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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Would be nice.. then I can get my next Fallout fix... err, emm Outer Worlds fix..
  2. Hey @Kendo 2 you wouldn't happen to speak Polish .. because ^ lol
  3. LOL... I need to get some sleep.. for a moment.. (had to re-read the post with RDR2 more than once). I thought you guys were now talking about RDD2 (Starwars) I am really out of it
  4. Many fan boys that have been strong supporters even with fallout 4 and such... are braking ranks... I don't think they will have enough "lemmings" to keep the profits going .. at least to the level they desire if they don't make changes. They committed... "Trying" in that sentence... "millions are playing the game" should be "millions are TRYING to play the game"
  5. Found this.. not sure if it was posted somewhere before or if most of you guys and gals know about it. https://www.polygon.com/2018/6/22/17492806/bethesda-lawsuit-warner-bros-westworld-mobile-game-fallout-shelter @endgameaddiction Have fun... post... one argument is a major law firm that has won several class action law suits is seeking info on Fallout 76's crappy bug infested game for a potential class action law suit.... what other game has that? Not even MEA had that happen to it. (at least as far as I know) I'd like to see what counter argument they can mount against that. Class Action law suits are fucking expensive and generally the firm doesn't get paid until (If) they win... they generally don't enter those lightly.
  6. But, but... then... That wouldn't be Bethesda!
  7. Their stock holders woudln't let that happen IMO... however, for customer service and to avoid the lawsuit... they could however offer a limited time refund to all people that purchased the game before the date of announcement. Then they would resolve the issues. People that purchased the game later... would be.... considered have knowledge of the state of the game. At least the opportunity to obtain the info needed for an educated purchase. That should solve most of their current issues.
  8. https://store.steampowered.com/app/22380/Fallout_New_Vegas/ https://www.gog.com/game/fallout_new_vegas_ultimate_edition 9.99 for the package on both sites. Now you can get a copy if you don't already have it.. (or get a DRM free one if you desire )
  9. http://www.classlawdc.com/current-cases-and-settlements/ SHIT is getting REAL!!!
  10. They might do what EA did to Mass Effect and just kill the entire franchise... lol
  11. There is some reductions by me on the hard copy of the game... Even now there are some that really like the game. On another site there are some that have some pretty good explanations (reasonable ones) that why they like it. They aren't upset with the issues that are presented (and even acknowledged them) I can respect that. Each to their opinion... even if it is wrong lol I asked an updated of one of them to see what the current status is and if they did some serious fixes on some of the issues.
  12. Skyrim in space... cause everything is better with Skyrim in it.
  13. Fucking AWESOME!!!!! I always wanted a merge between Skyrim and Fallout ... now we get the best of both worlds!!!! Please, pretty please tell me there is magic there as well!!! Please.
  14. That is better than I thought they'd be doing now. Perhaps it is still inflated by the Bethesda fan boys
  15. Yep... stupid me... I asked... .so I could look and then wasted several minutes... No wonder I didn't know where the article was...
  16. Which thread.. I tried to find it and didn't see it.
  17. LOL... skip to 4:54 Sucks if that ever happens in real life
  18. They should have just put the extra effort into building their next Fallout/Skyrim game and make that better than make the cash grab with this game.
  19. ritualclarity


    @endgameaddictionIt is the fact. Doesn't matter if they view it as such or not. That is entirely up to them. I'd suggest that they give it a try before making such assumptions. One of the only restrictive rules (other than to protect the site) is this. You should feel confident that we have any mod author or comic book creator etc back at this site. If you know someone that isn't happy with the current status or events at their current site... feel free to drop a link to our site and encourage them to just hang around and check it out to see if it is great for them as we think it is. If not... cool. You can start shit on any thread but that one. Do that to an author.. you will be called out by a moderator and whatever actions deemed necessary will be done. In other words, you don't want to break that rule. I view this rule applying to this type of thread as well until we ( @Doublezero and @Kendo 2) discuss it and determine otherwise. @vancleef You are far more successful than I am... Keep up the great work.
  20. Now these below (off subject) are awesome game videos even if they don't represent the game properly... Much better than that Fallout 76 video
  21. Yea.. I did a bit too.. the main reason is the ad isn't anything like the game... Not even close. Not even per-generated optimized version of the game. Fairy tale land is the closest I can come to describe it.
  22. What is truly horrible... the video they are using for the Fallout 76 version of the Xbox ...
  23. ritualclarity


    NSFWmods isn't about "perverted" side of modding. It is about an open space where people can peruse their likes freely. Just so happens most here are "perverted"
  24. ritualclarity


    I like how you give some personality (facial expressions) that are approprate in your captures like Kendo does. Also it is great that you include the mesh and armor info needed so if someone is inspired to try to recreate your character in their game they can have an opportunity. Finally... Check out DA BOOTS
  25. You mean the "Break-it Early Test Application" ? Seems as if we will be "breaking it" much later than we thought. Then "breaking-it" for the next 2~4 years until they no longer support it... If their history plays a roll in this.
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