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A new question about Mod Basics


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Once again a question to the experts. How hard is it to create a companion? What programs are needed? It is only to test something, I want to learn to know the basics and I like to create new characters. Somewhere I had seen on YT how to do something like this, but I only understood the half of it, because the person was so fast. Stupid language barrier and so on ...
Would it make sense as a beginner it to try?

Thank you for your time.

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I believe I know what tutorial video you are referring to.

Creating a follower depends what you are going for.

This one is a good one.



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I want only my actual Character as a Follower for a new Dova. She is not one of the Vanilla Race, rather be one of the SuccubusRace. If she get better than I expected, I would want to offer the companion as a download.

It looks so easy, what this modder does, but i think  I do not make myself a favor. Thanks for your Post.

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If you've never worked with the Creation Kit, Nifskope or NifMerge, we're here to help. I'm familiar with all three. K2 and DB have more experienced nifskope than I do since they make meshes. My suggestion is getting familiar with the Creation Kit. It can be intimidating but it becomes much easier to use as you familiarize yourself with it. :)

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