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Everything posted by ritualclarity

    I have used Kendo's mod so I can give it a proper review. Some might like the convenience of some mod like Beware of Girl mod or like from Nexus with a installer and such. With such a mod you have convenience however you also end up with a cookie cutter look like many others out there. There is pretty much only one look you can get from one. There might be some different shapes for options etc but pretty much you get the same thing. I used that mod for a number of years and it did the job. However over time I got board of the same look and tried to spice it up with some beauty mods and such and never really got what I wanted. Being active over the past few years on gaming forums I noticed extremely beautiful screen captures of some of the players characters. In time I learned many of those modders used this as a base and then built on it to created the NPC or even player of their dreams. Now with this mod there are many choices, with very high detailed but very optimized mesh work with great details. In my opinion these meshes are better than Beware of Girl, don't take my word for it, download this and give it a try yourself. While at it don't forget the textures needed for best results. These are also extremely detailed with great care. You get some very custom very highly detailed mesh-work and the only drawback is you have to manually configure a folder and rename some of the files for your custom selections. In the end you end up with a very highly detailed and beautiful character/player which will not look like every other character you have seen on the web. MINI TUTORIAL: Do like I did and download the requirements. (Mesh and Textures) and then create two folders on your desktop, one named meshes, the other textures. Extract Kendo's textures and body pack and follow the instructions and rename the files you want and drag them to the proper folder (textures to textures, meshes to meshes duh) and then drag them both into a new folder named whatever you want (Mine was called KendoCustomBody) then zip it up and install it. Now you have a custom body that is yours.. If you decide a different mesh or a different texture is to your liking .. no problem just drag it to your body folder you created into the proper folder...Again Mesh to meshes and textures to texture (make sure you you renamed it correctly) It should prompt for a overwrite, select yes.. zip it back up and install it. Now you have a new custom body.. :D.. It is that easy. From there you can create customized body folder for followers and races and other things.. :D. PS DON'T FORGET THE TEXTURES LINKED. YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DO! Update: I have reworked completely from scratch creating a compilation of the body both T3 as well as Breezes. I have installed them and am working on testing to view what I want. Below are some captures from my current setup... which are I chose the scrubbed option as I want to add some beauty mods and this will give me a chance to do this with as little conflicts as possible. A nice clean start for a custom experience thanks to Kendo being forward thinking enough to provide this. Well now for the fun part. Screen captures of Sunny!... Everybody's favorite NPC in FNV. Note. this isn't a glory shot or special screen captures. I have taken parts of her and am giving close ups of my above mentioned setup to give you a very good idea of the level of details given for Kendo's T3 mod.
  1. Yes that is ridiculous I don't see how it can harm the forum if the person that created the OP moves it later to a proper location. However they might be thinking that those that have been coming to a location on the forum (for example this thread in Sims) and suddenly have it moved to say Feedback and Suggestions considering it is more a general site issue effecting multiple subsections of the forum might get confused. (Speaking of it I believe this thread would be better served moved Feedback and Suggestions. No reflection to Elemeron original post it just that it has been discovered to be more general to the site. )
  2. @Veladarius Is that version the one with the virtual folder for your mods or does that pre-date the virtual folder version. I know many use NMM for Skyrim (more seem to use MO). Sometimes when giving support for members I advise to use NMM for their install because it is simple for many people to install and work. I like MO (Mod Organizer) because it is harder.. I like making my life hard, I am a sucker for things like that.. :P... lol. Seriously it is a slightly steeper learning curve to really come to terms and feel comfortable with the tools and tricks that you can do with MO. NMM there are a few clicks and you are done. Got the wrong assets go back, check your mods and decide which one got overwritten and reinstall it.. It is so "Ol' School". But there is nothing wrong with that. Surprised nobody mentioned Wyre Bash, or another manager yet. 2 for NMM (old version) and one lonely one for MO..
  3. I like the option to be able to go back and change the categories later if some mistake occurs.. Of course that is only if it is possible. For example this isn't just a Sims issue it is now evident it is a site issue. If the categories could be changed it could even be moved by the OP instead of waiting for the moderators.. Making your life easier..
  4. This is what is happening with Kendo's mods as well on that section. Also in the Skyrim section only one of Kendo's mods show in the mods section.
  5. Far Harbor is the DLC I am waiting for. I am interested to see how much content they will add to the DLC and to the rest of the game if you have the DLC. Time will tell.
  6. Hello Eleneron... I am sure you can lend your hand to something mod wise.
  7. Let's Discuss Our Favorite Skyrim Mod Managers. I use MO for Skyrim (Mod Organizer) some use NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) and still I believe some use Wyre Bash for their mod manager (could be wrong though. Also if there are any others please post them. I use MO primarily because it keeps my data folder clean, allows me to drag and drop the various mods I install into whatever order while providing me feedback on the conflicts. At times I even create custom folders inside of MO to pack various files and whatnot into them and refresh MO and start a game. Sort of like the days of manual installing except each install is a separate mod I have used NMM for Skyrim when I first got the game (before MO) and it worked fine. It is an very easy mod manager to use and it is easy to clean the data folder if you understand the process however one of the things i didn't like was having to reinstall mods to get their conflicts resolved and at that time (not sure about currently) there was no feedback on this. This is a great asset for use for me because it has helped me figure out many problems quickly when some assets aren't showing on the game when started. Anyway that is my preference, what's yours.
  8. I have almost zero skills when it comes to modding. Most of my info is second or even third hand info. I do however have a pretty good understanding of resolving various problems that can occur with members installing mods, conflict resolutions and guidance, as well as pretty good (at least in my opinion) with working with alpha and pre-release or private mod testing. I have done so extensively in the past mostly because of my general understanding of how the various games work and what to do to resolve conflicts and get it as close to possible to if it is the mod being tested is the cause or not of the issue. I have tried and played around with the GECK etc and changed some eyes and hairs on NPCs and such, even tried to place in an armor but other than a "certain tutorial with armor" haven't been successful doing it on my own. I do need to gain more experience but in all fairness I don't even have modded games installed currently. All one has to do is attempt to start to mod to realize the complexity of the task to be appreciative of the shear work that goes into the mods we enjoy today. Those that currently don't appreciate the mods they use need to try to create something like it, then they will
  9. AS I have mentioned before Kendo, I really like this Sims4 mod. I don't have Sims4 but if I did this would likely be one of the first mods I try out. I especially like the realistic wrinkles and visual texture of the fabric.
  10. According to Steam the last time I played Fallout 4 was 1/23. I did play 62 hours so far. I played through the main quest and a bit of exploring at the end. I decided to start over and ended up with a pipboy bug where I couldn't read the screen. . By the time it was fixed I lost interest. I had manually installed the mods since at the time I didn't have any intent to use NMM. (I wanted to use MO but it wasn't ready for prime time for FO4). So there were a few pretty nice texture replacers. Now there are many new mods that are quite interesting to re-visit when I get the time and interest. I loved Fallout 3 and enjoyed Fallout New Vegas but couldn't get the same feelings from the characters in Fallout 4. They didn't seem alive like they did on the other games. I do hope I can return to a newer better Fallout 4. I have the season pass (which I got early and didn't have to pay my arm and leg for ;)) so soon a few of the DLCs will be coming out to add content. I likely will return (modded or not I haven't decided) to Fallout 4 to check those out.
  11. Hey, Hello Chaos63 I agree there could always be more adult modding sites. This one looks like it is taking off quite well don't you think?
  12. Hello there Veladarius glad to see you can make it over here. See you around the site...
  13. I believe a slight addition might be needed. Without it some might expect that they are grandfathered in just because they posted or uploaded something earlier. This can cause confusion because others might use that as an excuse to why they posted or uploaded what they did. Just a suggestion, otherwise it is short, sweet, and to the point and pretty much covers most everything I experienced in forums and such so far. Just my 2 cents.. well 1 and 1half cents really.. :D. Hope you don't mind.
  14. It would be really nice if others came and said hello here before the awkward meeting in the threads of the crotch-less cat woman thread. :P.. However I believe Kendo scared away all the posters with his admission of being a cannibalistic apple with sharp pointy teeth
  15. Wish you good luck with the move.
  16. Hello, I am RitualClarity and I just joined. Kendo2 encouraged me to check this new site out :)... I am from many other sites from Nexus, LoversLab, GUN, and TVP (under the same name) so if anyone is there and here please feel free to say hello (especially if using different names.) Being new it will take sometime to get the "feel" of the culture and expectations of this site so if I step on some toes or such please let me know. I believe Kendo will vouch for me and agree I am easy to get along with ... well most of the time Yea!!!.. my first post here ... lol.
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