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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. DAMMM TED DANSON... lol Put a fucking scar lol. Not sure if the rest of the body would work for any shirt work. @Kendo 2 did you mention Eva Green earlir for Yen? ( nope I was mistaken.. what do you think of this?) Vinnie Jones for Sigismund Dijkstra or Vincent D'Onofrio... Just put a good fat suit on Vinnie Jones. His face is pretty good for him. another interesting person I didn't think of is Norman Reedus... this was from another thread on the subject.. interesting ... I will give that poster that. slim, muscular has a similar face, excellent actor. does fighting and hand to hand in walking dead... Maybe a bit too thin in the face. (for the game reference ) but more closer to the book reference. Jonny depp for Dandellion.. Now that I mention that and you read it.. can you think of anyone else now.. lol
  2. Thoughts? He can fight.. He can do a blank face. Also.. he isn't "superman". Still think he is the best. Not to built but can be lean and muscular similar face.. and again.. not "superman" lol. However, to be fair.. there is a link wehre somene did artwork for Henry Cavill (with a beard) Doesn't look half bad...
  3. Depends on how badly you fuckup. If you are generally a fuckup and am able to do some of the most basic things.. they just move you somewhere where they need a body... This way there is less likely that you will cause the death of someone. The real careers and such in the military you have to have your game on, from the start, develop fast and catch on and keep up. One thing to be more professional in your interactions and quite another thing to allow anyone, sorry correction, make it so that anyone can do something even if they have no talent or skill to do so. this "code" is designed to do just this. Not create a more professional work space for coders. .. (still get critiqued and even perhaps ignored if their work is crap) I forgot to find the article but there was one (I believe RedHat or something like that) that started following and implementing this .. (volunteer mind you, not forced) and once she started here shit.. they saw it for what it was and then implemented their own policy and got rid of that bull shit.
  4. Yes, it is that. That world is dying... and understandable. however, being killed to harbor some sort of all inclusiveness and SJW crap is another thing. the "Man's world" has been dying since the 80's..
  5. There are issues in the IT industry including software. People have no "respect" they will cuss you out for a minor mistake. Linus did this and admitted to it. There is one thing to tell someone that their work is unacceptable and quite another one to call them names and cuss them out. That is unprofessional. Of this, there needed to be a change. However, WTF.. that is far from learning professionalism and proper communication and such. Added note. the developers don't give a flying fuck what you are so long as your code is good. Linus stated that from the very beginning. You don't need a degree to show or a resume or a CV to show to prove you should be there. Your sample code and work you do is your proof. That is pretty much as open as you can get. People from third world countries on shit computers built from garbage tossed out to professionals that work in the industry at Red hat, Windows, Google you name it is equal in the eyes of Linux development. All that was needed was some sensitivity in not calling someone a fucktard because there is an issue with their code. Mark my words all that SJW is doing is destroying their cause. Soon people will swing back the other direction with a vengeance and tell them to go fuck themselves. Literally and figuratively and they can go cry in a corner as people will get fed up with all this "inclusion" crap. Doubt they use a doctor that barily passed their exams and has sub par performance and lots of law suits because "he needs to be included as well" or "he has a right to work" etc. etc. Fucktards.
  6. https://itsfoss.com/linux-code-of-conduct/ https://www.contributor-covenant.org/
  7. yea, Caitlyn Jenner begged to be touched by Bruce... Often ...:P
  8. Now. I LIKE THAT IDEA... I can now roll play a SJW and sick the ghouls on the residents and have my conscience clean... lol.
  9. what, you a lost cat...? by the say, my dog ate your cat that ate the rat that ate the granola that the SJW is on a random rant today about.
  10. that or some SJW will try to get the boy arrested for sexual assault. hey, wouldn't surprise me none now. Not when schools expel a 6 year old boy for kissing a fellow student or some other nonsense. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/27/education/boy-6-suspended-in-sexual-assault-case-at-elementary-school.html
  11. You know you just called yourselves out... lol
  12. The funny thing about this entire prospect is that the SJW's called out two guys as a "couple" a gay couple. You don't call out someone for being gay, trans or even pregnant. You wait until they tell you they are before you assume something regardless of how much "evidence" someone might have. There are real live people that have made the choice to not designate their relationship status for whatever reason from family issue to hostility in the community. That info is something that they should have had the right to disclose when they choose to do so not be called out. The SJW "Social Justice Warriors" want to act like they are doing the world a favor but they just end up fucking it... Showing example where puppets are called out which can give many the thought that is is perfectly OK to call out anyone that they suspect is gay, any couple that they suspect is different. In then end harming those that they are claiming to protect. This time it is puppets, in time it wil be real people... people that might be in danger if called out... idiots.
  13. WTF? No wonder everything is going to shit in the world. It appears as if many people are spending a great deal of time trying to determine the sexuality of a child's show puppets... Seriously? Then the creators argue with ADULT fans about the sexuality of their characters... for a child's show. Sexuality in a child's show... unbelievable. That is important. Wow. Seriously if someone that is mature enough to understand sexuality and is watching the show (could be a young teen) and see them(puppets) and want to think they are gay, who the fuck cares? Fuck.... now I have wasted time I shouldn't have on the subject...
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/09/17/inside-edition-crew-gets-robbed-while-reporting-on-san-francisco-bay-area-crime.html Lol.. you can almost say they deserve that....
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2249213/Real-life-Ken-doll-Justin-Jedlica-spends-100k-nearly-100-plastic-surgery-operations.html
  16. I remember some other situations We did edit or delete the post ( I don't remember) of the questionable materials that we considered could cause us legal troubles. We removed some post from a member that left upon his request. Look through the site, you will be able to see some pretty "out there" post and such from people that aren't members here anymore. They are still there as they didn't constitute a need to edit or delete based on our site rules, even if it might not be the best post That should show that we take any editing or alteration seriously and try not to do it where ever possible. The moderation team came from sites that did crap like that (not directing it at any site... lets be clear there are many) and too a vow not to allow that to happen here while we are in charge. (Perhaps DZ also had experiences like this but I don't remember discussing this with him but I do remember stories from the other moderators on this subject Many I have actually seen ) Now lets get back to some Cringworthy Internet sites. https://matadornetwork.com/life/25-cringeworthy-websites-we-love-to-hate/ I am sure something there is worthy... lol.
  17. I wouldn't really know what happened on the other pages as I didn't waste my time screwing around with him or his post. I'll have to take your word on the censoring of the thread. Truth be told I haven't been doing much there to even notice when something like that happens. so I don't know how often or what is being censored. At least most of the time. That is our Golden Rule.. (NSFWmods.com) that just can't be the case. It isn't even the case here. We try to be as open and public as possible but there are times when someone post something that can't be on the site and has to be removed (legal reasons) And we have given sanctions (once severe ones) to one person without making that public or the reasons for doing so. (Maintaining respect for the member) We however, do follow the "Golden Rule" that Kendo mentioned above . In fact it is a requirement to be a moderator at NSFWmods. Start breaking that rule and the moderator will be removed. All three of us made that vow.
  18. The international Teen Male Anthem.
  19. The OP was acting like an ass. He was causing all sorts of troubles through the sight. Just posting crap to piss people off. He is on my block list there. (I only have 6 people that are blocked t here in all the time I have been there and all the crap I was given by some there. So that should give some indication of how much of an ass he is. At least from my experience and some others I know there. Say what you might... but the op of that thread gotten what he deserved. I am not speaking about the other actions of the moderation team there on LL only about RussianPrince and only about my experience with him and what I have seen him do to other members there. This sums him up welll Fuck you, I will go and find "useful information" elsewhere.
  20. Looks pretty good. Which is what I expect since it is fan made lol
  21. I just managed to get in the way of everything... LOL
  22. yes, make it woody and perhaps a bit faded around the edges as if it was old... Of course I don't know a thing about this stuff I think that would fit into a fallout world. Just suggestions of course. It looks great as it is.
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