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2 Screenshots

About This File

The next time your Teen Sims goes to high school they can show their team spirit.  Go Fighting Llamas!!!

The outfits are all color variations of Cheerleader, Athletic Minor League, Athletic Major League, Track Cleats and Track Suits.  Both male and female outfit versions are included.  Not everything in the mod is shown in the screenshots.  There's too many color options to deal with.

The Outfit Categories are: Athletic, Everyday, Party, Situation and Career.  Note that I have removed all of the random flags so these outfits will not spawn on Sims.  You have to use CAS to give them to your Sims.
The Age Categories are: Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder.  They will also work on Occult humans and Aliens.

I didn't make any of this stuff.  It is vanilla EA content that's normally locked away and out of the player's sight.  I simply made packages so they are available for normal play.

Permissions: Since none of this is my stuff you can do what you want with it.  Credit for the data entry time I put in would be nice.

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Mmmm Cheerleaders (drooool)

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