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Edited and Split/moved - The below (non-orange) is from the original poster. I have gathered up all the great intellectual videos and discussions and moved them here for people to enjoy and have great discussions on. This can cover documentaries, theories, concepts etc. Linked videos, podcast, web-sights etc. are acceptable. We can't play video games all day, can we? -Ritualclarity


One of my favorite Documentaries about the Universe.




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Here in Germany we have a very interesting Astronomer, Physicist and natural Philospher. His name is Harald Lesch. His performances are very interesting. I can listen to ho him for a long time, without he is getting boring.

In Yt you have an option to change subtitels into your language, maybe you can understand what he says.




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I've made this Test. I am a INFP. And yes, i'm a very introvert (50%) Person. I know this since i can think. I don't like it, be the Center of anything and many things in my environment makes me sad. Life could so beautiful, when not the most of the mankind be egoists.

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4 minutes ago, Gandalftw said:

Viewing these tests i would say Jung is probably rolling over in his grave and screaming WTF??!!

You might as well be studying Astrology or consulting a Ouija board.



Not exactly.I think he would be happy what he created and the fact that people use it currently. (professionally as well) here are some grey spots but it is a way to tell differences in people. It is used by people to help determine personality and likes. It helps clarify what fields someone might be interested in, types of work and interactions that they might like, and even how they might respond to problems or tackle a problem. 

Unlike some (most) of Jung's work, it is holding up and is used as a tool (not exclusively) today. 

Gandalf is many times contributed to being an INTJ. 




^ More info. Check it out. It is confusing at first but it is used even today ... To great effect if the person understands the concept well. 

It is even loosely used for the movie Divergent... If you notice they are separated by types... which are loosely based on personality types. Only thing is they don't have 16 types. They consolidate like types into the groups. 


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16 minutes ago, Gandalftw said:

Think what you will but it's all nonsense to me.The most accurate self knowledge comes from quieting the ego and exploring your inner self.Who is answering these tests?Your inner personality or your ego?

If done correctly, it would be done without ego and as honest and truthfull as possible. You do hit on the main problem of these test / theory, that is people sometimes answer the questions with what they "think" is right and not truthfully. This leads to wrong results. Much as what happens to many other such test and even one on one consultation. However, with one on one consultation or led testing a professional can get better more truthful results as they likely will see some of the tell tell ticks and other indications of dishonesty even if they person don't realize they are being dishonest. 

Think of this as a entry level quick checkup  to the quiet self exploration. your comment from quieting the ego and exploring your inner self is indeed a deeper and more reveling process than these test. It can give you some info but not as much as the full Monty (your self exploration) 

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This wasn't to get you to use it. It was an addition to Jung. It was created as I understand it by Jung for the purpose of self exploration. At least the first steps. No attempt was made to get you to "believe" it was just a discussion. 

yes, this is also very useful for the younger generations as they are learning about themselves. Many times as you might well agree, it is difficult for them to quiet themselves enough to get meaningful insight to their personal inner self. They can get some understanding but not as much as you might after years of practice. 

You are also correct. At least IMO it takes years and years (actually your entire life) to continue to practice the task of self examination. It is quite useful if you are willing to commit to the work to self examine. It is also quite hard for many.

Mostly schools and such use the Personality profile to help students (mostly High School and College) get a better grasp on what might be productive and comparable future occupations and such. I didn't mention that above. 

There are people that try to use the process to categorize people they meet into one of the personality types. This isn't a good idea. I know of some people that try and unless they have extensive practice and are a mental professional in the field, they usually fail and the "expectation" usually fall short. Hell, even people taking the test often times errors as they don't truly know themselves enough to truly answer the question. They get close, but sometimes not on mark. 

I find the theory and testing interesting and somewhat useful. It has helped me a bit in understanding some of the aspects of my life. However, I don't hold it to great importance. 

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1 hour ago, zilvradrow said:

I've made this Test. I am a INFP. And yes, i'm a very introvert (50%) Person. I know this since i can think. I don't like it, be the Center of anything and many things in my environment makes me sad. Life could so beautiful, when not the most of the mankind be egoists.

INTJ both by proctored testing (class) as well as professionally review (specialist which was the instructor) private personal test as well as re-testing years later. Sometimes I border on INTP but that makes sense. They are so close to each other. That is one reason I am an Alien... This is one of the most rare personality types. My instructor after asking a series of question for testing conflict and such to place people into groups which would have difficulty in resolving a complex issue was disappointed that my counter personality wasn't present in the room. He expected that. He was a ol' school behaviorist and even a psychoanalyst as well. (Started practicing in late 1960's) Well he wrote the answer we would give for our groups on a paper and numbered them. gave the task and waited. An hour later... we was called on and he handed the paper over to the group,we stated what we decided.. .and opened the paper only one group was slightly off, most were dead on. Pretty scary. 

56 minutes ago, Gandalftw said:

Transactional Analysis 1

Ego states.Who are you,really when answering personality test questions?

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Nice, I haven't heard of this process used before. My default mode is Adult, most of the time it is very rare that someone could put me into a Adult mode and even more rare that I get pushed into a child mode. When that happens... it is usually very short lived (seconds) mostly thought then my default kicks in. 

However, I am evil and many times I figure out the triggers of some ... and use my evil side and trigger them into their modes mentioned above to get what I want or need. The entire time I am usually in control of the process. (evil alien I am) 

I  like that video.It is an easier follow and understand than other things I have read or watched before. 

My favorite trick is to make someone touch their nose or ear.. lol. Or make some involuntary body movement. 

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37 minutes ago, Gandalftw said:

Hmmm,touch their nose or ear?You might want to look up psychosis..OMG i just touched my fucking nose!!!!Hehehe...

No, check the web. there are tricks you can do to make someone self conscious and touch their noses without actually asking them to. There are other tricks you can do as well. At least to people that aren't expecting it. Typicaly people do these things. Like yawning when others yawn.. etc.

Try some of these. I haven't tried all these yet.


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37 minutes ago, Gandalftw said:

Well it's something to do to pass the time.


If you are honest, you would find some similarities. When you search for others famous people with that same personality you will find that you liked those people or admired them. You are similar to them. Remember Jung did create this as well as the other early inroads to psychology. Much has been learned in the past years that makes some or most of his work outdated but still it is a good foundation and the info is useful to some degrees. Much like Freud's theories have been debunked or newer more precise ones have been introduced expanding on his works in recent years. We have to keep in mind that these were the founding fathers of psychology. A model T is all but useless now a days however, it is an interesting work to examine and understand. A basis for what came later. ;)  At least that is how I "pass my time" on this matter.

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On 10/5/2017 at 3:56 PM, zilvradrow said:

Narcism is a dangerous thing. It makes one unapproachable and cold. Besides, one is damn close to misanthropy. I could not live with it, to stop at nothing.

Not all misanthropists are the same. I have fallen that low to be a misanthropist. And from experience, it has to do with the constant acts of evil by the human species. Animal abuse, manslaughter, rape, corrupt politicians etc. As time passed and the more I saw this, the more I distance myself from care about the human race. Simply because it angered me that we can't live in peace and prosper as humans without walking over others over ambition and hatred. Those were very very dark times in my life. But the actions of a few, the rest should not be held accountable for.

I won't say that is the case for everyone. I'm sure there are parents who brainwash their children to be this way. And that is very scary. Like there are parents who raise their children to be racist. These kids grow up thinking nothing they do is wrong. And that's very dangerous in our society.

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Interesting point of view @endgameaddiction 

My mother taught me to be polite to others and respect each one, even if it is difficult. yes I have obeyed, to the point that I distant myself from my environment more and more, because I was very often disappointed by my fellow men. I was helpful and when I was no longer needed, I was wrong at place again. In part, there was not even a 'thank you' for the deed which had been done. Mankind is in majority a virus on this wonderful planet, a virus that is spreading more and more, often controlled by money, power, corruption and religious fanaticism. I do not understand what is happening at this time on Mother Earth.

Still, I do not see in any what is bad, as I hope there are exceptions that cross my path.

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All of these dark and mystical ladies are fascinated and IMO they're all iconics.

for myself, the same is it for me with Succubi. I like these kind of female look, Females with Tails and Batwings. First time i was confronted of them inside a Comic - called Evil Ernie - Lady Death and Purgatori. I was so fascinated of them, so i created my  dark skinned Lady Zilvra. Okay she is not a real Succubus, but she is an Alu-Fiend, a mix of Drow (like a female Drizzt - D&D) and Succubus, with a 'good' Soul. her look is a curse, by the Drow Illharess'. But this is an other story^^


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8 hours ago, zilvradrow said:

All of these dark and mystical ladies are fascinated and IMO they're all iconics.

for myself, the same is it for me with Succubi. I like these kind of female look, Females with Tails and Batwings. First time i was confronted of them inside a Comic - called Evil Ernie - Lady Death and Purgatori. I was so fascinated of them, so i created my  dark skinned Lady Zilvra. Okay she is not a real Succubus, but she is an Alu-Fiend, a mix of Drow (like a female Drizzt - D&D) and Succubus, with a 'good' Soul. her look is a curse, by the Drow Illharess'. But this is an other story^^


A comic book gal. Cool. :) I have quite a few female characters from Fallout 3 that have stories inspired by female protagonists in comic books. One of them is an inspiration from the Queen of Blades from Starcraft 1 and 2. But instead, she's referred to as Queen of the Wasteland.

And one of my dark female characters in Skyrim is an inspiration of these 3 ladies.


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I don't know a lot from Kerrigan, but the few things i've read, she must be an interesting Character - many says, one of the best of all Computer Games.

I thought, it's important to have some idols from other Media (Books, Comics, Games) when you create an own Char. I Love the controverse - What, if scenarios. (What would be, if a Succubus be a good Invidual and Angels evil?) ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

As I installed a new breed in the last days, I thought of what cultures these might actually have. In addition, I reflected on the normal races that exist in the world of The Elder Scrolls.

Breton - Spanish / French culture
Imperial - Roman Culture
Khajiit - Indian culture
Nord - Scandinavian / Germanic culture
Altmer - Ancient Greek Culture
Dunmer - Japanese culture
Bosmer - American Native Culture
Orsimer - Mongolian culture
Argonian - Mayan and Aztec culture
Dwemer - Culture of Atlantis (and of the Dwarven)
Redguards - Arabic / Oriental

special breeds that i play

Succubi - Mystic Celtic Culture
Kaleen - Mythical culture of Lesbos
Litheria - Amazons culture


What are you thinking about this List?

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  • 11 months later...

WTF... that shit is starting to get  scary. Just a short time ago they (robots) couldn't even walk properly. This robot (different version) has video where it is walking in the woods in the snow... Jumping over a long and now the latest revision... doing a flip... Many people can't even do a flip ;) 

Where will it end... Now a days 6m illion isn't so costly.


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