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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. WTF... that shit is starting to get scary. Just a short time ago they (robots) couldn't even walk properly. This robot (different version) has video where it is walking in the woods in the snow... Jumping over a long and now the latest revision... doing a flip... Many people can't even do a flip Where will it end... Now a days 6m illion isn't so costly.
  2. I was thinking about what you said there... and thought to myself... Bethesda is doing a good thing. A very good thing. A good thing for all those gamers that can't play regular MMOs like Over-watch or the Destiny franchise or the like... Those that get pawn'd the very second they start on the lowest levels. Those that have to spend 100's of dollars to get all the best stuff... only to have their ass handed to them from a 13 year old girl that just started the game a few days prior. Bethesda is doing the world a great public service.. providing a MMO for all those that can't play any other MMO.. god bless Bethesda for this.
  3. actually ... they say he'd be compensating... you know... for a certain "shortcoming"...
  4. 1:55 "Special Tallent 3:22 3:14 True Blonde 4:48 Random shots. 4:59 ^ Asian model "magic trick" lol for those fans of Asians.
  5. I'm just north of you by a few hundred miles.. lol... Anyway, the link doesn't work here... it does if you copy the url.. 22:30 proves beyond a doubt that Batman is a law abiding citizen. (off topic :P)
  6. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/10/08/microsoft_windows_10_pulled/
  7. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/10/08/intel_security_commitment/
  8. The next game will likely be or at least try to be, completely behind the CC paywall. Bethesda only mod manager and tied directly to Bethesda. (as much as they can however, I am confident that someone will hack that quick enough) Not sure if they will MAKE IT A REQUIREMENT or not.. (EULA etc) I believe legally they can. They seem to be moving in that direction. As for fans, they are using the broadest formula possible. Fallout 4 was met with lots of praises from customers... many loved it... the issue was the "fans' didn't Bethesda doesn't seem to care about the "Fans" but more about the customers and their praises. If there are a bunch of MMO loving simpletons that want a simple point and shoot and something more "casual" in a RPG and watered down until it isn't an RPG anymore and it cost them less to produce.. they will build it each time. They have the assets (what they used in the game) they have the talent.. (won't take much to build a basic empty or near empty world with some key players in it. Should be less than what it cost to create a new game... even more so if they recycle what they used already from previous games. They are mostly afraid or don't fully realize this can satisfy their fans.. providing a world (provided with tools ... good tools to build and do our thing) and make them money. I doubt anybody that liked the old Fallout games wouldn't spend money on the next release the day of or at least the week of if the game was excellent and fulfilled the fans requirements. o'l reliable should be a no contest sell .. cash machine and they aren't using it as that. As Trump would say.. "So Sad" lol.
  9. I mentioned a RPG world... Which would need lots of radiant quest and such and such for it to work. Much like what happens when you start using an alt mod in a Bethesda game. (but better :D) DLC modules, CC content (actual REAL CONTENT!!!!!) which could be added to expand it. Add a faction, add quest-lines etc etc. Bethesda wants a money train and they aren't doing this is baffling. No instead they will re release Skyrim yet again just a short time after it was released. Next thing you know they will be releasing Morrow wind and other games. .. again. no updates or such just some "god rays" or something added to the engine ... at least they gave it to us for free if we owned the previous version. Gotta complement them on that.
  10. The problem is Bethesda is both lazy and money grabbing. Not lacking creativity.. if they wanted to do such a thing they can get the talent to do so. I believe they are limiting and forcing much of what we see has changed in the older games to the final one we have Fallout 4. Testing the waters and making it more and more simple so they can get the job done faster and faster and in the end cheaper. No need for talented writers to write various stories.. just have some interns or new hire to create the radiant quest and some random person to follow the guides given to him to make the main quest. I'd be happy if they just created a RPG world with all the settings and some radiant quest (which could be updated through their damn CC crap or authors etc) and allow an more open world environment. Less main quest and more general play and exploration. One hand it would be more boring but on the other hand, it would be more interesting in many ways and different from what we have currently. They already have all the assets for Skyrim or Fallout 4 to do this. just need some location and such.
  11. That would work as well. At least until the SJWs get involved and start to complain about the hooker's employment..
  12. Legalize weed for all with subsidies for those that can't afford it. Add Viagra for those that need it.. (subsidies ) Then nobody will give a fuck
  13. It is only a problem if you want to be a Supreme Court Judge... or something like that. lol.
  14. It could have been a limited rights IP (time scope, medium ... for example video games not movies)
  15. they might have had a license to one game and not the other two. The document from the Lawyers seem to point to that direction. They don't seem so interested in the money that was made from the first, mostly the second and third. Also, who licensed the Netflix version? CDProject Red? Did they sell a right to the video.. if so there will be even more trouble if there is any grounds for this law suit. He should have demanded both a lump sum and a % which was offered. Also made sure the language was very solid on how many and how much they could do with the IP (one game, two games etc) so that if there was a profit later he could have reworked the contract for each as needed. What an fucking idiot..
  16. ritualclarity


    Lore wise... you are property of Vault Tec
  17. ritualclarity


    Haven't used any Readius in my game .... yet.. I agree ... didn't see it before but I agree with the "uhuuh-ohhh" moment...
  18. ritualclarity


    yes, it got them to look .. long... and hard.. well something was hard.. lol.. However, don't sell yourself short. The lighting and settings and such is quite good. Not sure of what you are talking about. Did the original Fallout games have smaller ones... on their little 8 bit bodies? Where they suppose to be smaller. I always took those to be the product (and like the rest of the tech) of the technology.. some extremely advanced and others quite backwards. That was just really backwards. however, it last more than 200 years (game lore) and comments of how tough they were (Fallout 3 birthday party) I honestly can't see them (game wise) having a smaller Pipboy based on the CRT (tiny one at that) computers and other backwards technology like that. Something else would stick out. (lore wise)
  19. ritualclarity


    DAMN vancleef.. you really hit on a .. well hit.. I don't recall a photo in recent weeks that got this much attention lol.
  20. It is due to the mods that make Skyrim so popular and valuable. Pure and simple. Even though CD Project Red, does have and allow modding it is complex to do and implement and limited. More so than Bethesda's games. They (CD Project Red) hasn't shown a willing ness to open up their engine and tools enough to gain that level of modding of their games in the past and I doubt they will in the future. So, you would have a game if they created it, that you would see beauty and richness and pretty much be stuck with some basic scripts and texture changes etc. (as far as I know there isn't any animation tools to add to the game for Witcher among others) so even if you wanted to work hard at modding your new Skyrim replacement, and others wanted to create content for it... it would be greatly limited. Sad but true. I wish that Bethesda would just release a world based on FAllout and Skyrim with strong tools to mod and work on then let the modding community develop the game further. None of this you are father / mother bullshit.. chasing water chips or father nonsense. just a completely open world. space. (large) fully functional space... (they can add to it worlds and such from the other games assets) The interesting things is they wouldn't hae to do much to do this.. they have the assets and tools and such just need to tweak it a slight bit and create the landscape./world. a few buildings and interesting things to explore. Nothing more than random encounters and assets to start. The rest would be gamer development..
  21. She was supposed to get on some people nerves, it was her character. (at least the acting part.. not sure if you are saying that due to her voice or other aspects ) Liara was awesome... I enjoyed the scene where she confronted some businessmen or something with a thread of commandos and what they do. Shame I can't find a clip on the web about that... She sounds so soft and nice then goes off.. lol. That would be cool, then all they would need to worry about is the voices.. much more flexibility with the story and actors..
  22. Yep, why not here. Acting wise I believe she can really pull it off quite well.
  23. I can see that working. change the color of the hair.. the voice is appropriate for Yennifer. I can see her fitting the roll quite well. It is ok if we don't match the faces exactly to the game or the books.. Now are you saying that this is confirmed ? Like Henry?
  24. The lead of your crew should have realized that someone was short... that is unable to or might be unable to do some of the task and stepped in and made arrangements for the coverage for this short... Now a days this is what you do when this happens. It could be a male that is not able to handle that (older male) but is able to do 80~90 % of the rest of the work. Same thing. There are times when you will be short (manpower) or short (in ability be it noobs to the job or older members that have put in their time) in any case, you make due and arrangements to make the job as smooth AND SAFE as possible. There are things he could have done.. (likely you might even be able to think of some) that would have covered this.
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