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Kendo 2's Custom Race Mod WIP Thread

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I am working on a custom race mod and I need people to test what I have done so far.

The required mods needed to test are:

Race Compatibility

Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Your questions might be...

Why does it need to be tested?

Because Skyrim is a very fickle game and players use more mods than one person can account for.  What I have done works for me..but will it work for other people using mods I don't?

What is being tested?

One Dark Elf copy race.

Why just one copy race?

Because I want to be sure the formula I have works for everyone and not just my game.  I intend to use what I have so far as a template for other races and wasting time isn't what I'm in to.

Fuck you, Kendo!

Fair enough, but honestly I need the input from players.  If anyone is interested in helping me out with this base-line test please leave a response.

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I'll help test it. Never used Ethereal Elves, but always wanted to. For the last 3 years on Skyrim. :ph34r: It'll give me a reason to use it now.

Edited by Guest
dirty edits
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What I need for testing purposes is just installing the mod and making a character.  EVERYTHING should show up in your game; no missing bodies, hands, hair, eyes, etc.  I have the esp set up to draw from things you might already have installed and like for elves.  The new Dark Elf race uses vanilla game assets so whatever mods you have installed for elves should work; modded eyes, modded hair, etc.  I haven't added new preset characters yet and there isn't any support for SOS for the males.  That stuff will come later so don't expect anything grand or new.  This is just a test to see if the scripts and the CK work are doing what they're supposed to.  I know it works in my game but this is Skyrim we're talking about so that means almost nothing.

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Everything seems to be working fine on my end. I had to disable many scripted mods because after selecting a name for the character, my game will crash on trying to do a save. It's not from this mod. I haven't found what specific scripted mod is doing that, if it's one or multiple scripts clashing with each other.


I recorded it while testing and did a small bit of venturing to see if anything would act up. I'll post a link to the vid when it's done uploading.


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I am making a mod to add cute elf girls.  The mod will have its own file folders so players can use whatever face and body textures they please for the new races.  If a player wants a character with a muscular or oily body they can do that and not change the vanilla races in the game.  The new races use the vanilla races as a base so that modded eyes and hair will work for them just like they do for the vanilla ones.  No patches or anything else required.

I will be making new skin colors and I already have the tint mask textures for makeup done.  These are older pictures from what I have in my own game, but the skin and maps are what I'll be adding to the mod.



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This sounds fantastic. Your Examples are looking damn good. 

In the first moment i thought, you're create a completly new Race, based on Elves (like my Alu-Fiend Zilvra) I look forward to the result. :)

In my Opinion, the original Vanilla Elves are looking terrible, but now when i see your photos, there is a big difference. Often i created some Dark elves, but in the end they were not really cute. Mostly i used an other Race for a beauty Face.


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Well, I never and never will be a fan of humans with pointy ears posing to be elves. One reason why I like Ethereal and K2s elves. I'm not a fan of humans with bottom fangs posing to be orcs as well. In my opinion, Mer are supposed to be exotic looking.

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3 hours ago, zilvradrow said:

This sounds fantastic. Your Examples are looking damn good. 

In the first moment i thought, you're create a completly new Race, based on Elves (like my Alu-Fiend Zilvra) I look forward to the result. :)

In my Opinion, the original Vanilla Elves are looking terrible, but now when i see your photos, there is a big difference. Often i created some Dark elves, but in the end they were not really cute. Mostly i used an other Race for a beauty Face.


The idea is to create a custom race but where the player isn't the only member of that race in the game.  The easiest way to do that is to just use vanilla races as morphs and bases.  That way the player can have a unique character who's part of the game world and not some 'alien' just plopped in out of nowhere.

3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Well, I never and never will be a fan of humans with pointy ears posing to be elves. One reason why I like Ethereal and K2s elves. I'm not a fan of humans with bottom fangs posing to be orcs as well. In my opinion, Mer are supposed to be exotic looking.

I really dislike custom races/faces made with RaceMenu or ECE.  That's why I doing everything the old fashioned way in the CK.  It takes longer but it will give the results I want; cute custom elf girls who look like they belong in the game.  Anime style characters and china doll faces do nothing for me.  The elves I'm making will look like Skyrim elves...but kinda not.  At least you'll be able to tell what you're looking at.

Since I know the mod works in three different games now I'll move on and start adding more content; new makeup tint masks, preset NPCs and a few 'human like' skin tones.  The new skin colors will match the races though.  They will be closer to the human spectrum, but less Dunmer blue, Altmer yellow and Bosmer tan.

Thank you guys for testing the mod. :) It is a weight off of my shoulders knowing that the mod will work as intended with game installs other than my own.

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Naturally i am not a friend of these Asian Races too. Races like (Neko) Cat People, Asian Elves and so on. When i would play Races like these, then i should play Asia MMOs like AION, ArcheAge or Blade and Soul.

Cause this is one of the Reasons, why i play The Elder Scrolls or the old Bioware/WotC Games. They're free from this. Well, i play a lot of Demonic Races, i love a good looking woman with horns and a tail - and i like conrtoverse things and why can not a evil creature be the 'good' Hero. Okay i read maybe one more time to often the Drizzt Saga^^ 

And now B2T - No problem, you asked for help and i got the time for testing. By the way, I did not need to uninstall one of the mods. They worked with your Test-Race.

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10 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I am making a mod to add cute elf girls.  The mod will have its own file folders so players can use whatever face and body textures they please for the new races.  If a player wants a character with a muscular or oily body they can do that and not change the vanilla races in the game.  The new races use the vanilla races as a base so that modded eyes and hair will work for them just like they do for the vanilla ones.  No patches or anything else required.

I will be making new skin colors and I already have the tint mask textures for makeup done.  These are older pictures from what I have in my own game, but the skin and maps are what I'll be adding to the mod.




Love the skin texture and coloration of the Dark Elf here.


They will be closer to the human spectrum, but less Dunmer blue, Altmer yellow and Bosmer tan.

Yes, please. I'll have seconds... :P That crazy coloration wasn't necessary. They did originate from the same race so why would they be so dam different in base coloration? (The Ork however is a different thing all together)

Wish I was playing Skyirm now. :P

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Here's some Dark elf presets I've been working on.  No, they are not Barbie dolls...they are Dark Elves and that's what I wanted them to look like.  Think of them as being vanilla presets that don't need as much work during character creation.










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Here's some examples of the human-like skin tones for Dark Elves.

This one is blue.


And this one is purple.


You can also get a good look at the new eyeliner, eye shadow and lip tints masks.  No more blotchy makeup or smudged lipstick. ^_^  And the eye texture is new for the mod; Dark Elf Indigo.

The skin tones need a little fine tuning but I won't be making a lot of them; I'll maybe do one more based on grey tones and that will be it.

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Maybe one darker Skintone, like an healthy  suntanned body/face or in the right of a bright Redguard. I don't know, how arrangeable this would be with the Lore. The eyes are beautiful.


Today i wanted to change some things, but it occurred to me that only a hairstyle was available. I hope that i can use other hairstyles when the mod is finished.

Edited by zilvradrow
let's talk about - Hair!
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15 hours ago, zilvradrow said:

Today i wanted to change some things, but it occurred to me that only a hairstyle was available. I hope that i can use other hairstyles when the mod is finished.

That is a vanilla game morphing bug.  As long as you only create a new Dark Elf from the mod all of the face and head parts from vanilla Dark Elves will transfer over.  If you attempt to edit the new elves later or if you select other races and then go back to the mod's dark elves all of the vanilla dark elf face and head parts will go away.

I have fixed this in the new version of the mod.  All hairs and scars used by vanilla dark elves now work for the new ones.  I have also added new eye textures.  Basically the new race works like a vanilla one now.  Unfortunately hairs and eyes added to vanilla dark elves by other mod no longer work for the new elves.  Once I am done with the mod I will write a short tutorial on how to add head parts from any mod to the CK.  It is very easy to do for eyes and hair.

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