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RIP TikTok (for now). I never used it but I know it's a brainrot influencer hellscape with a few businesses using it for advertising. The one and only thing that bothers me is the precedent of a ban that shits on the spirit of the First Amendment; 170 million Americans got kicked out of their town square by the U.S. government. The premise for the ban was shaky since the parent company offered up all the data and to have it hosted in the U.S., along with government oversite. Doesn't help that the politicians who pushed this and voted for it all had the same idea to invest in META around the same time. On the other hand, the CCP has already refused to sell TikTok even though 60% of its investors are not Chinese companies. They have something to hide.
That's it in a nutshell. I think there are a bunch of politicians who shrewdly paid attention to this election and realized that the voters aren't as dumb or loyal to a fault to their party as believed. Therefore, they better start doing their jobs and getting shit down or they're going to find themselves kicked out of their seats next go-round. Fetterman is doing what our elected officials are supposed to be doing: working together to achieve a middle of the road solution. Every politician spouts, "if I'm elected, I'll reach across the aisle..." but this guy is actually doing it. And I guess he's really more of an Independent who just runs under the Blue ticket, as you pointed out. With any luck, we'll see more of that in the future. I'm not going to get too excited. I mean, we're not headed towards Utopia in my lifetime (or anyone else's lifetime, past present or future, for that matter!) but maybe, just maybe, the next administration or two will put on their Big Boy Pants and do the job.
- Last week
Yes, I am aware of Google's theft of the information when using Incognito mode. I didn't post it here as I didn't want to break the rules! LOL. I am sure there are other sources of infomration from Google, Microsoft and even Apple where they steal information without properly informing the customers. Why can't they just tell us? Maybe becuase it is super shady Low, and a shitty move. Something if people truely knew would loose their shit.
Google is facing a class-action lawsuit for stealing user data when Chrome is in incognito mode. No doubt Microsoft will face a similar lawsuit if they're caught doing this. They really have some numbskulls working there if they think they can get away with this.
Windows stealing your browser information (Edge?) Even if disabled. Now forcing updates to the newest verson ...WARNING. With all these bad actions and problems.... now is the time to raise the cost for Office 365!
So because he meets with the incoming president the Democrats are but hurt? Are they thinking that the USA will be wisked away to the land of OZ? Do they think that if they put their fingers in their ears and keep on repeating Nananananananananan it will go away? WTF. Seriously? Trump is President. Not only is he president but he was recognized by both Biden and Kackles as such. NOT talking with the incoming president to discuss things of importance for his state is just plain stupid. Doesn't mean he has been brain washed or something. So far his actions are in good faith and show consideration of potential policies as they will be played out in a Republican majority held house and Senate. Putting up a wall and going nanananananan with your fingers in your ears will net a complete domination of the country. Not even be willing to meet and discuss polices with the opposite side is retarded. Just plain stupid. You need to work with them. YOu will need to compromize with them and yes, you might not get everything you want but that doesnt' mean go off and cry out your eyes and point and hurl names at everybody that doens't want to do what you want to do. Republicans were elected ... with a majority ... record voting for a reason. If Democrats don't want to meet with the Republicans then they need to seriously meet with each other and have a "come to jesus" moment and ask themselves what the fuck just happened followed up with what the fuck do we need to do so we don't get so badly beaten and humilated again. There are plenty of sources on Youtube and right side individuals that can give some hints if they honestly want to improve themselves. They lost because thsoe that would normally vote Democratic ran for the Republicans .. they need to let that sink in. Every demographic, black men, hispanic men, young men, and many different groups of women as well (even with the HORROR of repealing Roe vs Wade and all the complete lies of what Trump was doing etc.) That should really tell you, Democrats are really fucked up. @Vancleef keep in mind the man orc is a different species from the traditional Democrat. As far as I know since the beginning. A self starter and promoter. From my understanding (and the article) he pretty much made his career on his own. I doubt he drank the cool aid of either side. That is a good thing. It appears that he thinks what is best for his people and works towards that. His meeting with Trum shows at least to me, that he is willing to work on the problem(s) and understands that he will have to accept good ideas even if they .. heaven forbid come from Republicans. Doing so will likely help hiim get the resources and aid he needs for his people and help prevent some bad policies as well.
Okay. so, in the past, I've lambasted our Pennsyltucky Man-Orc pretty hard but (and assuming this isn't just a stunt to get re-elected) Fetterman might be an example to the other Democrats about how shit gets done. He's not on his knees sucking Trump's dick but he's still supporting the policies that make sense. I love how he's more-or-less calling out his fellow Dems as sore losers who are going to keep losing power if they don't grow up. I'm not ready to support him just yet. But I will listen to what he has to say in the next four years. Fetterman was elected to challenge convention. Now, he's challenging his fellow Democrats
- They won't support their office options after Windows 10 end of life. This might sound normal and reasonable however, they charge for support and critical updates after this point. If they are giving critical udpates and such for those that pay, don't you think that would include Microsoft Office 365 support? Being that buisnesses mosts likely would still use it with their Windows 10 OS. If this is the case, then Microsoft can support the base OS with these updates to cover their Office suite through this time as well without any extra charge. Which means they are attempting to either force you to update to the newest OS or pay them $$$$ to use the old OS and get any support for it and Office. The reason people still use the old OS is it came with their computer and they still want to use it as they bought it and not ready to upgrade or for many tech people, they HATE THE BULLSHIT that Microsoft is doing to the newer OS.Currently they have gamers over the barrel if they want reliable supported use of their games they buy. They have content creators often times stuck over the same barrel due to specialized software they need or drivers for devices that are only available for Windows (often getting support for the most current OS ) Even now as Windows 10 is being discontinued shortly Windows 11 has only reached around 30% as of August of last year. I'm sure that much of this is just that old Windows 10 machines died and new computers were bought to replace them. This is really bad in my opinion as this as far as I know, takes into consideration businesses purchases as well. The above are reasons common computer users aren't moving to Windows 11. For those that are like many here. The hoops and restrictions to local accounts and registeration, gaming performance (mentioned in the article) and other restrictions that weren't present on previous operating systems are our reasons. Keep in mind that many were on Windows 7 for many years when Windows 10 rolled out. For many they moved to Windows 10 when possible instead of just jumping to the most current OS like a Mac user or Linux user or even Android (for phone ) users would do. What would make common sence if Microsoft wasn't screwing up. One such occurance is why this thread was started in the first place.
You want fun? Seriously? How about you try to create a new account now. The tools that they use to make sure you aren't a robot. (we know they are likely using this to train their AI of course). It is a pain in the but. Not like any of the other standard captas. They don't have to throw things at a wall to see what works. Just listen to what their customers are saying and read some post regarding the company and you will get a lot of good information all for free. No need to have any DEI consultants tell you all the "great" stuff you need to do to make your company better (worse of course) and loose you customers.
Yup. There was a lot of chatter months ago that Microsoft was going to kill local accounts. They must think that people want AI in their OS so much that they are willing to ignore these changes because nothing else about their decisions makes sense to me. The reality is that Microsoft (and Google) have peaked and are losing market share to competitors and they seem to be throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks.
What drugs are they on? That be some serious drugs. Just look at the web and all the complailnts about their changes pissing off customers. I have been adding VMs to my gaming computer so that I can use differet linux etc. I have put in various Linux in about 30 minutes a piece. I have been trying to install windoze 11 for the past 4 hours. After about 3 hours of it updating (mind you from a fresh download image) The new setup process ask us our age and other bullshit and as near as I can tell there are no ways to create local accounts anymore. At least not until you bow and suck microsoft's d**k first. Needless to say, in the end it failed and I was unable to acctually access the image. The time it took me to install several other OS's . .. some of which I never used or haven't used in years including customizations, to install a failed windoze OS. Oh, my gaming machine welcomed me this morning when I booted it up with a interuption of my life asking, better telling me I need to do my backups. If it isn't that it is making sure that I don't want to create a windoze account. Which it has one for the activations. I am using a local account for my day to day. this one is really asking constantly for me to create a new microsoft account. Soon I have no doubt that it will demand it. It is getting so bad that I used to think just install a Linux and boot into a windoze when you needed it for the few games that run better on it like those that require anti cheet etc. Many game created for windows are suppose to run really good on Linux. However, it is getting so bad that I don't think we will even be able to do that going forward. I can't imagine the fucking hell Windoze 12 will be. Another company with a shit easy job with shit eazy task fucking it up just because they want to fuck it up and have the deluions that they know better. Just like other companies do, they stand there dumbfounded why they are loosing buisness and people are pissed at them. People are running as fast and as far as humanily possible from their shitty products.
The Oblivion remake rumor thread
Kendo 2 replied to Doublezero's topic in Oblivion General Discussion
The Oblivion remake rumor thread
ritualclarity replied to Doublezero's topic in Oblivion General Discussion
I just thought. They might have floated that rumor to see if there is a public following and desire. It is cheaper to remake it and with all the new games failing it might be more profitable as well. -
The Oblivion remake rumor thread
ritualclarity replied to Doublezero's topic in Oblivion General Discussion
If they did, it would be crap. They would "update it" and make it so. I have no trust that Bethesda or even Microsoft will be capable of doing anything right in regards to games, Oblivion specifically. In fact, I would be perfectly happy if they never updated it. -
The Oblivion remake rumor thread
Doublezero replied to Doublezero's topic in Oblivion General Discussion
It hasn't been officially announced by Microsoft or Bethesda, so I'm taking it all as rumor. -
I don't know if anyone else shops (or has shopped) at Etsy, but it doesn't surprise me. Almost everything that becomes mainstream tends to turn into corporate greed. Yes, there are some good things that are mainstream, but it tends to get negative attention that leads to these fucks looking for ways to profit off of something that functions fine as is. One of the reasons why I used to be (sometimes still am) very vocal about mainstream. A once niche market place that I remember from way back to now another Amazon marketplace. Looks like they'll have to migrate to a new platform to start over.
The evidence is coming in at least as far as I can see COVID was a godsend to the Democrats during 2020. It is always a godsend for any political or power hungry group that wants POWER. You are very likely correct. There will likley be a major shake up after this bullshit. While the fires are going they are going on vacation and trying to throw everyone else under the bus. Way to go. Seriously? WTF. Take care of business first. I've seen some fringe Democrats stating that the party lost their mind. They are correct. (one was a transwoman talking to some British interviewers. I forget the name. If I recall correctly she was an elected official) They need to get back to some basic common sense and take care of the basics first before they attempt to lobotomize the US. This is all just a slow moving train wrek.
Hello! Absolutely love your mod. But im having a save speicifc issue. Where everytime my sim enters the house, all of the clothing options turn nude. I've gone through the settings and files and cant seem to figure out what's causing this running 'situations'. I've tested this mod and all of my mods with two other saves before this one and both were find and normal and I havent done anything different. Thank you in advance for any help! [The image wont embed into this post so here is the imgur link of the screenshot i took;]
- 1,004 replies
The Oblivion remake rumor thread
endgameaddiction replied to Doublezero's topic in Oblivion General Discussion
Is it a rumor? I thought it was confirmed. I don't keep up with them to care. Nothing Bethesda does is out of goodwill. I see this nothing more than to foster more cash from their fans sheep. I only expect them to do this with the rest of their older titles. I was hoping for Skyblivion and SkyWind, but since it's not going to be available for LE (only SE), I have nothing to look forward to from any of this. -
I remember thinking that COVID was a Godsend to the Democrats election hopes in 2020. Now, these fires are going to topple the Ultra Liberals that currently run CA. CA will still vote Blue, of course, but maybe they'll get some people in there that can run the state effectively and implement practical programs that work instead of just being contrary.
The Oblivion remake rumor thread
Kendo 2 replied to Doublezero's topic in Oblivion General Discussion
'Modernize', monetize and ultimately fuck up. From what I understand it was going to be a remake in Unreal5 with the original gameplay mechanics. How they intended to do that with the original voice actors and sound track is a mystery since the'd have to pay for that again or not use them. At first (to me anyway) it sounded like it's something they could slap together pretty quickly, grab some cash and derail Skyblivion. Now there are rumblings that 'modernize' also includes 'modern audience' and FUCK-THEM-NO-THANKS. Doesn't matter if an outside team is doing the remake, it still has to clear corporate and that's when they'll start fucking it up. I'll wait for Skyblivion.
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