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Mod Organizer - SKSE Installation

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The attached file is a downloadable PDF with photos and a more detailed instruction for those that need added guidance.

The Mod Tutorial – Installation of SKSEv2.pdf


The Mod Tutorial – Installation of SKSE

Scope of tutorial:

  • Cover the basic installation of SKSE from download to installation as well as load order configuration in MO.
  • This tutorial only covers the installation into MO if you wish MO to control the conflicts with scripts that SKSE installs. ( advised)
  • Still needs to have the correct files installed into the Skyrim folder manually. (everything but the data folder.) Drag and drop into the same folder where you see TESV and "Data" folder.
  • Drag and drop into the same folder where you see TESV and "Data" folder.

Requirements: (If you need more info on this or resources check here.)

It is assumed for this tutorial that you have a functional installation of Skyrim and Mod Manager ( MO ).

Step one: Download

  • Download SKSE.  Current version as this tutorial is 1.7.1.
  • Select the 7z archive version
  • For this tutorial I am saving it to the desktop. You can save it anywhere just remember where you downloaded it.

Step two: Installation

  • Open MO.
  • Click on the top left icon that looks like a CD. Select that and then click “Open”. You should see the program name to the left of the “Open button”.
  • Now a new windows opens and is giving a warning “No game data on top level”. 
  • This indicates that the structure of the install folder is wrong and MO doesn’t know what to do with it. If it is installed like this SKSE won’t work. We need to make some changes. This is because there are files in the SKSE download that you don't need.
  • One thing I like to do is go to the top drop down menu where you see SKSE and rename it to a name that is easy to remember and manage For this tutorial I am using Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE v 1.07) as the name.
  • Click on the file and expand.
  • Right click on the “Data” folder and “Set Data Directory
  • Now you have a comment on the bottom of that window “Looks good”.
  • Select “OK” button to the right of that and the mod will be installed.

Step three: Fixing the Load order.

  • Drag that file up to where you want it or change the "Priority" number to where you want it in the order.
  • Generally it is advised to be above all other mod entries that conflicts with it so that those entries will override it.

Step four: Use SKSE

  • You are now ready to use that tool that you just installed. Make sure you use the “SKSE” option left of the “Run” button.

Step five: Praise MO

  • Yea MO!!!!


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