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Sexy leather armor refits for Type3 and Breeze Males


THE REPLACER VERSION adds a reworked version of the vanilla female leather armor. The waist has been narrowed, more definition added to the ass, and the man-hand leather gloves replaced with my personal versions based on dimon99's smaller female hands. There is an optional file that adds sexy elevator boots too. There is NOT a male model replacer.


THE FULL VERSION adds two new models for both Type3 (CaliBoobs) and Breeze Males (it will work with vanilla males too). Both sexes get reworked textures and normal maps. I also included a matching eye patch for both sexes.


The armors are available from a fully-voiced vendor on the street in Freeside, close to Mick and Ralph's.


dimon99 for Type3 and the smaller female hands meshes
humannature66 for the manicured nails meshes
Breeze for Breeze Males
Kendo 2 for everything else



None. This is not a resource.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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