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Bethesda will use an upgraded version of the Creation Engine for The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield


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And there you have it folks, straight from the horse's mouth. Although no one here is surprised.


Bethesda will use an upgraded version of the Creation Engine for The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield

I think most of us saw that coming. Even though The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield target next-generation platforms, Bethesda will be still using for them the Creation Engine. Of course the publisher stated that it will be an upgraded version however we don’t know whether the big issues that have plagued this engine will be addressed or not.

As Todd Howard told Gamestar:

“For Fallout 76 we have changed a lot. The game uses a new renderer, a new lighting system and a new system for the landscape generation. For Starfield even more of it changes. And for The Elder Scrolls 6, out there on the horizon even more. We like our editor. It allows us to create worlds really fast and the modders know it really well. There are some elementary ways we create our games and that will continue because that lets us be efficient and we think it works best.”

Now the big issue here is that the Creation Engine has some major issues like physics being tied to the framerate, inability to use a Field of View (although this is mostly something that Bethesda has overlooked) and the visuals that the engine is currently capable of producing are outdated.

Take for example Fallout 76. From what we’ve seen so far, this new Fallout is a really disappointing game – visuals-wise – for a 2018 release. Moreover, we don’t know whether the engine can take advantage of multi-core CPUs, whether there is still the limitation of 4GB of RAM, and whether there are plans to support DX12 or Vulkan.

Creation Engine, which is basically an evolution of the Gamebryo Engine, is dated. We know it, you know it, modders know it, Bethesda knows it. Unfortunately, though, this engine will power the games that the team will be developing, and that’s a bummer!

Thanks Reddit


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44 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

The problem is too many will buy them on pre-order AND trust them... even now, still people are.


It's really abnormal behavioral patterns if you think about it. Bethesda has achieved some cult level manipulations. I don't know whether to laugh or feel pity for them.

When you have ruled out all reasoning and rationality, there's something wrong with you. I'm not kidding when I say fanboys are no different than SJWs. They both have similar ways of behaving. Bethesda knows this and are loving it preying on these weak minds.

It's illuminati  I tell you. :P



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Not surprising, but still slightly disappointing, as I somehow naively hoped that they'd change their stupid ways...


It allows us to create worlds really fast and the modders know it really well. There are some elementary ways we create our games and that will continue because that lets us be efficient and we think it works best.

What he basically says here is that they are adamant about making more cash grab games that keep getting shallower and shallower. Makes sense, of course... less work, more money... I don't blame these lazy asses, they are able to do it because they have no competition and they also have stupid masses who are ready to buy, test and fix every shitty game they produce.

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Bethesda will eventually sabotage free modding because they're greedy and tone-deaf.  Creation Club only, Creation Kit that requires an internet connection, etc.  Modding future games will considered hacking/cracking and they'll ban you for it and suspend your license for the game.  It won't go down exactly like that but they'll do something to control every aspect of modding future game releases.

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I'm curious to see if that thread can reach double digit pages without getting locked... Although I'll probably won't read it, as it has already become pretty annoying. One ignorant idiot compares it to Windows, forgetting the fact that Windows has always had an associated version number and has changed drastically since the early 90's. Not to mention it's not a graphics engine which needs to showcase the capabilities of contemporary graphics hardware in order to market itself.

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5 minutes ago, bjornk said:

OMG! Kendo, what do you think you're doing inviting the fanboys here for an unmoderated discussion, are you out of your mind? That's gonna start WW3 or something! 😅

It is my sincere hope that people can see what an uncensored and unfiltered conservation looks like.

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Apparently this is old news. That Gamestar interview is four months old. Here is the translation on Reddit. This is the engine part...


Q: You've been using more or less the same engine for years. What about Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6? 

A: I think a lot of people, who are not making games dont understand what the word "engine" stands for. 

They think the engine is this one thing, we view it as technology. There's a lot of different pieces and for every game, parts of that change. For example the renderer, the AI, the animations, the script language and so on. 

Some people talk about Gamebryo but we haven't used that in a decade. A lot of our engine contains a lot of middleware like Havoc. For Fallout 76 we have changed a lot. The game uses a new renderer, a new lighting system and a new system for the landscape generation. For Starfield even more of it changes. And for Elder Scrolls 6, out there on the horizon even more. 

We like our editor. It allows us to create worlds really fast and the modders know it really well. There are some elementary ways we create our games and that will continue because that lets us be efficiend and we think it works best. 

"We haven't used Gamebryo in a decade"... Then how do you explain Skyrim having Fallout 3 stuff in it?

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"They think the engine is this one thing" is like saying "They think the human body is this one thing"... A game engine IS one thing comprised of multiple components. That's why people call it "engine", instead of "graphics renderer" etc. Yeah, we don't understand what a game engine is...

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The Cult of Todd runs deep at LL.  That thread was good for a few laughs though.  Now then, back to the REAL conversation.

EDIT: Yeah, the bell curve at LL is about 50 clicks below poor as far as critical thinking and dissemination of facts goes.  Too much effort trying to get them to see past 'best game ehuv DERP'.

Don't know why I bothered. :sick-yolk:

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16 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Bethesda will eventually sabotage free modding because they're greedy and tone-deaf.  Creation Club only, Creation Kit that requires an internet connection, etc.  Modding future games will considered hacking/cracking and they'll ban you for it and suspend your license for the game.  It won't go down exactly like that but they'll do something to control every aspect of modding future game releases.


17 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


It's really abnormal behavioral patterns if you think about it. Bethesda has achieved some cult level manipulations. I don't know whether to laugh or feel pity for them.

When you have ruled out all reasoning and rationality, there's something wrong with you. I'm not kidding when I say fanboys are no different than SJWs. They both have similar ways of behaving. Bethesda knows this and are loving it preying on these weak minds.

It's illuminati  I tell you. :P



Wishful thinking, yearning for days past, and blind servitude and sub mentaility. That is what is left (what is wrong with a person. )

16 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Bethesda will eventually sabotage free modding because they're greedy and tone-deaf.  Creation Club only, Creation Kit that requires an internet connection, etc.  Modding future games will considered hacking/cracking and they'll ban you for it and suspend your license for the game.  It won't go down exactly like that but they'll do something to control every aspect of modding future game releases.

I wonder if they will do that with this game. Or just restrict it, perhaps with official use of Creation Club Kits, or something. If they want to get this train moving they need to step it up a notch. Just do it already.

6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I ripped off DZ and started a topic about this on LL.  Let the fanboi meltdowns and thread locking begin.

Thief, thief, somebody call the authorities... wait... I a an authority ... (hiding in a corner.) 


5 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I missed the short bus... yet again. :( 

4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

It is my sincere hope that people can see what an uncensored and unfiltered conservation looks like.

They can't handle the truth....

They need the wall...

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Lover's Lab is a microcosm of why Bethesda doesn't need to change.  The Creation Engine is a 'new engine'.  I mean, before Skyrim the engine used C++ based code, NOW it uses Papyrus...that's NEW.  Animations are handled outside of the game engine and the file format is different.  That's new too!  See?! New-new-new!

People talk about how the enemy AI in FO4 is improved.  NO, that's the devs making Combat Style packages that use cover, dodging, etc. more than they did in Skyrim.  It's the same shit with different percentages.  The same thing can be done in Skyrim with the Creation Kit and new Combat Styles.

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Honestly, even if you gave Bethesda the most contemporary, state of the art game engine, they'd still produce shit games. Their engine isn't the real problem, it's what they couldn't do with it. Fine, you don't have good ideas for a game, then make a shit game, but at least make it bug free... Nope, can't even do that. Clear indication of incompetence.

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Oh, look, the "gaming journalist", Mr. Schreier is at it again, lecturing people on what a game engine is, while calling YongYea a "a YouTube provocateur"...


"Blaming Bethesda’s “game engine” is misguided, however, because the word “engine” itself is a misnomer. "

"To say they use the same engine might technically be accurate, but it’s misleading. "

What a dumb fuck,

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