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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. Jeez I am going to have to link you to my Lil' Brother's band Order of Nine. Not quite as heavy as these guys but you may dig it!
  2. I don't care what song it's in...you'll get me every time with Jazz Flute! That is a sound from the 70s/early 80s that I miss terribly!
  3. Not me! If a guy is holding a gun the last thing I'm going to do is insult his Junk!
  4. You know what they say: Big Iron, Big...um...well, you know...
  5. Power Pop at its very finest: The Grays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE-znePV0UQ
  6. My illustrator skills are not yet up to adding in dust clouds! It took all night just to figure out how to add muzzle flashes!
  7. vancleef

    Silas Caine comic cover

    Full comic available in downloads section. Enjoy!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    A stranger appears just in time to foil a robbery. To the bandits' dismay they recognize him as a man they suspected was dead... Full comic. Download includes 11 pages and cover. Sample page:
  9. vancleef

    Silas Caine comic cover

    Title page to my newest release.
  10. My latest comic is finished and will be posted very shortly in the downloads section. Cover: Sample page: Enjoy!
  11. "The only thing weaker than his hairline is his arms."
  12. And good thing too. If things get so bad that I end up in a position of authority, we are all fucked!
  13. Sadly, the crazy ones are always the most fun in bed, though. It's a Catch 22.
  14. It's 2PM somewhere in the world! Nuka break!
  15. vancleef

    "Spelling is hard!"

    Nikki lost inside Springvale school and locked into Kendo 2's Raider Slut armor. Pose from Pinup Poses.
  16. vancleef


    Most likely it's Kendo's Raider Slut armor that got everyone's attention!
  17. vancleef


    Ditto. I have the worst time creating new faces. Also, I have about an 8-second attention span so as soon as I get it "good enough" I leave it at that. I'm happy with the characters I come up with but I know I could do better if I worked at it.
  18. vancleef


    Raider armor by Kendo 2
  19. As if to perfectly illustrate that point I occasionally take on stagehand work for the local Union. Worked the load-in at the Justin Timberlake show this morning. Was on the crew that built the stage. There was a young woman on our crew. She didn't complain, she didn't bitch and she hustled as fast as the rest of us did. BUT she did not have the physical strength required for the job. At one point we were unloading, carrying and installing the decking that make up the stage floor. She could not hold up her end of the panels. Even had one guy get a finger mashed because the decking they were placing slipped out of her hand. Ended up having to dedicate an extra hand to help her carry the panels. This slows down the job. Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal but it adds up. Plus she's going to sooner or later injure herself or someone else and that is a big problem. You can't tell her in today's world that she can't do it or you'll be all but led to the hangman's noose. But she can't do the job. What's the compromise?
  20. And that's the crux of it right there. There's a little tolerance and margin for error at least during training but if you can't competently perform the job you need to do something else. The military is a perfect example. You fuck up and other people die.
  21. Nice! Awesome "Resting Bitch Face"!
  22. But do the SJW's ever give me credit for that? Noooooooo! They just post photos of me on the telephone poles throughout the neighborhood!
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