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COVID-19 News (serious thread)

Kendo 2

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S.Korea is now triaging the infected.  The situation is pretty bad when levels of infection are being prioritized.  There aren't enough resources to treat everyone.

NOTE: If anyone is wondering why I'm following S.Korean news for this; China isn't being honest and the Western media is click-baiting and politicizing the virus.

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8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

FOX points out the obvious.  They get things right once in a while.

Politico now claiming that Pres. Trump said COVID-19 is a 'hoax'.  I watched the NC rally, he never said that; the article is outrage-inducing click-bait.

Little wonder clueless people are buying hepa filter masks and medication they'll never use.

The media has been doing that for years and I still don't understand what they think they are accomplishing when anyone can go online and see his original speech. And then they cry when people point to them and call them fake news.

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The misfortune for those who are brain dead zombies and believe everything the media says. Ideological subversion is a real and scary thing. These people are the type who don't have common sense, or question any information given. I was taught at home at a very young age before history in grade school what socialism/communism was and why it's bad. Having family from my father's side that escaped Cuba coming to the states and making a life for themselves was a testament why it fails. For the first time in their lives they now knew what freedom felt like and being able to enjoy the things they couldn't. And a lot of idiots in my state want socialism. They have no idea what they are asking for. It's scary that presenting facts doesn't seem to raise their eyebrow on the subject. They only care for free shit, and don't care who pays for it as long as big daddy government sets and enforces the rules.

Edited by driftscape
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20 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

No jokes/memes/trolling.  That goes for everyone.

What the hell? I had more posted there. Serious comments...

 Well.. it went like this... I(Ill post the general of what i tried previously here so not to confuse the thread. )How bad will this cause the economy to crash.. ( using the starter comment as an example) money won't be made. How long before serious financial issues occur for those that aren't sick. Go to work and school is fine but... What if like the above example.. your work is bar keeping, clubs, etc. Work is restaurants and food establishments. We are getting toward spring.. Tourism (Florida for example) what about the revenue lost there.  Restaurants are starting to open their outdoor parts for patrons... Where will they be if this continues. Most of the above make their money just to survive and continue for next season. I can see lots of establishments filing bankruptcy if there isn't some protections for them during this time. For something they can't in any way control...

World wide.. seasonal tourism for example. Helps many poor er countries get much needed cash.. Italy for example they will be seriously harmed by this (and shutting down as mentioned above.) When you take into consideration what is happening... Wow.. its going to be a world of hurt for all people.. not just those that get sick. Everybody will feel the pain.

What if this continues on (which it appears only to be starting.. ) and you loose your job due to being sick and having time off.. or taking care of someone else that is seriously sick (like a parent or something) and you get sick after you loose your insurance.. ? Serious pain is coming.

Government revenuer from events like parades, sporting events and such. Already they are shutting down many events and it is just starting. What about the tax impact of that ? Combined with all those people needing assistance (medical) that might not have medical.. Wow.

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