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Kendo 2's Type3 Berry A Cup Outfits #1

What is it?
Miscellaneous outfits for Type3 Berry A Cup.

Type3 compatible body textures, and K2 Resource Textures for the outfit textures.

Drop the download contents into your data folder and play.  The game will do the rest.

Game Play
coc K2ACupCell to get the items.  They are in the steamer trunk in front of you.  The trunk respawns every three game days.  FastTravel to a vanilla game location to exit the cell.

dimon99 for Type3, humannature66 for the manicured nails meshes, and Kendo 2 for everything else.

The Type3 Berry body meshes and are resource materials.  Humannature's manicured nails meshes are not resources.



If you use my meshes in your own mods you must credit dimon99 and Kendo 2.  You are not allowed repackage the mod in its entirety and present it as your own work.
You are not allowed to convert any of my content for use with the Type6 body or any derivatives thereof.
You are not allowed to convert my content for use with Fallout 4.
You are not allowed to upload my content to Bethesda.net (or their third party designess) or Steam Workshop.
You are not allowed to use any of my content for the purposes of monetized modding.
You have no claim or right to the content other than what is described in the Permissions and Terms of this document.



Thanks. ^_^ The Merc Charmer outfit with the tall boots and fishnets is what started it all.  I intended to make one outfit for a follower and it grew into a full blown mod.

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