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12 Screenshots

About This File

What is it?

- A conversion of Dz3d’s Starfish Bikini by 9MBi to the UNPB / UNP Jiggle body of Skyrim. The original outfit only has 2 basic colors (blue and purple), so I made 9 more retextures (and named them Arsenic Remix because I need attention to ease my lonely existence).

- Weight slighter supported.

How to install?

- Extract .rar file, and copy everything into Data\

- Or use a mod manager, much easier.

How to uninstall?

- Delete the following:



Starfish Bikini.esp

How to get?

- AddItemMenu mod.

- Or console “help Starfish”


- XMPSE 3.0+ Skeleton


9MBi for the original work in Daz3d.

Kendo 2 for the UNP Jiggle body meshes.

Nightasy for the awesome tutorials.

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