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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Sound like it might be something I'd want to repack into a mod for myself. That is if I was working doing this alone for myself.
  2. Well as the stages continue it will take more and more time to process and some of your parts I will have to follow what you have placed as I don't know as much about HDT and ENBs. ;).
  3. I had checked that link using the web and have a copy of the program now. No problems on my end nice and clean. Now for Phase II.
  4. Issue Smart Close. The site is directed to another site and is blocked by my anti-security suite as being on a list of unsafe sites to go to. Might be something on that page (ad) or something but it is being blocked. My Anti-virus software has been pretty good at detecting stuff. Like I said the item might be good but something might have been bad on that site. Perhaps there might be a different link or source to go through as some others might hit the same situation. And that ends my setup for Phase I. I likely will not need the Smart Close as I have tons of ram and a beefy system. If so I can add this later as I don't think this is contingent on being installed and configured for something else to be set up. I hope I wasn't too much of a pain in the ass during this process.
  5. Issue Core Park Utility. The link you give is the older one. There is a new beta. Not sure if you tested it yet or advise using the older one (if it is available) Might want to take a peek at this to see if it is something you want. Also it doesn't state it is setup for Windows 10 ;). Could cause some problems if tested for 7, 8, 8,1 http://coderbag.com/Programming-C/CPU-core-parking-manager
  6. Glad you can come over to keep your bud Elf Prince company... Have fun you two!
  7. Issue Notepad The version you are linking is the older version. Current version is 6.9. I already have that version installed and configured. Is there any reason to have the older version? From the link you give it shows on the left the current version. If there is a reason for the older one I suggest that you let your readers know, if not I suggest we move to the newer version.
  8. I tried but I can't insert photos here. Don't know why. Can't really place a simple tutorials. Could I guess direct them to LL in the mean time. Issue Loot: On the page you direct them to. There are many different downloads and those that don't understand could have some issues with downloading LOOT for their game. Also Loot comes internal with MO now and is pretty good on its own. Unless there is some reason for the heavier form of LOOT (MO grabs the Loot records and stores it from what I know) might be a step that can be avoided to more stream line this tutorial. Your load order can be sorted inside MO using the "sort' button. Again just putting it out there. Remember you wanted me to work this :P.. To be clear I downloaded Loot v0.8.1.7z I'd post a photo but apparently can't or don't know how. I likely will be using LOOT that is part of MO myself. If later I find you have a reason for the full version I will just drop it in. It is an easy fix later.
  9. Issue: However the link you provide gives you 1.3.10. The Nexus site gives the supported version in the "old files" section. Under SKSE installation. You have a photo missing. Also you state After creating a 7zip file the data folder is still active and there. It would or could be copied over to the game folder preventing a clean install of the Data later through MO. What I do is open the downloaded zip.. drag the files minus the data folder over to the main folder for Skyrim. Then use the same folder through MO and select the data folder as well the "data folder" for MO and it installs it. I keep the Skse folder in MO's download for future needs if it arise. However this might be more complex for your users. Just putting it out there.
  10. This phase should be a quick one to set up. I will try to get it done shortly.
  11. I believe the season pass was setup so that they could then use the money gain to develop the mods they had planed. Less money means less development. I am sure they had something for it for those that paid already set aside if it went south but the recent claims of them working and adding *more* content is likely the results of the sales and their profits from the season pass. They are tossing some more $$$ to it to encourage others to pay for it the next time they offer a season pass (also the reason they decided to raise the price later again to make people *jump* when there is an offer for season pass so they can buget their funding for development better.)
  12. Welcome, welcome.. We will ignore that bold sentence... Nothing wrong with not making a mod in your life... some others here are in the same boat.. "probably be a regular visitor".. Hope that was a type-o or glitch like your bold sentence
  13. I ddn't have a problem with the visuals other than the eyes .. why does Bethesda have to screw up their eyes. Then next their bodies. Now they are better than before but still the textures aren't quite there and I am not a texture artist but I am sure they could do a decent job. Other games have decent textures for their characters. But the eyes that is really what put me off visually. Other than that I played it when there was no mods.. and it was fine It was just more empty, and a sim development game when I wanted a RPG game. Not cool and was forced into it to continue part of the first quest. That was my main problem.
  14. I like some of the changes to the dialogue system. Perfect, no but better at least now you can see what you are going to say beforehand. The rest basically comes down to just accepting it and trying to make the best of it. I got it new like others because of the history I had with the franchise. Now with this and declining joy I had with FNV before the mods I will wait until it is greatly on sale and most of the tools needed are out to mod and there are many mods that I am interested in getting. If this game was 20 dollars (with DLCs) then I would be pretty pleased with it and the current mods. But full price and the "season pass" not so much.
  15. No, what you are waiting for is a mature modding community to come along and rework the game the way it should have been. Then have Anatriax come along and make a massive tutorial on how to get all them installed and working smoothly... Just say'in. ;).
  16. Hello Khriopter, glad to see you can make it to our little site. Just don't bookmark it you have to come often...
  17. Along the lines of the "back to top" can there also be a "Go to first Unread Post" as well. We are getting quite a few pages going on and that would be a real time-saver.
  18. We do really need some blogs over here. Glad to see you are going to help address that.
  19. ritualclarity


    Thanks we needed some beautiful Morrowind captures
  20. All questions for MO can be addressed here Preview and General Info and thoughts: Official locations for obtaining a copy of MO: Bug Reports: Installation: More info will be coming as time allows.
  21. I like that idea. My scroll button will shortly wear out
  22. Just a joke.. I don't own all your memes..
  23. Hopefully it is close to Skyrim construction so that it is easier to get a start on modding it. Who knows I might even try to do some *stuff*
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