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15 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Learn the GECK and go in and make your changes. ;)

hope you are joking ! :D  as you can see i can't even use mods created by others without having problems...  how can you suppose i could do someone myself :P


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49 minutes ago, Karma199696 said:

hope you are joking ! :D  as you can see i can't even use mods created by others without having problems...  i can you suppose i could do someone myself :P


Not joking. I believe that is pretty much the only way to really get down and dirty to make a perfect face. There might be some ways to import the face from other mods if there is something you like. Not sure how as I also don't use GECK.

As for not being able to use mods you are doing fine. It takes some time and patience but if you do give this you will be a champ in installing and figuring out many of your problems in a very short time. Same with GECK. Just watch videos, read and get in there and get your hands dirty. I am on LL and there are several members which I helped (encourage :), give links etc) that now are modding their own game and distribution of mods as well. One is a modding fiend. He never thought he could mod. Created a few quest changes, then he thought he never would be able to script, created a few minor scripts, now he is doing complete mods and even working on some art on the side. ;).

You get what you put into it. If you only want to game, that is all you will do. If you want to change the game and put time into learning and doing... you will change the game. I doubt even Kendo automatically knew what to do with his modding. It took him time to get to the level he is at. ;). Same with DoubleZero or any other mod author out there. Even professional artist and game content creators needs to learn how the game works with the files and nif formats and all that jaz to be able to make a mod for the game ;).

The question is do you want it bad enough to put some time in to get the results you desire. In my case I am satisfied with what I can get from the modding scene and my own humble skills learning how to install and resolve problems with the game.

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3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Not joking. I believe that is pretty much the only way to really get down and dirty to make a perfect face. There might be some ways to import the face from other mods if there is something you like. Not sure how as I also don't use GECK.

As for not being able to use mods you are doing fine. It takes some time and patience but if you do give this you will be a champ in installing and figuring out many of your problems in a very short time. Same with GECK. Just watch videos, read and get in there and get your hands dirty. I am on LL and there are several members which I helped (encourage :), give links etc) that now are modding their own game and distribution of mods as well. One is a modding fiend. He never thought he could mod. Created a few quest changes, then he thought he never would be able to script, created a few minor scripts, now he is doing complete mods and even working on some art on the side. ;).

You get what you put into it. If you only want to game, that is all you will do. If you want to change the game and put time into learning and doing... you will change the game. I doubt even Kendo automatically knew what to do with his modding. It took him time to get to the level he is at. ;). Same with DoubleZero or any other mod author out there. Even professional artist and game content creators needs to learn how the game works with the files and nif formats and all that jaz to be able to make a mod for the game ;).

The question is do you want it bad enough to put some time in to get the results you desire. In my case I am satisfied with what I can get from the modding scene and my own humble skills learning how to install and resolve problems with the game.

and the answer is no :P  tutorials, manuals, videos... are all in english and it would take too much time to me to read them...  english isn't easy for me to understand, often i have to look at a video 3 or 4 times in order to get what it says... when it comes to reading is a bit easier but it takes anyway too much and i get an headache after just a page ;) how many should i get before finishing reading the GECK guide ??  if i had the patience and will to do something similar, i'd have learned how to mod Skyrim that i really like and that i've played for almost 2.000 hours in the last 2 years and something...  your guide for SCR is the maximum length i can bear without getting an headache :D

often when i install a mod i mess things up because i miss something the modder wrote, since (s)he wrote it "too late", too much down in the page, when my head was starting to have problems and my attention was fading... ;) my ideal mod would be one that has, 1st requirements, 2nd conflicts, 3rd installation instructions...  and last description, story, lore, and whatever...  all nice and interesting things but that do not create any problem if i miss them ! LOL ! :D


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your guide for SCR is the maximum length i can bear without getting an headache :D

I also took considerable effort to keep it as simple English as I could. If you wished and after you are comfortable you can create a translation of that tutorial for those that speak your language (which I don't what what it is as you type / write pretty well).

There are I am sure some tutorials for other languages just a matter of finding them. Or finding others that speak your language to converse with and ask questions on. I admit it would be a bit harder to do but still doable as there are many modders from Russia, Japan, Korea, Germany, and France to make a few that make not only some mods but some pretty dam awesome ones as well. One of the individuals that makes animations that have been added to Sexout is French and uses translator to communicate on LL ;).


my ideal mod would be one that has, 1st requirements, 2nd conflicts, 3rd installation instructions...  and last description, story, lore, and whatever...  all nice and interesting things but that do not create any problem if i miss them ! LOL ! :D

Mostly in the Western / English it tends to be the reverse. The story, etc then description, installation , conflicts and then requirements lol.  I have used mods from other languages Japanese being the hardest but using a translator (page) works pretty good. At least good enough to give me what I need. It is a bit more work though I will agree with you there.


and the answer is no :P 

That is up to you. After learning how to install the mods you are then left with the mods that are available and the settings and such the mod author gave. To go further, get custom faces and such that isn't available. Change some stats (armor protection, ammo damage etc) you have to jump into the GECK/Xedit to go further. There is no way around it.

I have dealt with some people like this as well. Except they couldn't read well to begin with (learning / cognitive difficulties) which is more difficult that what you are describing. They just ended up having to post a single question and those answering posting a very simple statement /photo etc to give the answer. With this he/she was able to get there mods installed and enjoy some modding. There are sites all over the web in many languages and many members (even in English forums) that speak other languages. Just takes more time to find them, find the proper resources, get connected with those that can help you and then finally get the help you need /want to get the results you desire.

Oh and that modding fiend I mentioned... English isn't is first language ;)

Other than the most basic use of the GECK/FNVedit etc I can't help much more, however still chime in if you do have some questions. perhaps someone here can answer. If not try other sites as well until you get your answers. ;) It is up to you.

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I also took considerable effort to keep it as simple English as I could. If you wished and after you are comfortable you can create a translation of that tutorial for those that speak your language (which I don't what what it is as you type / write pretty well).

well, translating your guide is probably something could do... it's not a promise but i think that when i'll be on holiday and i'll have some more free time i can give it a try ;) and if instead of reading me you could hear me, you would probably immediately know that i'm Italian :P  but i play games in english when possible in order to keep using it...  and also because italian translations are often terrible !!


2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

There are I am sure some tutorials for other languages just a matter of finding them. Or finding others that speak your language to converse with and ask questions on. I admit it would be a bit harder to do but still doable as there are many modders from Russia, Japan, Korea, Germany, and France to make a few that make not only some mods but some pretty dam awesome ones as well. One of the individuals that makes animations that have been added to Sexout is French and uses translator to communicate on LL ;).

i don't know for NV but for Skyrim i've been looking for tutorials in italian about how to mod the game, but never found anything :(


2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Mostly in the Western / English it tends to be the reverse. The story, etc then description, installation , conflicts and then requirements lol. 

yes, unfortunately :(:P


2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

That is up to you. After learning how to install the mods you are then left with the mods that are available and the settings and such the mod author gave. To go further, get custom faces and such that isn't available. Change some stats (armor protection, ammo damage etc) you have to jump into the GECK/Xedit to go further. There is no way around it.

well, for Skyrim there are so many awesome mods that in the end i didn't actually need to start modding myself...  but also before, when i played the Sims 2 and 3, always relied on other people's mods, never created anything myself... for NV... we'll see, but i'm not that optimistic ;)


2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I have dealt with some people like this as well. Except they couldn't read well to begin with (learning / cognitive difficulties) which is more difficult that what you are describing. They just ended up having to post a single question and those answering posting a very simple statement /photo etc to give the answer. With this he/she was able to get there mods installed and enjoy some modding. There are sites all over the web in many languages and many members (even in English forums) that speak other languages. Just takes more time to find them, find the proper resources, get connected with those that can help you and then finally get the help you need /want to get the results you desire.

you know ?  the few time that in a site/forum i somehow understood/discovered that someone was italian...  i never got help from him/her...  don't know why...  the people that helped me somehow were always of some other country (or planet, in your case ;) )


2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Oh and that modding fiend I mentioned... English isn't is first language ;)

Other than the most basic use of the GECK/FNVedit etc I can't help much more, however still chime in if you do have some questions. perhaps someone here can answer. If not try other sites as well until you get your answers. ;) It is up to you.

still don't know... if some day should decide to try learning some modding, would probably for Skyrim...  but maybe i'll change my mind when i'll know FO better, at the moment just played for a very few hours

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

I can make you a simple tutorial with images on how to transfer faces from one esp to another.  No prior knowledge of the GECK required.  That's one of the things I'm good at; 'Do it Dirty' tutorials.

thanks Kendo2... that would be great... it might get me started and if i succeed in doing something good maybe that i even find the will to continue ;)

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I can make you a simple tutorial with images on how to transfer faces from one esp to another.  No prior knowledge of the GECK required.  That's one of the things I'm good at; 'Do it Dirty' tutorials.


57 minutes ago, Karma199696 said:

thanks Kendo2... that would be great... it might get me started and if i succeed in doing something good maybe that i even find the will to continue ;)

That he is Karma.. He does pretty good dirty tutorials. See you asked for some info and you got it :)


don't know for NV but for Skyrim i've been looking for tutorials in italian about how to mod the game, but never found anything :(

Actually if you started learning for your favorite game just making a few personal changes that suit your taste, changing damage, eyes, hair etc on one game you will have a pretty good grasp on how to do it with other games. It might be slightly different and a few things might needed to change (like armors and bodies from Fallout to Skyrim differences) but you would be moving in a direction enabling you to do more. Hell even opening up the GECK and using Kendo's tutorial he can make for the faces. He also has a tutorial to import an armor and setup in Fallout NV. Those are two pretty good starts. Doing that and you have modded.

There might not be tutorials in Italian but there is an Italian modder on Lovers lab ;). Does some pretty heavy work as well. At least I believe she stated she was Italian. her name is A.J. Perhaps introduce yourself on the forums (profiles) let people know your native language and ask for others to contact you to help each other out. That is what I would do if I needed help like this.

As for translating the tutorial  I had go for it and upload it where ever you want :) I hold no claim on it. :) Nice if you reference me for the source along with Halstrom etc.

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7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

As for translating the tutorial  I had go for it and upload it where ever you want :) I hold no claim on it. :) Nice if you reference me for the source along with Halstrom etc.

well, when (if) is ready, i'll ask you how and where to upload it ;) you might even add a link or a downloadable file at the top of your guide saying "Italian Translation" so :) any Italian might click directly there instead of reading the english version

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14 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

i don't think it was a good idea (for you) to try convincing me to learn how to use GECK ;)   first picture, first problem !

when i open the data window, there are X everywhere except on the FolloutNV.esm and i can't add nor remove X...  it simply doesn't let me click on any of them...  so i'm stuck even before starting :(

ps: even tried to temporary remove all the .esm file from my data folder (except FolloutNV.esm) nonetheless, i still can't select it >:(

--------------------------------------------- update --------------------------------------------------

ok, forget it :P found out ! ;)



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9 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

well, when (if) is ready, i'll ask you how and where to upload it ;) you might even add a link or a downloadable file at the top of your guide saying "Italian Translation" so :) any Italian might click directly there instead of reading the english version

Of course I will place the link towards the top for those that go there for the tutorial that really needs Italian.

8 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

i don't think it was a good idea (for you) to try convincing me to learn how to use GECK ;)   first picture, first problem !

when i open the data window, there are X everywhere except on the FolloutNV.esm and i can't add nor remove X...  it simply doesn't let me click on any of them...  so i'm stuck even before starting :(

ps: even tried to temporary remove all the .esm file from my data folder (except FolloutNV.esm) nonetheless, i still can't select it >:(


I had the same problem when I started the GECK the first time. I fixed it easy enough but can't remember how I did it :( I also use the GECK power up as well to give some added features. I doubt you need it currently since you are only doing some basic things.

When you resolve this I would advise you to create a small txt file / word document with some steps you took to get to where you were just in case you have to reload the OS or start over. It is something I wished I did when I started before. ;)

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

Of course I will place the link towards the top for those that go there for the tutorial that really needs Italian.

I had the same problem when I started the GECK the first time. I fixed it easy enough but can't remember how I did it :( I also use the GECK power up as well to give some added features. I doubt you need it currently since you are only doing some basic things.

When you resolve this I would advise you to create a small txt file / word document with some steps you took to get to where you were just in case you have to reload the OS or start over. It is something I wished I did when I started before. ;)

found out by reading the guide on the geck.bethesda site :) had to double click, one click wasn't enough :P

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17 minutes ago, Karma199696 said:

found out by reading the guide on the geck.bethesda site :) had to double click, one click wasn't enough :P

See simple answers and now you have access to the GECK and can start working on some easy changes. After trying Kendo2 tutorial perhaps see if you can change a hair style of a companion or even eye color. Change some stats on a gun or armor etc. Simple things but does allow you to get use to the program. This is about as far as I gotten myself. I did follow Kendo2 tutorial for Jack armor (from Mass Effect) and imported it into the game :). If you like companions perhaps try CPU's tutorial on creating a companion in Skyrim. Soon afterwards you will have most of what you need for basic starts. Use the geck.bethesda site to learn how to make a quest, place an object in the world space even if you are brave create a small world space for you to call home in your favorite game. A simple sewer cap linked to a world space can mean you can start storing your own stuff in a home :) Keep plugging away in year you will be modding simple to complex mods depending on your time you devote to it. At the worst you will be able to make some custom changes to the mods you use :)

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2 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

See simple answers and now you have access to the GECK and can start working on some easy changes. After trying Kendo2 tutorial perhaps see if you can change a hair style of a companion or even eye color. Change some stats on a gun or armor etc. Simple things but does allow you to get use to the program. This is about as far as I gotten myself. I did follow Kendo2 tutorial for Jack armor (from Mass Effect) and imported it into the game :). If you like companions perhaps try CPU's tutorial on creating a companion in Skyrim. Soon afterwards you will have most of what you need for basic starts. Use the geck.bethesda site to learn how to make a quest, place an object in the world space even if you are brave create a small world space for you to call home in your favorite game. A simple sewer cap linked to a world space can mean you can start storing your own stuff in a home :) Keep plugging away in year you will be modding simple to complex mods depending on your time you devote to it. At the worst you will be able to make some custom changes to the mods you use :)

ahahah !!  slow down, you're running too fast !!  :P  :D

OK, the tutorial from Kendo2 was easy, i followed it and i create this new .esp file...  now i still have to understand as i use it... ;) it's that easy ?? if i start a new game i have it as a preset ??  if so, i will have to find a face i like and do it again (this time i just took the first female face i remembered)

as for the future...  not interested in followers...  never used one in Skyrim, not even the vanilla ones... i always found them annoying, always in the wrong place doing the wrong thing ! LOL ! :D

weapons and armors in NV... well, i first have to learn how to use them ! at the moment the only thing i could do was staying indoors having sex ! :P as soon as i venture in the outside world i die (see attached pic) :( the only weapon i can use is the machete...  that's ok against a mantis, still working against a coyote, not enough against anything bigger (especially against men shooting at me !!) i'm totally incapable of using a gun !! when in the initial tutorial Sunny took me in the backyard to shoot at bottles, when i finally hit the 3rd one i was left with only 2 bullets for my rifle :P when i went with her hunting gekos, i shot my last two ammo without hitting anything, luckily she killed all of them or probably they would have killed me ;)

so, even if i'm glad i created someting (even if i still don't know if it actually works) it's too early to start making all those projects ;) you trust me more then i do myself ! :P


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ahahah !!  slow down, you're running too fast !!  :P  :D

Hyper drive speed always :P

The rest is just playing and fooling around learning and playing again. It is all it is. In time you will just get better. The benefit at being so low in the understanding is you have only one direction to go... up.


ven if i'm glad i created someting (even if i still don't know if it actually works) it's too early to start making all those projects ;) you trust me more then i do myself ! :P

So what if it don't work. try again and ask more questions and learn. It is a game, nothing more something to have fun with and fool around with. AS for having trust in you I do as well as anyone else that is willing to give it a try and "Just do It" :) I have been around for a long time and talked to many new members across the web and the only thing that caused them to fail is themselves and their unwillingness to try to learn and patience to get the understanding. You have to work very hard at it but it is still doable.

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28 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

So what if it don't work. try again and ask more questions and learn. It is a game, nothing more something to have fun with and fool around with. AS for having trust in you I do as well as anyone else that is willing to give it a try and "Just do It" :) I have been around for a long time and talked to many new members across the web and the only thing that caused them to fail is themselves and their unwillingness to try to learn and patience to get the understanding. You have to work very hard at it but it is still doable.

that's me, exactly !! LOL !!  anyway...  even now, ok, i followed the Kendo2's tutorial, that's awesome, clear and easy (thanks again Kendo2)...  but i don't really know what i did so i don't know if it worked :P i pasted a random female face over another, and ? what now ? i created a new NPC, if so i'll probably never know...  i created a new preset ? they all seem the same to me so, i don't know if there's one more that wasn't there before... ;) when i have time i'll have to look around, find a face i can recognize, repeat the process and see if i find it in the presets or not...  but not today, too late now for "such a work " ! :D

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Give it time. think about it. You have installed GECK, read a tutorial and fixed some issues like unchecking the esms and created a file. All for the first time it is a pretty good start not to mention language issues to boot. ;) You are doing fine. And yes I think you need to re-look over the tutorial. It took me 3 times to get Jack to work form the tutorial.

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OK, i did it again and, yes, actually, following Kendo2's tutorial i created a new preset... :o

so i decided doing something crazy...  went in google and looked for a guide about how to do the same in Skyrim...  found one...  wasn't as good and clear as Kendo2's but, since the CK isn't that different from GECK and thanks to Kendo2 now i knew it a little, i succeeded in creating one even there !! :o:o:o  but...  the new created preset wasn't the same as the PC i used to copy it from, it was kind of vanilla... without the nice hair, skin, eyes, etc.  that i use in may game and that let me create the beautiful PC i usually play with... :( why ?  is there something else i need to do in order to copy the face exactly as it is (with all the nice modded contents) ??  when i got back to FONV and looked at the preset i had created following Kendo2's instructions, i noticed that there too the preset wasn't the same as the mod i had used to copy it from, but was... well... vanilla ! without the mods Kendo2 used to create her (used Precious Companion).

now, i don't know how it is for FONV, but in Skyrim people create awesome presets, certainly not using just vanilla contents !!  so there must be a way to do that !!  anybody knows what is it ?

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is there something else i need to do in order to copy the face exactly as it is (with all the nice modded contents) ??

You also needed the same mods installed the same way as the preset you selected from.

See you are moving just fine. Now if you are brave you  might even decide to change a hair from one of the Skyrm or eyes etc to something more to your liking. :)

you are actually now a modder :P Just say'in.

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7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

You also needed the same mods installed the same way as the preset you selected from.

i had the same idea, but when i tried selecting all the needed .esp files (hair, lips, brows, etc) CK told me "too many master files selected) and didn't let me do that ! so i probably did something wrong :P  anyway, i then remembered that the presets i downloaded aren't actually mods (.esp) but .jslot files, so i supposed they just created them in racemenu and saved them from there (that's something even i can do) ;) even if i can't use racemenu so well to create those astounding and awesome preset/followers people make!



See you are moving just fine. Now if you are brave you  might even decide to change a hair from one of the Skyrm or eyes etc to something more to your liking. :)

you are actually now a modder :P Just say'in.

ahahah, don't think so ! i can't even decide how i like MY hair in real life ! :D i wouldn't know where to start from and since it doesn't interest me so much, i probably wouldn't have the patient to look for a tutorial and follow it... i will have to find a tutorial about something i really would like to do, such as more interactions between my PC and NPC...  but i suppose that's a bit to early for that ! LOL ! :P


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i had the same idea, but when i tried selecting all the needed .esp files (hair, lips, brows, etc) CK told me "too many master files selected) and didn't let me do that ! so i probably did something wrong :P  anyway

If you have to use more than one master than you need GECK PU.


MIght be some learning curve setting it up. However in the end you will be able to select multiple masters.

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On 24/5/2016 at 10:50 PM, ritualclarity said:

If you have to use more than one master than you need GECK PU.


MIght be some learning curve setting it up. However in the end you will be able to select multiple masters.

actually i was talking more about Skyrim CK then GECK ;) but thanks anyway, i'll keep it in mind... :)

i think i found a setting that might fix the problem in CK too, but didn't try yet...

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