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About This File

Type3 and Breeze Males Redux mesh and texture replacers for the Honest Hearts DCL Tribals.

The esp repaths the Honest Hearts Tribal meshes and textures and makes them work like standard races.  They have their own texture folders and will use the default body mesh you have installed.  The males use Breeze Males Redux and the females use Type3 Cali Boobs.
There are mesh replacers for the default tribal outfits plus three new outfits; a base Dead Horses unarmored tribal set, a male version of Waking Cloud’s outfit and a new outfit for White Bird.
A new leveled list has been added for Dead Horse non-combatants, Waking Cloud’s outfit is now playable, as is White Bird’s new outfit.

Type3 compatible body meshes, Breeze Males Redux, and the Honest Hearts DLC.

The male meshes and textures are compatible with vanilla Fallout New Vegas.  They are not compatible with Sesom’s Breeze New Vegas Males, Nivea’s Robert’s Male Body FNV or the Robert’s Male version made by FavoredSoul.  And obviously, anything that changes the Honest Hearts Tribal races.

Drop the download contents into your data folder, activate the esp and play.  The game will do the rest.

dimon99 for Type3, Breeze582000 for Breeze Males, Kendo 2 for everything else.

Feel free to use the mod’s content in your own work.  The contents of this mod are subject to the additional terms below.



If you use my meshes or textures in your own mods you must credit dimon99, Breeze582000 and Kendo 2.
You are not allowed repackage the mod in its entirety and present it as your own work.
You are not allowed to convert any of my content for use with the Type6 body or any derivatives thereof.
You are not allowed to convert my content for use with Skyrim or Fallout 4.
You are not allowed to upload my content (including derivatives) to NexusMods.com, Bethesda.net (or their third party designees) or Steam Workshop.
You are not allowed to use any of my content for the purposes of monetized modding.
You have no claim or right to the content other than what is described in the Permissions and Terms of this document.


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