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The fallout from Fallout 4 (Discussion Thread)

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No, you don't.  But someone else likely will and there is little you can do about it outside of a DMCA complaint.  Bethesda.net is acting like Youtube in that regard.


Anyway, the application of DMCA guidelines for game content that isn't protected by a DRM is sketchy at best.  I couldn't find any case law or anecdotal evidence of a DMCA complaint being used to remove 3d art.  Primarily DMCA covers main stream digital media (2d art, music) and things like smartphone aps.  The exemptions extended in 2015 only apply to computer game publishers, not their end users.

Creating your own DMCA-type of documentation is feasible, but if you're not a copyright attorney you're in for a long and difficult process.  The whole scheme and all of the code is so convoluted there are websites with staff attorneys who will handle claims for their members.

In other words, Bethesda intentionally created a big shit sandwich and they're the only ones who don't have to take a bite of it.


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On 6/17/2016 at 6:06 PM, Kendo 2 said:

No, you don't.  But someone else likely will and there is little you can do about it outside of a DMCA complaint.  Bethesda.net is acting like Youtube in that regard.

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Anyway, the application of DMCA guidelines for game content that isn't protected by a DRM is sketchy at best.  I couldn't find any case law or anecdotal evidence of a DMCA complaint being used to remove 3d art.  Primarily DMCA covers main stream digital media (2d art, music) and things like smartphone aps.  The exemptions extended in 2015 only apply to computer game publishers, not their end users.

Creating your own DMCA-type of documentation is feasible, but if you're not a copyright attorney you're in for a long and difficult process.  The whole scheme and all of the code is so convoluted there are websites with staff attorneys who will handle claims for their members.

In other words, Bethesda intentionally created a big shit sandwich and they're the only ones who don't have to take a bite of it.

Wait... You're saying big business doesn't care about us?  I wonder where Ventura is in Mexico.  I need a vacation.  My dad's doing better; I can have Andres look after him and just careen around with Jesse.  I used to think people with conspiracy theories, and protect yourself about this and that were loons.  Nowadays, I think I was the loon.


Edited by mojodajojo
Correction of some of my horrible punctuation.
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'Fallout 4' Mods Arrive To PS4 With Issues, Size Limit Is Smaller

It is no secret that Bethesda plans to release the private beta for "Fallout 4" mods in PS4. And to pave the way for interested modders, the studio set out an update regarding the pertinent details involved. However, the said move only opened to a number of issues that are quite unique to Sony's console. Above all of these, it was found out that the mods' size limit is quite smaller than expected.

Supposedly, the Creation Kit of "Fallout 4" was updated in the purpose of including mod supports to PS4. This is basically in preparation for the scheduled mod launched on the said console later this month of the year.

However, according to The Escapist, Bethesda encountered a handful of issues -- all of which are something new to PS4. First, when utilizing the textures in PC, both the memory and performance of "Fallout 4" are experiencing problems.

Second, the respective sound files of the "Fallout 4" mods appear to be not currently supported for Sony's titular console. It was found out that the system was instead using a different kind of proprietary sound format. So, at the end of the day, it will not really synchronize.

Lastly, as reported by GameRant, the size limit for all "Fallout 4" mods are automatically set at a smaller value -- 900 MB, that is. This is quite smaller compared to the ones at a cap set of 2 GB, particularly on the game's Xbox One port.

The good thing, though, is that Bethesda is fully aware of the said "Fallout 4" mods issues. And, as of this writing, is exerting all efforts to resolve the situation. In fact, even Sony has jumped into the situation. The tech giant is attempting to come up with a radical solution to specifically resolve the sound file processing issues.

Nonetheless, it is safe to say that this could imply a possible setback for the "Fallout 4" mod support. This is most especially if the aforementioned issues remain unresolved.



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  • 1 month later...

For a long time I shunned Obsidian for the poor job (my opinion) on the main story introduction of New Vegas and throughout of the main protagonist with this revenge plot that just never sat right in my head as something that I would find to be "believable" so I never took it serious and I found it to be mediocre. As a company I don't hate them. When I saw their financial struggle in 2011 where they had to lay off co-workers because they were in a crisis and things were just going from bad to worse, I felt bad for them. When that light of hope had come when they developed Pillars Of Eternity and it had become a success, I felt that I felt their emotions of seeing that light at the end of the tunnel. I even thought to myself after they had gotten back on their feet that I hope the people they laid off, they somehow brought them back to the company. I never praised them as maybe I should have. I guess it's because I never played any other games other than New Vegas. When I got into Dead Money, I really felt that DLC. I was literally blown away by the writing, the plot, the atmosphere/settings, the characters, the voice acting. I was blown away by the whole details in this DLC.

I admit that at some point I shunned them down because of New Vegas, but after I've seen why New Vegas wasn't greatly developed, it made complete sense because the game was rushed. It's obvious the reasons behind that. And because I may have not seen these obvious reasons before, I take back what I have said about them. I would love to see Obsidian get another opportunity for another Fallout game so long as it's not rushed, the voiced protagonist, 4 wheel dialogue and bland choices are completely removed while having the features that were removed such as skills, skill speech check, other attribute speech check like INT, STR etc., reputation/karma  and weapon/armor degradation returned. I know most old fans would love nothing more than to see Obsidian create another Fallout.

It's very true that Fallout 4 has become just another ME and FarCry game. It's become just another mainstream common video game. It no longer is a unique game of it's own and for the sake of reviving the series. Obsidian needs to return to set things right again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alight, I kinda want to get this off my chest even though I really don't care about this game and arguing about it anymore, but it's pretty sad you need to own Nuka World to play as an evil character in the game. What's next? a few more DLCs for weapon/armor degradation and karma/reputation? sheesh... I get people like this game and don't care if they do, but this has got to be the biggest rip off in a game and especialy it's DLC content.

And then companies like Bethesda wonder why piracy increases... uh.... derp?

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They did some thing similar with New Vegas but to me it was worse.  When I did the final battle at Hoover Dam and the game ended I was like 'WTF?!  Where's the rest of the game?'  Come to find out the rest of the game was only available in the Lonesome Road DLC.  What's sad is that DLC wasn't an afterthought because there are unresolved plot elements and actually game world blocks that won't be resolved or removed unless you fork over more dough so you can finish the damn game.

FO4 was my last Bethesda purchase.  I haven't bought any of the DLCs for it nor do I care what they add or fix.

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What's sad about this whole thing is that PS4 gamers who were anticipated for mods they were promised are the ones paying the price. They got their hopes up for nothing. Well, that's if Bethesda isn't begging and pleading Sony to find some sort of arrangement. But it looks like Bethesda didn't meed Sony's expectations.

At this point if nothing can be settled, there is no point for PS4 gamers to even look at Skyrim Remaster because all it is, is another Skyrim game WITHOUT mods. It has a few features that to me doesn't deserve enough reason to buy the game for $60. And to be honest, after I had read Bethesda's announcement why they are upset about this whole thing, you know, trying to make Sony out to be the "bad guys", if I was Sony, I wouldn't give them the go ahead. Bethesda shouldn't have rubbed it in the face of their gamers until all requirements and expectations were met. But as I have said before, I always felt that Sony was holding back for reasons.

I read people talking about ditching PS4 for an Xbox just for Fallout 4 mods. But it looks like PS4 is going to have mod support. Just not support Bethesda and the Fallout 4 and Skyrim Remaster mods. This is a low blow for Bethesda because as I said, Skyrim Remaster at this point is the same as the old Skyrim WITHOUT mods as well. Their going to have to entice their consumers if no agreement is met. Their going to have to release more DLCs, or make extra content exclusively for PS4 for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim Remaster.

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Bethesda is sloppy with their games and even sloppier with their DLCs and patches to fix patches, etc.  Also there isn't a vetting process for mods submitted to Bethesda.net.  They don't even check to see if the shit works or not.  Doing that for PC mods is one thing but sabotaging a console game is something else entirely.  Sony won't risk it.

And a few things that Bethesda 'failed' to mention when they were blasting Sony; one of Sony's major beefs with Bethesda was the size limit on mods for PS4.  And there's already an existing issue with jacked Bethesda textures on PS4 and Bethesda refusing to patch for that system.  There's also an issue with some of their sound file formats.  Bethesda isn't willing to address any of that BUT they want mods for PS4.  I'd tell Bethesda to get fucked too.

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With what is being said about Sony by Bethesda.. If I was Sony I'd tell them that the game wasn't going to be allowed or licensed to be made for Sony. That is if that can be done :) Not sure of the legalities.

I also heard that the sound and other formats couldn't be resolved. However to be honest Sony is a also a pain in the ass for any company to work with or so I have heard before. they do things their way.. and you are forced to do things their way even if there is no real reason do so so. I like the fact that they have tight requirements for their equipment and services but sometimes there is "too Tight" and that isn't good. Nothing can be done.

Anyway I was surprised that Sony was mentioned in the first place. Also I agree that this shit should have been worked out before any announcement. It is shit that they did so and then double shit that they are trying to make Sony look bad about it. As a business they should have dotted their i and crossed their T's before announcing this. This coming from a company that is so paranoid about any leaks about their games >:( Seriously

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I was thinking. I wonder if the Script Extender team will pull the same stunt they did to Fallout 3? You know, ditch Fallout 4 like Fallout 3 when New Vegas comes out, but instead Skyrim Remaster. Because Skyrim Remaster is right around the corner. But like DZ said, they may delay on the Remaster now.

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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

I was thinking. I wonder if the Script Extender team will pull the same stunt they did to Fallout 3? You know, ditch Fallout 4 like Fallout 3 when New Vegas comes out, but instead Skyrim Remaster. Because Skyrim Remaster is right around the corner. But like DZ said, they may delay on the Remaster now.

One would hope that they keep up with both. If the engine is the same which I believe they are suppose to be then what is learned for one can be applied to both games pretty easy or so I would guess. The Falout NV game engine I believe was more advanced over the Fallout 3 engine so maybe that was a bit harder to develop along with Fallout NV also most of the users seemed to jump if I remember correctly even before the script extender was being started.

Also if I remember correctly there were others besides the main team working on Fallout NV. I believe Pride was working on some stuff that got into the main script engine as well as some others here on LL and elsewhere. It wasn't just the main team. Might be the reason it is so well developed even with Skyrim being released.

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Those videos are good. I seen the Skyrim a few months ago and never bothered to see the others until watching this one. I really don't see how anyone can give thumbs down on those videos. But as they say "the truth is the truth, no matter how bad it hurts." If you like Fallout 4 and can acknowledge that it's a bad game for what it is and isn't, I got no problem with you except that you are just contributing to a bad cause. But that's my opinion. I'm not going to hate you for it, but I do hope that you learn from it. But a fanboy simply will not acknowledge the truth and will never accept facts. Fanboys will blacklist you. If fanboys had the power in forum communities, or if they were moderators, you'd either be kicked out of the thread or banned from the community for talking about their game.

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Some of us... got the game expecting it to be like Fallout Nv or Fallout 3.. ;)

The truth will be see later when they release another fallout game. I suspect the old fans won't be buying it as much or as quickly as they had this time. However I doubt Bethesda cares as they are trying to appeal to the "masses" to sell volume.. they don't really seem to care about the core of their fan base. Bethesda could add all those added features and such to attract other new members however still keep the core of the old features that the fans liked. That would hae been  a compromise that could have work.. at least worked better than it did to retain the fans than they did.

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Yes, they could have. And they should have. There was nothing wrong with the core features it used to have. In fact, I would argue that after New Vegas was a very great game to so many, Fallotu 4 would of been a great game if it retained those same features and maybe implement the ones Fallout 4 has now. Many people got a good vibe from FNV. I didn't. I admit that I'm just more into the destruct chaotic look and feel of a post-apocalyptic world. Fallout 3 delivered that so good. New Vegas didn't. I felt that it should have. Maybe they wanted to. I felt their DLCs had more depth then the original game. Dead Money and Lonesome Road world both rubbed off in a good way. But not so much the story from LR. When I first played LR, I instantly said "this, right here is what they should of done for the main game." But 2 years of development more than likely didn't give them enough time to do the things they really wanted to do to that game. Hopefully if they do get to make another Fallout, Bethesda/Zenimax will allow them to have more time to develop it.

The only thing that I fear is that if Obsidian can make another Fallout, they'll be forced to use the features that Fallout 4 has. Features that I don't recall ever seeing anyone say "oh, we need a voiced progatonist." But maybe they can do a much better job with it if so.

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I am not so concerned with the artistic approach and look. The core components like RPG elements and such was greatly lacking that was there in Fallout 3 and NV.

they really should build on what they have not remove components. :( So sad alien. I thought I was so lucky I could get a week off from cattle mutilation so I could play Fallout 4 right at the release date and in the end it felt like such a waste.

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