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Fallout 76

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The only way I can think of that may allow you to steal items from other players is to overwrite or reuse a function in the game either by modifying memory or modifying game files (EXE's and DLL's etc. where game functions are located), but it would only be possible if there's no checks on the server side. By the looks of it, there's no such checks in this joke of a game. It would be cumbersome if not difficult for a normie to modify functions by modifying the memory, so I guess they simply modified a game file, or replaced it with a hacked one, which suggests that the game doesn't even check game files for authenticity before letting you into the game. What a joke.

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I don't think they (Bethesda) actually cares. Their various actions during this indicates they have little care for what they do or even how they are viewed currently so long as they can find ways to make money off this game. Having a glitch piece of shit game is one thing.. having exploits that rip people off of their hard work and shit is quite a different thing. 

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The only way I can see Bethesda making a recovery is going back to their roots with Skyrim. It's a mediocre game at best, but a huge seller it was. Bethesda aren't known to take risks. Especially now more than ever with their reputation tarnished as it is right now. So playing it more safe than ever will be their only option. But seeing as how they have adapted and embraced the Creation Club, they are destroying their single player experience. If they manage to fuck TES6 up then I don't know if them as a company will continue to exist.

If it was up to me I would scrap the whole idea of Creation Club from FO4 and SSE and toss it in the trash bin. I would return to the state of modding from Skyrim and earlier. Rebuild my reputation. Their core fans don't care if the game is consistent with bugs as their previous iterations. As long as it can be modded, they'll settle with it.

Edited by driftscape
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  • 1 month later...

Dam... I just thought. that hack that could spawn any item...

How about when someone is being a dick and you summon the most powerful creatures in mass near them...

Then say "Surprise Motherfucker"

and retreat to a safe location and grin... lol

Now.. as shitty as the game is.. if I could do that... it might be worth it.. lol (seen some copies for dirt at stores ;) )


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At least those vault bags in game look much better than those nylon bags they first sent out.


The more I look at Fallout 76 the more it looks like some child's game. Nothing about it to me makes any sense. Just some shooty shooty bang bang mixed with mindcraft building and Skyrim's deformed version of a dragon in the sky.

I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 3 because it was more in line with my style of a post-apoc where it was more serious and felt more like a survival game. I still remember stepping out of Vault 101 for the first time and I was just blown away how good the wasteland looked. I also remember going right and getting my ass chewed up by feral dogs and was scared to go that way for a long time. lol

Edited by driftscape
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Fallout 3 and NV was written well. There were many interesting encounters (more so than feral dogs :P)  and the feel was just unique from any other game or experience I had.  Fallout 3 is my favorite even though I have played Fallout NV more hours (due to the mods ;) :P )  as it was my first experience in this universe. Fallout 4 was just lacking the "feel" of the previous games.  Felt like they were trying to had more "shooty shooty bang bang" among other additions.  The result was nothing was finished. The feel was disjointed and not so engaging. Nothing was exceptional. Makes sense that when they did 76 and add more elements and online elements and such... that it would continue to deteriorate .... (  I don't own or have played 76 my comments are based on video game play .. some of which are from the fans of the game not taking just the negative accounts of the game. More balanced) 

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