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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. BWHAHAHAHAHA! Next they'll be asking for funds to build a border wall! https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/san-franciscos-mayor-wants-28m-to-fund-police
  2. Pretty sure I'm a Lesbian because I totally dig chicks! Also, I can rock mascara, so, extra points?
  3. "Hey, Sweet Thang! Just 'cuz there's snow on the roof don't mean I ain't got heat in the furnace!"
  4. Only if it's Dr Seuss or Huckleberry Finn! Otherwise, it's censorship! It's hilarious that a few years ago Libtards were banning books and it was okay. Now, Florida wants to take a couple off the shelf and they're Nazis?
  5. Punctuation marks are confusing to many semi-literate people and it's now considered offensive to use them because it makes dumb people feel...well...dumb.
  6. But on the bright side. Bjornk is back! Welcome home!
  7. Welp. looks like I let Bill Gates track me for nothing! Somebody brought a bunch of loud, sticky kids to our last Wargame Club meet and the little bastards gave me Covid! Good thing I had all those shots, though, huh? Oh...um... For the record, it seemed like any other flu: chills, fever, sick mouth that makes my coffee taste like shit, the usual. Lasted only 24 hours.
  8. Haha! Didn't the corporations learn anything after Gillette's Toxic Masculinity $5 Billion Fail? Wizards Of The Coast And Dungeons & Dragons Executive Kyle Brink Demands White Males Leave Tabletop Gaming - Bounding Into Comics
  9. Lady, your talent continues to amaze me!
  10. Vociferous Anti Gun Activist has now killed more people with a firearm than 99% of legal owners...
  11. If she is, she's crying all the way to her Swiss Bank.
  12. We lost a Legend this week. RIP Jeff Beck.
  13. I remember watching a clip from an MMA fight featuring a woman and a Transgender "Woman". What I saw was a guy beating the shit out of a woman. Kids, I'm here to tell you, it made me uncomfortable. Keep 'em separated.
  14. Happy New Year. you loveable Jerks!
  15. Right? Me too. I'm loyal to a fault. If I like something and there's a related show I have to check it out.
  16. Five bucks says they change the Nuclear event to a Massive Climate Disaster event.
  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11554415/Antifa-terrorist-22-son-millionaire-Maine-SURGEON-grew-2million-mansion.html Antifa wannabe "terrorist" grew up in a mansion and lived on a yacht. Cracks me up every time!
  18. Sorry, kids, but ya'll need to look up the word "investment". It comes with risk. "Ya pays ya money, ya takes yer chances! Roun' n roun' she go!"
  19. The real story is I bet she didn't invest a single penny of her own money on this.
  20. My Mom had a late 60s Beetle she drove through most of the 1970s. It had almost 200K miles on it when she finally got rid of it and only because she stepped into it and her foot went through the floor!
  21. So much dumb. I just...I can't...
  22. Gotta figure out a way to purchase those extra school supplies somehow. Pens and pencils don't buy themselves, y'know!
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