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I don't understand how making it so some working man or woman can't get to their job because someone disabled their car is helping the country. Liberals are absolutely fucking retarded.
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starsluvsick joined the community
angelicmonstr joined the community
I'm not sure m yself where the informaiton for the modules are but if they are anywhere they would most likley be in the Discord server that he has. As for the question about doucments and such in the folder. I havne't got a definitive answer however, I often times have some in my folders as I am too lazy to clean up the folders and likely it won't slow it down as some members have stated they have 100 = gig mod folders with little issue. finally for the package/tsscript question. Yes, I'd say you should remove both. Also remember to never h ave them more than one folder deep. Meaning sims4/mods/your mod folder/package and script. Most of the time I just extract the authors folder and drag and drop into the sims mod folder as they set it up.
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GGhello joined the community
FoundChoice joined the community
- Yesterday
LoveTechy joined the community
CD Projekt Red have gone woke as well so we can give up on them.
I have a question. I dragged all the folders into the Sims 4 mod's folder. Do the .txt files matter? Will they slow down the game if i have them for potentially hundreds of mods (eventually that is) Should I delete them to keep the mod's folder cleaner. UPDATE: It is installed and working. I have another question. It states that the modules are optional. I would like to remove the penis milking. It is distracting for my game play. Which module is that? As well as the pet stuff. Not interested in that. my installation if it helps someone. The animations are by artist. the modules never mind. I think I found the modules. I assume since the instructions state to keep the package and script of the same name together I would remove both at the same time. Does anyone know where information on the individual modules are. What they do etc. P.S. Sorry for all the empty spoilers and other issues with my post. I'm learning the site.
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halflinghero joined the community
I think you mean they need a timeout... EDIT: That's besides the point though... Instead of criticizing us and whining about us asking for help, why not do the sensible thing and actually OFFER more help instead of just saying "Womp womp, that's your problem, not mine, I refuse to help any further" There are people who need ACTUAL help, even after following the installation instructions TO THE LETTER, may I add! And you're just basically telling us to fuck off and cry about it, well we have and this is how you cause people to go to the competition despite said competition having less features.
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unlimitedgreet joined the community
I don't hold hope as well. Unless some other studio takes it over. Even then if it is a studio in the US that has been around for any amount of time, it will likely be same shit different day. Imagine if the studio that did BSG3 took it over or for that matter any studio in Asia. I would put Europe in it (CD Project Red) but... the screw up they did to releasse Cyberpunk makes me think twice.
xHarleyQuinn joined the community
XBox is being run by clowns, they spend a fortune on studios and then leave them to their own devices, no wonder games take forever to release and when they do they're shit. It looks like Fable is going the same way, that's been delayed and looks awful with another ugly as fuck girlboss lead. I don't hold out any hope for Fallout 5, Bethesda don't understand Fallout and will just make another poorly written shooter and the less said about Obsidian the better, 90% of the talent left that studio a long time ago. The only Microsoft studio that might be able to do it justice is inXile, that's headed by Brian Fargo who was the CEO of Interplay when Fallout, Fallout 2 and Tactics were developed, that said Fallout succeeded despite Interplay, not because of it.
JoshQ started following Impossible Heels ‘Mint’
View File Impossible Heels ‘Mint’ Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10028; LOD2=934 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam This release was brought to you by mechanical memory Submitter JoshQ Submitted 03/23/2025 Category Shoes
Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10028; LOD2=934 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam This release was brought to you by mechanical memory -
someone needs a hug
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Your game doesn't work. It works for those that followed the installation instuctions and basic Sims 4 modding processees. Your game isn't some special Unicorn. It doesn't work, = you fucked up somewhere. Go back and double check what you did. yep... Can be a major issue which you seem to ignore. Along with the entire mod description it seems. I have helped you. Posting questions that have the dam answer in mod description is a clear sign that you aren't reading and using basic common sense and sincere attempt to correct and find the answers. Answers that are already avaialble. This tells those that have more advanced understanding of what is going on, that you are a waste of time to support. I have provided support and even outright testing of mods for various games for more than 13 years. I've learned that people that can't be assed to READ can't be helped. The support person would go around and around and around for days only to find out some basic thing that the person needing support states WAS INSTALLED CORRECTLY, was fucked up. Instead come to the mod authors thread and state the mod is broke. You aren't going to get shit with that response/action. At least not here. Here we expect a minimum amount of effort which is reading and undrstanding the mod description. Along with a basic understanding on how to mod Sims 4. FYI. I will continue to tell you and anyone else that can't be bothered to read the mod description to read it. I will continue to tell those that don't seem to know the most basic process of modding and maintaining their Sims game to watch some Youtube videos on how to do this. You want to post questions? Get useful answers? Post useful, detailed questions that has information that hasn't been given in the mod description. Detailed information regarding what is happening. Can it be repeated.
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I love how you assume that we did something wrong with instillation. Forget that the mod was working just fine one day and the next it's not working. no changes except the sims updating. maybe it is a mod conflict that got broken on an update? However instead of coming up with helpful information, you decide to belittle other players who are less experience in trouble shooting their issue. Ether help people or just keep your comments to yourself.
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lilsexy69 joined the community
Most every problem being mentioned here clearly shows that the poster doesn't read instructions and/or follow basic rules for Sims4 mod installation. That's the reason your game doesn't work. I love it (scarcasm) especally when they claim the mod is broken. Wow, the adaucity that some rando from the web has the knowlege to determine that a mod doesn't work while posting stupid question that have the answer right in the mod's authors original post. (looking at the simscommunitylab mod question) Have fun trying to figure it out without actually reading the authors OP.
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Well not for me and Red here...
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Devious Desires works perfectly fine. I finally updated my game. No noticable issues for me.
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- Last week
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HawkTear started following Life Improvements
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The Killing Antidote
endgameaddiction commented on endgameaddiction's gallery image in Miscellaneous
Forget everything i just said..mod broken
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Started playing this yesterday and this game is fucking brutal. If you're into Resident Evil, you're going to like this.
you don't need additional copies of the "requirements" DD includes the updated versions that work with DD. Same creator. As for the no animations part. I had the same issue. The mod broke, i just closed the game and reloaded my save then the mod worked. if not remove DD and all files and reinstall. Also WW and MCC do not play nice with DD. hope that helps
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