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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. LOL... what you can't do with music! Rock ON!
  2. Very understandable. I tried to (and succeeded to some degree) with an old car and had serious problems from time to time and still even when I got rid of it. Eventually it became too much for me to be able to deal with... however, likely not the same situation as it was the first car (old car close to 20 years old and meant to only be used for a couple of years.) It was a blast to own and I enjoyed it and learned so much as a result. I suspect your SUV is much better condition At least it isn't at risk of having large objects fall out of the trunk! Vent all you need to. Hobbies can be frustrating from time to time.
  3. sorry to hear this... working on old trucks are difficult and so many things can go wrong.
  4. Nice to know you have friends ... friends that will continue to video tape you while you are on FIRE!
  5. https://the-sims-4-package-editor.en.softonic.com/ Disclaimer: I haven't used these tools personally also not sure if these are the best tools for the task. REMEMBER, ALWAYS FOLLOW THE AUTHOR'S INSTRUCTIONS ON RE-UPLOADING OF ANY EDITED CONTENT YOU MIGHT CREATE. Some are quite open on the permissions and others (most in Sims 4) aren't.
  6. I read somewhere where UPS and FedEx is staggering shipments due to demand... Like they do in Holidays. I agree on not ordering internationally but... am afraid that some places don't mention they are supplied by international shipments and expect the item to be available (just in time shipping) and I would be the one hurt if I was expecting something critical even if I ordered locally. I can only trust companies I have a trust with AND that can assure me that something IS IN CURRENT INVENTORY and would be reserved for me once I purchase it. Now, sometimes there are great deals from trustworthy companies that I just can't pass up.. lol However, they usually are things I don't actually really need though.
  7. Yea, I wouldn't be concerned with the exhaust unless it was so bad you had to address it. It would be rightfully addressed once you get around to changing them out for a better set. Once you get your new jack.. you will be so busy In a good sense.. it is so sad that it is taking so much time to get shipments but it is understandable. Companies had to close down (even if they didn't really have to at least not completely) Massive increase in shipping for most things have bombed the UPS, FedEX and such so badly they are moving to the holiday metering shipping process to make sure things move in a timely manner but this slows things down. Then... you have international supplies which are almost non exsistant. I know of some people that ordered supplies from Europe and 3 months later.. nothing. People are protesting having their Salons open.. they need to protest getting the shipping up and running.. On that note.. some complained to me... wrong thing.. I offered to help them... I'd shave them very good... lol. They can choose one of 3 levels (lowest levels of course! ) I'd be done before Covid can catch me! lol... Good job as well. If I can shave myself 100% to the point where nobody can notice.. I can do others. I have been doing this for more than 15 years. (constantly) A friend I know at work can do the shaving and is skilled at those designs that was all popular years ago. Of course, nobody took me up on the offer... lol Well I have posted here enough. I need to give a hobby as well. Most here know I have written guides for modding! That is one that I do off and on. I also do some light constructions. Finish work in general. Am doing that now at the place where I am at. Some sanding staining, plaster work, light finish wood work. (not as good as I'd like to be .. Crown molding is difficult requires lots of practice .. but other general work is OK... Even some non 90 degree woodwork. did some heavy construction work in my 20's.. Build out some large bay windows. Built them so fucking strong they never had an leak and on one apartment a 100 + pound "puppy" had his bed in the window for close to 5 years. People have used it to sit in as well. (or is it sit on?) More than 20 years and no problems. In fact I will be likely doing some finish wood work after I post this and have something to eat! Gotta do that and patch some paint and completely paint the kitchen. I guess hobbies don't have to be things you like? If so then all I got is some guides, support for mods on various sites, and chatting on Discord and sites about games. haven't even played much games recently... too busy.
  8. I'd give a good check on the back as well to be sure all is good along with the brake (lines specifically) due to the age and apparent lack of normal maintenance of the suv. That is before you decide to register it and start to use on any major roads, streets and such to be safe.
  9. So this is or intended to be your primary mode of transportation for now?
  10. They have done crops in areas that are very hot and dry.. just need lots more water.. provided the soil is good. AS far as I know. However ,lots more work and effort from what I understand. Where I am the weather is good enough or should be. about 50~100 miles around there are some form of farm and crops. I believe mostly what I have seen was wheat and corn .. and cows.. from time to time if I travel out of the city. However, the space is so limited any real productive grown is impossible. The closest thing I know of people doing is growing their seasons. that alone is pretty cool and nice IMO Your not increasing the clearance or doing other suspension work?
  11. You can always learn... There are many tutorials on the web and places to get the info. Lots of work, however, lots of reward for that work as well
  12. It has been a bit since it has been updated as far as I know.. so there might be some tweaks and twist that you might need to do to get things just right but it is a excellent framework
  13. At least it seems as if you will be doing good on some of the items... Glass half full shit and such. Sorry for the troubles. It sucks. The weather seems to be off everywhere and not doing what it really should. At least where I am living. One day .. nice 50s, the next day 20's... WTF... My mom has these giant tree planters she keeps inside in the winter... (she has like 13~14 ft ceilings for christ sake.. lol) I went there to help her get them out to the porch only for us to find out it will be freezing again this weekend... This is the latest I can remember pulling those out of the house. The weather is fucked!
  14. Your choice. I personally know of many people ... eventually, come out with mentioning some of the mods found on both sites. In RL... There might be many more people you don't realize that are interested or even use these mods. Next to Nexus.. . I believe Loverslab is the next largest ... most active mod community .. at least as far as I know. you can ask all the silly and stupid questions you want on this site. However, you might not get answers to them lol. I however wouldn't publicly and aggressively advertise use of Lovers Lab mods to everybody you meet... Reserve that (and adult materials in general be it modding, videos, or even lifestyle choices) to those that have hinted at or shown a tendency towards such things.
  15. FFS... If someone works on a project.. (like loosing weight) and they succeed... it is perfectly fine to complement their work. She decided to work on her body and she worked on getting to a point where she wanted to be...
  16. as for the back of the truck.. I've seen where people used that spray on bed-liner to help protect it. Stronger than plastic and from what i know, not quite as expensive as custom fab plastic pieces. Some ideas There is an example https://linex.com/specialty-automotive Interior spray. Lots of work but .. it would be TOUGH and UNIQUE!
  17. Yes, even one of my crazy friends did their interior last. (except of course cleaning) you are doing lots of work. Switches, (wench?) and replacing old wiring among perhaps other things. Lots of stuff being done that effects or can effect the interior. My suggestion is give it a good cleaning. keep it in good shape as you work and then like @Kendo 2 stated, do the heavy interior work last. Not to mention you might come up with more ideas on how to utilize the interior as you work the other required repairs and new upgrades
  18. Sounds like you are starting to like this hobby. Even if the crops fail.. looks like you still make good since you have that exemption! Win, win IMO.
  19. I've cooked fish ... I had a job a long, long time ago at a place that had fresh fish( well as fresh as a store would get ) in any case, we also cooked it there as well .(I know it was strange that raw and fresh was side by side) so I cooked fish, all sorts of fish but never hush puppies. (nothing fried, only steamed) Never cooked it in my personal life either, come to think of it.. I am going to be getting a real stove (something you can really cook with not what I had previously) and currently where I am at, with a bit of work, I can actually setup a pretty nice area for real cooking... (from scratch) Kind of interesting, Wonder how far I will take this new opportunity
  20. Social distancing... (for the wardens) that or they wanted to be sure to get the max revenue and make sure some stupid ass didn't fall off the boat into the water.. (proper safety devices) at least that is the way it is when I last went and there were a lot of wardens. It has been next to forever since I had a decent hush puppy.. I can imagine how delicious they were... Not many are responsible enough to toss a whopper back that has eggs. Most would just take it. Kudos to you sir, Kudos indeed!
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