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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I think a lot of us have moved past the games and more into the social threads because the games don't excite us as they once did. I remember back when I got into Fallout 3 in early 2010 I was immersed for years. I didn't have that same immersion with Skyrim because by that time I was more social in the social threads over there. And I think a lot of folks have just moved past these games because they don't bring the same excitement as they used to so they stick around just to socialize and talk shit. Me included. And it doesn't help that it takes Bethesda 7+ years for a new sequel. Hell, Probably looking at 13-14 years before the next TES game comes out. Actually probably a little longer than that since Starfield will be released next year. If they have polished that turd by then.
  2. He isn't aware (maybe) that I had already talked to the admit prior to the request to cancel my request. So I'm not worried about some self-pro-claimed developer fligging birds seeds at me.
  3. Demoniac has a few of them in the FOMOD installer. You can visually see which you prefer and then snatch the normal maps and use them. That's what I do unless it's the body builder muscular map.
  4. Yes, I did. But I PMed Ashal the next day and told him/her to ignore that request and he/she responded back. This was all the way back in May. After reading that PM, I thought the request was taken into account even though Ashal told me that it can be done under account. Doesn't matter now. It's already done. I'll open an account again later. Don't care right now to return. Still wish they would let us download without registering so I can avoid the plague of threads there and their staff.
  5. Some fag LL moderator or the admin decided to close my account for no apparent reason. They probably didn't like my comment on the rant thread about one must create an account in order to download mods there whereas here you don't.
  6. Some pussy ass chicken shit moderator on Nexus keeps deleting my comment defending my stance on this game over on their site from the News and Update about this game. But they allow the dumbass fanboys to throw accusations my way. Typical left leaning chicken shit move.
  7. I've been binge watching this channel. It's just relaxing to watch places I never been. I found this one in particular very interesting.
  8. Never really watched him fight back in the days. But man was he huge. Poor ref got knocked out on accident. He stepped in way too early.
  9. It amazes me how even back then they had the equipment to take on such a huge project.
  10. His voice reminds me of one of the VAs for New Vegas. I want to say the elder man when you first enter Vicky and Vance. And I thought this next video was pretty interesting on the history of the Hoover Dam.
  11. I did this fix a long time ago and had forgotten about it until I had reinstalled it and didn't save the nifs. So I redid the fix and thought I'd share this information with those who may run into this problem and have no clue how to fix it. I've addressed this problem back in 2018, but the mod author ignored my comment or simply didn't care. So a fix from the mod author is NOT to be expected. The fix will rely on the user end. This is going to require minimal Nifskope skills, but I will also show you the process. If you install SMIM and install HDT Equipment (can be found on LL as well) and select the SMIM options, once in game you'll notice that once you equip the regular lantern, it will show up with missing textures. This problem only seems to occur with the lantern equipped on the back or front. Works fine if you choose to hold the lantern with your left hand. Before fix: If you are using Mod Organizer, side by side open both the HDT Equipment and SMIM mod folders and follow the folder path to the both the meshes from HDT Equipment and the textures from SMIM. I've highlighted what is important. If you are using Vortex and it's similar to MO, then it should be the same procedure. I can't back that up since I don't use Vortex. If you manually install mods or use a traditional mod manager, then navigate to your Skyrim data folder. Having these open isn't necessary unless you want to copy the name of the texture file and then paste it into the path in Nifskope. Otherwise just copy it from from the instructions down below. Now, let's proceed to fix this so you can have the lantern with proper texture paths so it works fine in game step by step. 1. In the HDT Equipment folder, open _wl_wearablelanternmesh3.nif with nifskope. 2. On the left pane in the upper left click on the arrow next to 0BSFadeNode or the lantern frame in the object window. Note: This will expand the tree in the left pane that is related to this mesh. It will highlight NiTriShape which is the lantern frame. 3. 27NiTriShape will be highlighted, Expand the tree by clicking the arrow next to it and you will see BSLightingShadeProperty. 4. Expand BSLightingShaderProperty and select BSShaderTextureSet. 5. In the lower pane in Nifskope you will see the texture paths for the lantern frame. Double click on each one to edit and press enter when done. 6. On the upper left click File and save. Proceed to do this for _wl_wearablelanternmeshfront1.nif as well. The procedure is the exact same. 7. Close both folders and launch Skyrim. Lantern should now have the textures working properly. Example: Final results: Congratulations! You no longer have a lantern with missing textures.
  12. Six days ago a event gather was created from the looks of the people who own the Pioneer Saloon aka Prospector Saloon (FNV) for people to gather and play Fallout New Vegas. According to the news, if this is a successful event, it will happen yearly.
  13. I've heard that 100% of the water is used before it reaches the ocean. But don't know if that is true or not.
  14. Interesting. I didn't know it went down to Texas. Our local news also reports on it, but not as extensive as individual youtubers are doing. Local YTers
  15. I think the fence is more to do with Biden not getting lost and roaming the streets clueless. They should give him some cue cards with directions to get back home. Or keep him on a leash.
  16. The problem is that California takes most of Lake Mead's water. They should've been desalinizing sea water, which seems like they will never do. Tired of having to support them. Even with their forest fires. Supposedly we use about or around 4% of Lake Mead's water. But given the crisis we are in, it still doesn't help growing our city until this issue gets resolved.
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