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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. What would you do... getting back to the thread...
  2. This isn't LL true... but wrong in we don't give warnings and shit for miss posting If that was the case... then you'd get one for going off topic and back seat moderating....
  3. Maybe... Sarah Conner decided to enlist some scientist to change the sex of John Conner to Jane Conner while he was an infant... Then the Terminators would be confused as they would be looking for a John not a Jane. OH, wait.... maybe after years of being chased John decided to have a sex change to evade them... perhaps. ? lol. Seriously I can't see why or where there would be a reason to change the main characters to all female. Next thing you know someone will be re-releasing Fried Green Tomato with an all male elderly cast... Some shit just don't work.
  4. yep... you win an internet cookie.. What the hell... I tried to move it and the post below and it gotten lost Sorry Well, not to leave anyone hanging.. I actually posted it in the correct thread.... hopefully lol How'd I do @bjornk ?
  5. Good keep it up. I imagine it took you quite some time to get where you were 4 to 5 years ago... If you work at it you can get back there again. I am seriously considering trying to start back and working on modding the various games I have (Fallouts and TES ones). Just got to start doing it. I'll be in teh same boat as you except I don't have the previous experiences you did... I know how you feel. I had a completely custom textures folder just for Skyrim that looked great. Sometimes when I posted a photo people would ask what ENB i had installed .. which I didn't which made me feel so good A fuckup on Steam caused me to loose it. (I didn't back it up ) That was just textures. You had more. had to hurt.
  6. You are more than welcome to reach out here. Write a tutorial or do some assistance on a mod. IN fact you are encouraged to do so if you so desire... and respected if you decide later not to I love that when that happens... I have been in the modding scene for some time... written some tutorials and such from time to time (Kind of hard to do if you don't actually know shit.. you need to know shit... ) and I know some things... many times more than I let on or indicate. So I really get a laugh when I see someone acting like they know their shit.... like they are the best.. then they are bad, or even really suck (as in choosing the very worse way to do something one could imagine) Other times... if I can figure out something is screwed up and being done wrong.. they are really bad as I don't know much in that aspect... If they are horrible and I can figure it out... that is REALLY BAD...
  7. I believe that was Pride. As for looking at it afterwards... he didn't care. He had what he wanted done the way he thought it should be done and you had the ability to get the code and if you changed it to something you wanted as far as he was concerned... was great... didn't matter etc. It was the reason it was open to eidt. That was just how he was... Speaking of.. is it still? I haven't seen any reference to it anymore. I haven't done work on them mods or helped..so I don't know if that effects this.. however, I have given extensive support even creating a tutorial or two from time to time. I haven't had the same issues you mention. I was likely thought of for this site to moderate (as well as an other one in the recent past that fell apart) and even considered for other things. Given access to those precious Patron only links that people complain about... entry or early work on many mods... Some from authors here. They know who they are. Lots of positive results of me giving of myself. Now... I have also however, been targeted and harassed time and time again... (for some reason only on LL) for various reasons where the member thought I didn't deserve this or that. (contributor status or access to some mod or whatever) and gave me hell for it. To the point where Ashal removed the text that shows I am a contributor there. And to be honest.. he did step on some balls pretty hard the last time I had some issues there. So hard I didn't even see a peep from those people for a long time (including a moderator or two) and if I did... they NEVER POSTED A REPLY to any post I did for the longest time. Only now I am getting responses. That should never happen. At least not here. Reason people can get the mods without needing to register and the reason you (members) are allowed to respond to hostility (within reason) and members are only forbidden being hostile or assholes on a mod authors mod thread. It is harder to be a circle jerk member if you get your teeth kicked in when you try to close ranks...
  8. Forgive my comfusion.. you posted a HUGE capture ... Good... I was about to ban you for your insult... lol
  9. Hey,... where was I full of shit?
  10. Yes, he went to clarify himself and what he does... (which is fine) but then passively aggressively attacks Kendo telling him he needs to get laid... I have pointed out their aggressive often times insulting comments when in "moderator mode" again and again... and nothing has changed. I sent PMs with captures to Ashal on this and they would calm down for a bit ... then revert back. They poke the person that they are already having issues with in such a way which will only further escalate their actions (many times) On a side note. I really hope one of the moderators check out this post... or whomever is reporting back to them about what is going on in this site. Please to that person... make it a point to give them the link to this post.
  11. @endgameaddiction The above is what I did with the GTX970 and my current one. It is what I used (with mods) to get those screen shot examples I sent you (or some posted on our gallery )
  12. You talking about this. If so I always set it up... (not done now as I haven't stated the game. need to do taht first.
  13. Yes, banning sarcasm... except for the moderator team.. we can be as sarcastic as we want to
  14. I thought we were going for a slightly different direction. Guess I was wrong. I thought it was Step #1; Members are not allowed to be offended with out permission. If members aren't offended then rest assured one of the staff will offend! Guess it was changed at the last moment.. .I can't keep up with all these rule changes... (LOL)
  15. Posting at LL is really out of the question for you then.... lol
  16. Well... us moderators have just been discussing how we will prohibit any talk about boobs and ray guns.... Sorry @vancleef lol.
  17. Possible game leak from Walmart? https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-05-10-despite-all-their-rage-bethesda-tweet-puts-walmart-in-a-cage
  18. Hey, technically if he never opened it and didn't want it... He never agreed to the eula... then they have to buy it back, right? LOL At least in some parts of the world... Also, WTF... why sue.. just contact the person and tell him he can't do this... then tell him they will buy the game back. Why do they need to be a hard ass? Also what sort of damages will they get for his attempting to sell the game if any.... Seriously? It is barely worth the time of a small claims court. Seriously... just offer to buy it back. it isn't like he was selling the game after using it. It was NEW. LOL. he could break the seal and sell it like that (used open etc) and not have the troubles he is having now...
  19. Actually that sounds interesting. The key is they are giving you the perk cards... not selling them.. at least not according to your statement. Even if they were.. .and they sold specific ones (not gambling) that would be ok... provided the odds were equal and fair that you could get any of the sold ones for free during a level up. The issue I had with EA is you PAID then you would get random equipment etc. There wasn't an option to outright buy what you wanted. It is one thing if you pay a dollar and have a chance to get something that is on the top teir (fair odds) but quite another if you pay 5 dollars and have a great chance of only getting some stupid skin or something. Actually if they are giving you random perk cards. it makes sense that you should be able to swap them out later. Would be nice if you could save them somewhere for another character..(exchange them with other characters) to give you options as you play the game (adding hours) I expected worse... actually expect worse.
  20. The thing about our site, is you can do exactly that. You don't even have to join. You can get the mods... Those that join, want to join. There isn't a post requirement or activity requirement.. .Those that post or are active are doing so because they want to. Finally, we try with all our might not to edit, hide, delete, alter, obscure or whatever the current flavor of the month is regarding people's post. It is actually one of our prime directives
  21. ritualclarity


    Hey, that is like the movies where someone breaks their left arm and later shows their right arm in a cast... lol.
  22. Also very likely that rummor that they will have private servers will not come to pass as well. Maybe not for 76 but for the future, more than likely. The would want to put the game under their control as much as possible. Too much chance with a private server someone might put unofficial mods in them. (allow them) At least as I understand it. lol
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