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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Ah.. yes.. I made a mistake it is still showing where the default location is at.. Yes.. those have changed and no General is there. I will go back and correct that over-site. Thanks. Guess am tired. Shouldn't try to tackle the Phase III or IV tonight.. well today.. lol
  2. I did it and general is the first thing I can see for both the skyrm ini as well as the Skyrim Pref .ini.
  3. Phase II. The spINI. Easy to follow. This makes universal changes to the MO folder and all Profiles regardless. Now .. how can someone double check to see if the actual changes did take place.? Iknow it isn't that important directly but it might be nice to have a few checks that can be done. Shortly on to Phase III
  4. These are great Elf Prince. Kind of makes me want to get a copy of Sims
  5. Yes... she is the one that you need to talk about adding futa to Oblivion... I know of no other with the level of quality she put into each outfit.
  6. The software from LL and the software from here is a bit different. Your bud Elf Prince has moved his massive tutorial and has some experiences with the differences, he might be able to help to get the transfer over be as smooth as possible.
  7. Give this a try with some of the mods you really know. Open MOd organizer. find the Mods' folder and open that. Then unzip your mods you downloaded (making sure it is structured correctly which I am fairly confident you know how to do that) then drag it into the folder. (named properly of course) Then open MO and see your mod listed on the left side toward the bottom.. :). I do this with TTW and can install it in under 5 minutes from start to finish. No need to create a FOMM install and then install it Just remember to have MO off when doing so. (Don't know if it would hurt it but I never did this with MO active). Now you can have MO drag and drop (basically like manual install except to MO/Mod folder. and separate. Very nice in my opinion.
  8. Hey, happysparkles Glad to see you checked this site out. It is OK happysparkles.. :D. It is perfectly fine for you to have two threads one for the female and one for the TS content. I see nothing wrong with that. It is fine for you to bring any content you want over or just hang out and have fun. It is up to you :). I believe you will find that we are easy going. Maybe if there ends up being a lot of TS content for Oblivion (and fans) we might even be able to make a TS sub-forum in Oblivion. :P. No promises.. ;).
  9. Absolutely. I would also hope you are able to help support some of us noobs trying to work them as well
  10. Above the current status without doing the spINI.
  11. PapyrusUtil: Do we install it when we get it? Is there something later we will do with it? I don't see Tamriel Reloaded. I do see TES5LOGGen. Are we to get both?
  12. TESedit needs to go in the main folder. You are correct about the mods and MO, TESedit is a tool, not a mod. It needs to stay outside of the Data folder. MO handles all that should go inside the data folder. In one example SKSE has most of its files outside of the data folder (in the main folder ) however it has a small folder called "data" and it needs to be handled by MO, because it is a folder that goes inside the data folder. Therefore a benefit for MO to handle it. Am i making myself clear? As for doing what I am typing don't. I am just throwing out ideas and concepts. Feedback. You should follow the tutorial (I am in the end will have the files in the places and configuration that she set forth, just the path and way it is done is different) Then give feedback on clarity, grammar, confusing sections for you, Alternate ideas like I have done, then she can review it and make some changes to her tutorial or not.
  13. Wyre Bash... Nothing to say about this section.
  14. TESedit installation. How I do it. 1) Download, Open it (TESedit download) and the main Skyrim folder. Drag contents from TESedit to Skyrim main folder. TESedit has been installed. ;). 2) Open MO. click on the box beside the "run". Select Edit. from drop down. A box opens, Type TESedit in the Title. click box besides Binary Go to Skyrim main folder select the TESedit.exe. click "Add" then "Close". TESedit has been configured. 3) Test. click on the box, Find TESedit, select, click Run, Watch it load. TESedit has been confirmed to work Done and even tested.
  15. The google translator is what I talking about...
  16. A brief thought of my changes to this part. :). Next we're going to do a few other things to set up MO. In MO across the top bar, click the Wrench and Screwdriver. Click the Nexus tab, click "Automatically Log in" and enter your information. Click the "Associate with ... " Button below. Next while on the MO Settings (Wrench and Screwdriver) click on "Workarounds" Click "Back date BSA" click OK Next, click the ID picture at the top (Configure Profiles, when you hover over it). Check "Automatic Archive Invalidation" and "Local Savegames" for the default profile. You can click "Rename" on the right side to name it to what you want. Later you will select "Copy" to create a playable profile keeping the "default" or whatever you name it safe and unchanged. click "Close". The "local savegames" keeps your saves in MO for use later and to keep them separated for profile uses. The Backdate BSA might actually need to be done after we do all the installation of the BSAs. It is a workaround that I never personally needed to run so far. However I don't see how it could harm anything. Moving on... Not so soon.. lol I also would like to point out the two settings in the "general" tab. Compact Download Interface Download Meta Information. both useful. The Compact Download Interface allows for more mods to be viewed at a time on the downloads tab in MO. And the Download meta Information allows for more readable (name given by Nexus) for the downloads. Optional but very useful. (I even know how to change the name given from the meta data after it has been loaded. lol). Might want to throw that out there.
  17. They are hot I agree. Are they using your UNP body?
  18. ritualclarity


    I am frightened, very frightened.
  19. An example is her avatar;). Also the full sized photo can be found in the Gallery.. :).
  20. Thanks. When I created her she developed into the girl next door character. So when an outfit like that is given it isn't hard to imagine her saying that.. lol. I hope later to start doing more of stuff like this and get more characters like what I want to have in game. Kind of like you do with your girls.
  21. That is an idea I tossed around but haven't officially put forward to Doublezero. Not sure if it is possible to do so. Now if that is impossible the second question would be can we change them out for ones the community likes or perhaps even some that the community posted in the gallery (provided it is of a size and quality to do so;)). However I would also like to have this option as well. On that note, has anyone changed the background and have it change back some time later when you re-log in?
  22. Not at all. You needed some point of reference and most places you get it from is hostile and mean to the game. I hope I was level and fair in my personal explanation of the game experience for myself. Also I experience some love for the older games and not so much for the newest and in some case a brand new game and not the older ones. The real key is properly expressing the reasons we like it. Sometimes there might be something there that the other person(s) never thought of.
  23. Many played it too long expecting it to be better. They were trying to relive the old games and hoped that this was what the wanted. After a set of time they can't return it. Others might be lazy and still the final few like myself was waiting for the mods to be created. It was one of the most anticipated games in the past year and probably a very long time. This is the reason combined with a massive amount of PR and those that wanted to play an new version of a game they loved all converged to massive amounts to play the game. It is a realitivly competent game with good features. It is attractive to reviewers that combined with most won't upset the boat in hopes to get more chances to review (early release) the games in the future. It is difficult to really bash a game from such a company barring complete failure on the part of the game company which Bethesda didn't fail, just didn't deliver what the hard core old game fans wanted. Yes, the numbers support this. It is also the first time they hosted the game nationally, and they had a great PR backing the game. I suspect many of the forums are forums that host the older games, correct? if so there is a difference even between Fallout 3 and Fallout NV as well. There are favorites among groups however the differences are much less among those games (and being very old and such less relevant) than Fallout 4. The way they portrayed the story and how they went about creating the player and such is a deviation from what was the formula that was part of the Fallout series. For one, you were married, had a child and the wife was a lawyer and the husband was in the military (not known if currently or doing some other job) this level of detail is absent in the other fallout games. This makes it difficult for people to create the rich stories that they had before and feel engaged in their characters in the modding scene. I will go into some details below of my issues: I wasn't impressed with the body, eyes and such comparing to other recently released games and what could be done by modders afterward so I know they could have done better there. We now have a 64 bit capable engine and a new console which has plenty of power to upgrade the bodies and textures to a better level that they did. Look at almost any other game and their characters look better and they are also on consoles. The story I mentioned. Not liking it. It just kept on holding me back and I know if I continued to play it I don't have the same level of flexibility I had with my previous experiences with Fallout. It is much more empty feeling. Even Fallout 3 I had interactions (met Uncle Leo almost 3 years after starting the game) and others that I had missed. It was a more rich deep experience that I hadn't had with Fallout 4. the sims.. god don't get me on that. I felt so board having to search for the materials to get to finish even one task that I didn't even want to do being forced on me and wasn't even really necessary for the advancement of the main quest line. There are others as well. I spend 62 hours and did the complete main quest so I really gave it the best review I could. Even with the new DLC available I haven't gone back. It is even loaded on my computer but haven't fired it up yet. I might do so with the Harbor DLC but then again maybe not. This is a direct, simple non emotional reasons I give above. Was there fun there...yes. was I entertained yes, however not to the level I expected and not he ways I expected for a Fallout franchise game. You are more than welcome to love the game. I don't want to take that away from anyone and I fully respect their love for the new game. It might just be a stronger more expressed response from those who bought Fallout New Vegas when they expected the same from Fallout 3. (If people remember there was some flac from the gaming community because of the differences. ;). They are more than welcome here.
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