About This File
EoS Without Apparel Patch!!
Space elf clothing! Or the lack thereof! Changes some of the Elves of Stellaris girl clothes to be somewhat less than totally decent.
Slave gear is more appropriate.... for slaves.
Savage clothing is... more savage.
Several outfits get a whole lot breezier.
A totally without apparel "outfit" is now available. (When at outfit 1 in the designer, click left. Boom. Breezy.
Important Notes/FAQ:
Believe it or not, a few wackos tried. Didn't end well.Not because I have an issue with it, but because PDX is a little touchy on "breezy" stuff!
It says it's for an OLD version of Stellaris in the Launcher!!
If it bothers you, version bump the Stellaris version in the descriptor.mod file. Because this is a texture replacer, it rarely will need an update unless a major texture change happens in the main mod. -
This version number is wildly different from EoS!
Yes it is. Version numbers never were my strong suite.
- Drop the contents of the 7z file into your mods folder. Usually "YourUserName\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\".
Open the EOS_WA.mod file in a text editor. Change
to:path="DRIVE_LETTER:/Your_User_Name_HERE/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod/eos_wa"
Example:path="F:/QueenOfTheUniverse/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod/eos_wa"
IMPORTANT: The path must use Linux/Mac style "/" not the Windows standard "\". So if you copy it directly from an explorer window, don't forget to change the \'s!!
- Start the Stellaris Launcher.
- Add the mod to your preferred Play Set. Note: It won't have a logo image like Steam/PDX mods!
- Move the WA mod BELOW EoS! Mods override anything above them!!
Edited by Nessa