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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Honestly, I believe this really belonged in the "THE CRINGE-WORTHY INTERNET THREAD"
  2. Seriously? Thank god I took College while they still (and at a location where) there were still some brains (and balls ) to address issues in an intelligent manner. Colleges are a place where future leaders of the world are educated on how to address issues, solve problems and communicate. The last place where a person can get opportunity to realize what the "real world" is truly away from their parents protection. Any college that has an issue with open dialogue and / or fear of their students when so radically outside of any reasonable intelligent thought process... well, the admin needs to be terminated and cut to the core and new instructors and educators brought in. That cancer needs to die and it is best to catch it at our educational institutions. I remember discussions and social issues at the time I was in college... the college was open and the instructors willing to discuss the topics of the day, personal, social whatever during the process of education. Outside of class, still ever the educator the instructors and even admin had level heads and helped the students "find themselves" in an open and honest environment where they can make mistakes (false assumptions etc) and learn from them.
  3. My doctor is a vegan. He is healthy and fine. He is an advocate for Vegans (not to be confused with Vegetarians) However, it is very hard to properly maintain nutrition doing so. You have to really know where and what and how much to eat to keep the proper nutrition. Most if not all end up having to take supplements. The video above shows at times the extreme "crazy" side of this lifestyle.
  4. CD Project Red.. wrote well written stories with fully developed characters that were gay, bi (Ceri for example .. a main character) and homosexual. There was a cross dresser. cyberpunk is developed by a black man. Working with them hand in hand. The report above stated that CDPR is working with Haitian groups to make sure they "get it right" and are as sensitive to their culture as possible .. .which by the way will make for a terrific story as well. The advertisements.. I can believe in an environment like that there would be a swimsuit model with a large package... That seemed to have been done in a very realistic way based on the rest of the game play footage I have seen so far, and based on similar movies and books like this. All this controversy is just confirming to me that CDPR is doing an excellent job, paying attention to the details and developing a great game with deep characters, quest and stories. The one thing that will turn me off is if they (CDPR) started to show they hit a SJW list of subjects.. Trans, check, Bi check, etc etc. without any thought or reason for the character being there and part of the game / story. Much like Mass Effect Andromeda .. we all know how good that game's character development was.
  5. I'm the most down to earth alien you will ever meet. I have to copy the URL then paste it into a new tab to get to the video.. Strange..
  6. If that was the case... Fallout 76 woudn't be the glitchy piece of shit it is... The Creation Club would have "major quest" and other things. If someone's mouth is moving at Bethesda... it is 95% likely they are spouting lies, the last 5% Is intentional misleading statements. At least in this instance they had to deliver on their promised goods.
  7. He is off his meds.. lol Doesn't mean he is wrong though.
  8. 3:47... If that was an 11 year old girl doing that... the parents would be sent to jail for exploitation of a child. 11 years olds... shouldn't be doing that regardless of if male or female, gay or straight. It is one thing to support the child's development and quite another exploiting it. Also, how could grown adults not feel like a pedo tossing money at a child dancing at a club like a stripper (I assume a stripper and not doing a rendition of "I am a little tea pot" ... Wait... that is even worse.. ) As for your statement @endgameaddiction about strip clubs... not going to happen. They will go out of business unless they are part of a gay club. I can't see any mainstream, current strip club ever having that there. ... Unless that trans has their full operation (remove the meaty bits) and look better than any of the women they have there. Which in the US is a pretty long shot. (Trans can't get treatment until well after puberty which makes it extremely hard to pass, unlike South America, and some Asia countries. ) Well @endgameaddiction you were very successful in making me cringe...
  9. He decided to send a dam Tesla into space. How much of a carbon footprint that that leave
  10. Elon is going to make nuke powered 40~50's style cars now. No more problem or complaints about how long the car takes to charge. Bonus.. it can run a small town when it isn't being used to drive somewhere.
  11. Its been more economical for me to do the upgrades every 1 or 2 years put in 150~300 dollars much less than an Xbox and get an upgrade. My shit is getting so old that I had to get a replacement on my cooler (70 dollars) as the old one wore out. (closed loop) Went with air this time. (a nice one) A decent (more than what xbox has) graphics card can be gotten around where I live for about 150~180 often times cheaper (if clearances or discontinued) Edit.. just checked some of the cost for Xbox and they are as low as 200dollars (or sometimes below) which is a cheap graphics card (which is better than the xbox but) There are many games that play horrible on the xbox (frame rate) I need good frame rates or get sea sick. Basically I put my money into the computer as needed for an ongoing upgrade which gives me a central place for entertainment, movies, games, work, social etc etc. I make my $$$ work their asses off. However, to be fair.. the next upgrade will cost quite a bit more.. (about 3 xboxes) as my hardware (core, motherboard, memory and processor) are of a older generation requiring a complete replacement of all those components if any are changed. Once I do that however, I will be good to go for another 4~6 years or more. (baring something breaking) I have two xboxes (360s) and haven't used them in, quite possibly up to 10 years.. I used them a bit before the xbox one was released and put them in storage. Don't know where the second one came from, likely given to me by someone that also didn't want his anymore. I only asked with the other work you have done (mentioned in the past) that a strong computer would be something you would want to have.. with that.. all that is needed is a 200 dollar processor (if not an all in one unit) On a side note.. I really want to gather up my used equipment and upgraded components and create a dedicated gaming computer.
  12. Not going to use the PC version? As for me.. I will allow /keep enough of my cash back from purchases to buy it when it is released. Not sure which version but will be likely waiting until some good game footage has been released (actual game play from a reviewer) before settling in and getting it. It is a new approach for them and story as well. I want to see the results before buying. So far it looks good to me.
  13. Everyone but me apparently. (Youtube not available in my area... )
  14. Now I have a reason to go spend 1500 dollars (or more) on top of the game.
  15. https://store.steampowered.com/app/585550/FEMINAZI_The_Triggering/ Are two genders not enough.. choose among 30 genders! LOL..
  16. https://www.destructoid.com/fallout-76-is-getting-a-free-trial-and-it-starts-tomorrow-556657.phtml Free trial for the best game ever .. Who's a taker here? lol Not really sure how long it is still available or even if it is still available or what hoops you have to jump in, through, on or blow... to be able to get it.
  17. I thing the section where the dog asks to hump the girls leg and was told no but did it anyway and excused it as the fact that he identified as a shin guard summed up the situation quite well.
  18. Absolutely awesome... If their actual game play is in any way like the cut scenes that are being shown.. it will be a beautiful game. I am really interested in this game due to the story... I really like movies, books etc that have futuristic story lines and such along the lines of this game. Coming from CDPR and their history of .. so far.. . finger crossed... improving on their skills as a gaming company year after year project after project.. this game should be pretty damn awesome. Even if it ends up not being something I personally like (for some reason) as long as they have the quality and energy that they have put in their previous games.. I will give it a thumbs up. Now if they can only release it before 2077, that would be awesome! lol
  19. And their game will sell like shit be reviewed like shit get shit talked about it all the time Wait.. that sounds like what is happening with Fallout 76 currently
  20. and their games will sell like Fallout 76.
  21. "What you don't know is you are charged 27%. - Bernie Sanders That is only true if you are a fucking idiot and don't read the terms. Simple terms, one fucking sheet that states your fees, interest, and the such. I believe he lost a massive amount of brain cells due to sitting close to AOC One such clause is if you pay off in full within x days, you don't pay any interest... Many do this. the reason stores want you to use their card is so that .. those that are stupid (AOC) would make them shit tons of money and those that aren't (yours truly) would save them money... money they'd have to normally pay another card (Mainstream card) for the fees used. With using their card... they can minimize the fees if not remove them all together.. increasing their bottom line 1~3% on average. For a brick and mortar store.. margins being so fucking thin... this is a make or break deal. Free margin for them.
  22. You know... I laughed at that and dismissed it.. A few hours later and now .. if I had been waiting for these bags, I'd be worried. Bugs, = poor stiching, uneven handles, poor zippers and quite possibly the best bug off all... the graphics reversed and/or upside down... with the possibility of it being in any language than what was ordered as well.. It does take alot of work to fuck something up really bad.
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