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  1. Today
  2. Karma/FAFO
  3. Wishful thinking or full-blown delusion, take your pick.
  4. Yeah, you've only got to look at Starfield to see that Bethesda have gone backwards as well, both companies are infested with talentless DEI hires.
  5. Yesterday
  6. WTF!!! https://nypost.com/2025/01/30/us-news/killing-of-border-patrol-agent-appears-linked-to-zizian-radical-leftist-trans-cult/ Let not forget. radical leftist trans VEGAN miliitant cult. Seriously? I thought this was some movie plot that was being told. NOT REAL! I have dreams that are more realistic that this! Holy Shit! Reminded me of @vancleef comment about the person that lost their shit about Trump supporters. Holy Shit. The insanity runs deep here.
  7. It isn't American politics if they aren't deposing or out right killing some goverement leader to place someone else in power. lol Well if that is true, the joke is on them. The joke to the tune of $175 billion. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine If that is what the news agencies state, we know it has to be way higher. Doubt that covers all the hardware that was sent. https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-has-the-us-given-ukraine-since-russias-invasion/ Nobody has the right amount. Or I'm not reading it correctly.. lol
  8. The water will reflect characters when it feels like it, it's working here but when I set the water up in exactly the same way in another mod neither actors or statics would reflect, it makes no sense.
  9. Is against their Tinker Toy constitution to have Victoria Nuland and the CIA back a coup that deposed the real President and inserted Zelenskyy? That's what happened in 2014 and none of these pro-Ukrainian 'threat to democracy' cunts batted an eye.
  10. Last week
  11. As I understood it. (provided the reporters are correct. we all know how "accurate" they are) The constution for Ukraine states that there wouldn't be an election when the country is in war or militar action. So... his keeping the war going...some could say is him keeping himself in power? Also, claims that billions of dollars were "lost"? Seriously? People stating... there is a war going on, how do you expect them to keep accurate accounting? Well. think about how big a BILLION is. And they can't point to a general expense? It would be like a person that makes 50 thousand dollars a year not knowing where 45 thousand dollars went to. That is just crazy. Not being able to account for a couple hundred maybe a thousand but tens of thousands of dollars. That is bullshit. But... give me more! WTF. Anybody have Ukraine citizen approval raitings for him? (if those are accurate as well) https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/19/zelenskyys-approval-rating-grows-to-57-debunking-trumps-4-support-claim If this report is to be believed, he has as good a approval raiting (or close to it) as President Trump. It also states the election time when it was suppose to happen and confirms the info I read elsewhere where it is againt the constitution to have an election during marshal law.
  12. U.S. and Russia push for elections in Ukraine; the Brits, Ukrainians and the EU flip the fuck out. So how's that 'defending democracy' narrative working out?
  13. First try repairing the game. There might be a file messed up.
  14. Going on and publicly stating and advocating killing someone ... as far as I am aware... can lead you directly to jail. Then you go after a goverment official ... that is a whole different level of trouble. It is entirely possible that there are FBI files opened on each and everyone of those individuals.
  15. The good news is, if a Civil War does break out, this side is definitely going to lose.
  16. In a way, this is what the Oblivion remake will probably look like.
  17. 2025-02-17 22-33-51 (New).mp4 I swapped the video in game that is shown on the monitor and the projection screen to this. The original one is on the previous post above. And it Worked as I thought it would.
  18. Another thing, the link to the wiki seems to not be valid anymore, my AV blocked the connection, so... yea EDIT: I seem to have used an older link and not one on Page 1, so my bad
  19. I see one of the networks already has a show starring Tim Allen and Kat Denning, two actors blacklisted during the Great Woke Experiment. Budweiser doesn't have anything other than Clydesdales in their ads and even Gillette got their shit together and just advertise razor blades now. The corporations have already seen the writing on the wall. It's a good sign.
  20. Notice how it's the passive on-line crazy or a lone nutter these days? I think woke Marxist plebes have realized public and official sentiments won't be like it was back before COVID. Society has shifted, and imagine what Pam Bondi would do to DAs and cops who let antifags and blm riot.
  21. Don't combine like mods that do the same things. It will cause conflicts. This goes for DD and WW as well as for anything else unless expressly stated otherwise by the author. This of course has to do with script mods not shoes and such (however, I guess you can have a conflict but I haven't heard of it yet. )
  22. FOLLOW UP The Neighborhood Nut Job driving around yelling at houses with Trump signs in their yard got arrested yesterday, in front of my house, for PULLING A KNIFE ON A NEIGHBOR! You'll be glad to learn that said neighbor, an imposing Marine Veteran, threw the idiot to the ground and disarmed him while his wife dialed 911. Nut job was taken away by the police and last I heard he was still awaiting his bond hearing. I don't want to sound like an alarmist but please be careful. Most of these Woke idiots are Toothless Tigers at worst but the mentally deranged ones are getting a little crazier. If you have one in your neighborhood and they start acting up, call in a report. Even if the cops don't do anything, there will be a record of previous bad behavior if they explode.
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