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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I couldn't find where we were discussing this however, there wasn't a dedicated thread for this train wreck so I thought I'd make one This thread is dedicated to the train wreck that is Fallout 76. If I remember correctly the other post were about Bethesda in general being a train wreck... I wanted to have a special section for Fallout 76 and its being a train wreck..
  2. I like the video, it gives a nice timeline of events with some tongue and cheek humor... for something that is entirely sad. Let me know your thoughts or any other sources of Fallout 76's failure... I know, you know, where there is a mountain of materials. I created this as I didn't see another thread dedicated to the epic failure that is 76
  3. I watched a bit of the video above without sound.. (I was somewhere I needed quite .. etc) Likely it would be worse with it... It is horrible at least from some of the clips that are being presented... It is definitely cringe-worthy .. This after they having a success with some of their franchise. Can someone color a scene where she is in costume with the red hair and change it to blue... It would be more accurate to what they are trying to portray At least from what I can gather from the video... I hope I am wrong.
  4. I still don't know who the fuck is James Charles...
  5. Exactly. The very attitude that will get you far on this site.
  6. Nice, feedback and willingness to work on the problem. Interesting, wondering if it has to do with Vortex as the problem. I know I didn't have any problems previously when using this (when I had the game installed and modded.)
  7. And right she should. Neither side is perfect. There are crazies on both sides.
  8. There is nothing wrong with having a side and sticking to it if... if you are willing to think through the reasons and know why you are on that side. Nothing is perfect and no side is 1000 % correct all the time. At least is seems with her you can ask for the info and even resources! lol.
  9. So an A for effort on her part We all can't be Kendo bringing those sexy Eastern European chicks. LOL
  10. https://www.deviantart.com/aprilgloriacosplay/gallery/ Hey.. don't hate.. I like nerd girls.. lol
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/australian-cafe-that-charged-a-man-tax-and-gave-women-priority-seating-goes-out-of-business Rule #3... Respect goes both ways..... It was their rule and something they broke.. no wonder they went out of business.
  12. Yep.. thought that was going to happen as well.
  13. Glad you didn't post any muppet eagle women (eyebrows) here like you did on .. that other place .. lol
  14. My review of the above "Very sexy but classy" in a Russian accent
  15. Fortunately, most of the programs you need.. can be free open source ones... just get a few plugins and settings... If you are interested try posting asking in a thread. You won't hurt anything (in your game) that can't be fixed by installing over or just removing those files. Perhaps that KIND SOUL would post some more details on a thread you started to learn this. I have always liked the black versions of that type of clothing.. that or white.. It is a personal preference. Of course I wouldn't complain when my girlfriend would show up in bed dressed in RED... Blue, pink, brown, green. or whatever color... lol.
  16. If I was you, Id ask how the color would be changed. What to do. I hear it isnt difficult and once you know it.. you could change all your outfits colors to something more to your liking... If that is something you might be interested in.. create a thread asking how to change colors of outfits for x game (Fallout NV, Fallout 3, Skyrim etc) That is the best way.. some people (not @Doublezero) can get a bit bent out of shape when asking for custom colors and such. Some might take offense. (another reason to learn for yourself!)
  17. We will release no mod before it is time.. lol
  18. What is the requirements to get a Visa to go live in Facebook or Twitter? Sounds pretty awesome to me! However, I might not make the minimum requirements... the minimum requirements of having an I.Q BELOW 85.. LOL
  19. For some strange reason I can't get the videos to play for some of these videos... I can copy the URL and then play it outside the site.. .strange.
  20. I can see it.. The Tupac janitor.
  21. It sucks to be him on many more levels than that! IMO. many of his own supporters have now turned on him for his bullshit. WTF really? Couldn't actually find real actual, issues to discuss or bring to the public? Had to make some shit up? Correct me if I am wrong, he tried to make it about racism, however, he hired two black men and reported he was attacked by them. Is there something I am unaware of that made him different racially from those he hired? https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/04/entertainment/jussie-smollett-police-report/index.html According to the report linked above. his attackers shouted out racial and homophobic slurs... RACIAL ... WTF? That shit confused me to no end when I read about that and later learned his attackers (identified race by the way) was black. The police took it as a racially motivated hate crime.. So puzzled. Edit...Added time line https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/how-the-jussie-smollett-case-unfolded-from-his-initial-police-report-to-his-eventual-arrest/2019/02/21/3cf3087c-35fd-11e9-a400-e481bf264fdc_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8cdf9fae32aa
  22. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-03-15-fallout-fan-creates-the-most-detailed-timeline-yet Not only for Fallout 70sucks but for all of fallout. A timeline. Interesting idea. Wonder how accurate it is (or you guys gales and aliens believe it is :P)
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