a white lando Calrissian from Star wars.. White or again Yes.. Asian Harlem hammer. Spawn needs to be white for the next film.. State that .. and watch them loose their shit. To be honest.. there isn't any real reason there can't be a black 007. It is a title given to an MI6 agent at least as far as I understand it. However, the entire premise is swagger and maleness that I doubt any female could pull off. They would be changing the formula. Wonder what the creator of 007 thinks of this. That would be interesting to know. They'd have a better chance of creating a new spy that is a female in a mix of Borne Supremacy, bond, Nikita etc etc. Blend them up and create a new super spy that happens to be a female. I believe they would be more successful (if written correctly) than they will be doing this. They failed with the reboot of Ghostbusters.. from doing shit that the consumer doesn't want.
  17. Review the original versions of Nursery rhymes... That shit is terrifying! They told children that when they were young many decades ago.
  18. Mortal Combat caused serious issues when it was first released. Just to be clear I agree with game companies trying to be too PC. Also thanks for the point out for the different methods for quest being given out. HOwever, I think it would be pretty boring if there wasn't any NPCs giving out quest also might not be as engaging. Some however would be a nice change. cut scenes can be changed I believe after the fact but means more work for the game creators. Also much of what you stated would be more work for them. This cost and takes more time to release. Not stating they shouldn't do it but that likely they wouldn't or don't do it for that reason as well. A mature game shouldn't have any of those restrictions being placed on the game that has been on recent games. It doesn't make sense unless they are trying to keep those that are to young from accessing such content.. being their parent for some reason. some of those over on Nexus seem to be below 18 and I KNOW some are underage at other sites I am apart of. Trying to be a parent.. or good company and not pervert the young? Yes, flimsy excuse. Reaching for straws here. lol. (no real excuse.. actually agreeing with you on that subject :P)
  19. Probably because many of the gamers will click on shit they know nothing about and then later ask for tech support to fix the shit they broke. Selecting the option to kill important NPCs... and break many if not all the important quest which could lead the game to be stagnant or unable to continue anywhere will likely be a head ache for those companies. Just hang around some tech support threads and FAQ and such threads for a day and you will soon see that the people playing games these days (on the majority) are quite stupid, don't read instructions, and cry and bitch and take it to social networks when something doesn't go their way regardless of it it is in reality their fault. They also cant' take blame for their stupidity. It is everybody else's problem, they are the cause. Safety zones and shit. Too much of a fucking headache. Same reason for the dumb down game quest and giant arrows pointing you to where you need to go etc. etc.
  20. Some of the NPCs need to be protected .. even if it is for a limited time otherwise they could be killed by accident before they can complete the needed events for the player. How else can this be done unless there are dozens of NPCs in line to take over the torch? In some cases that might even look or be weird? Some of the quest can just fail, but some are key story arch that are needed for many other quest. Note. I am not arguing with you on this fact. However, I can't see any other solution. Game companies take it too far IMO and protect them (NPCs) well after the need and many just "because" they can or want to, but there are some and in some situations where they need to be functional and not dead.
  21. Well start reading some of this http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:TS4_CC_Basics Of course keep in mind all the work you are doing is for your own personal use. Cant be distributed Unless permitted by Kendo edit After basic understanding of how to install mods and such (posted previously) then you need to learn how to do the mods.. after understanding that. Then you might be able to understand how to tweak a premade mod. (some might not be able to be done that way or problems occur. if that happens ask the author Might be ignored but... worth the effort ) https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=create+mods+for+sims+4&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 I haven't made or tweaked any mods but I am told by many sims 4 authors it is not that hard to make mods for Sims compared to some other games.
  22. Quite difficult if you don't know what you are doing. I know someone that used sims shoes and nearly lost their mind.. learned alot but still didn't want to go back to convert the rest of them he wanted.
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