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Nvidia, AMD & Intel GPUs - Discussion, News, etc.

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  • endgameaddiction changed the title to Nvidia & Radeon GPUs - Discussion, News, etc.
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  • endgameaddiction changed the title to Nvidia, Radeon & Intel GPUs - Discussion, News, etc.
  • 4 months later...


Here's a bit more insight on the problem going on with Nvidia and AiB partners getting fucked by Nvidia. I've said this a few days ago kinda parroting off of Gamer Nexus. I believe Nvidia's goal is to screw these AiB partners so that it's only Nvidia in the game. And that makes them another Apple company that only profits off their stuff. It's very clear that Nvidia stopped caring about their relationship with their AiB partners long time ago. Nvidia's greed has gotten so far. If you go back and look a few years back, you'll see it with the whole debacle and RTX 3000 series cards, miners and scalpers. And as I've said as well a few days ago, I'm done with Nvidia. Any future builds I do will be with AMD GPUs.

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Figured it's worth posting because Nvidia has been pushing that greed for some time now. I have no doubt they are trying to get the other AIB partners to follow EVGA. It certainly seems like it. price gouge the cards so no one buys the AIB cards because we know they will be at least 100USD more than the founder's edition. In a way I do hope they go this route so it can lead them to their demise. But the other side of me doesn't want that to happen because we know what happens when there's no competition in the market. If this were to happen, I can only expect basic and boring looking cards.

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  • endgameaddiction changed the title to Nvidia, AMD & Intel GPUs - Discussion, News, etc.

They noticed people buying cards at 3K+ during the pandemic they want to normalize it. Or the multi-trillion US spending has caught up to the tech market. The elites won't care, they have the money to blow and more money into their pockets every day, so it means less peasants like you an me being able to afford them. In reality, I don't see a point in upgrading ATM. I have a RTX 2070S and it runs everything fine. That may change with time but, I have enough games to last me the rest of my life if I stopped right now. Even then, most of the indie games coming out right now are low 16bit games some are better, but not many. I could probably run most of the indie games out right now on a Pentium 4 with an 8800 GTS, I'm not kidding.

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Something that some of us are noticing here while JayzTwoCents is doing benchmarks with the 4090 FE and Asus Strix. The Founders Edition is performing much better than Asus. And this seems that Nvidia is trying to phase out AIB partners and the main reason as to why EVGA is no longer parterns with Nvidia.

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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:


Pay stupid prices, you get what you pay for.

It's okay though, the PSU makers will make a better cord. (nVidia Corp thinking)

My last GTX x80 card was a 980, since then it's been x70s and 1660S's (Which is essentially a 980, only cheaper benchmark wise)

The only reason to own a x90 or x80 at this point is for VR or playing on a massive screen, one of those curved screens, or monitor spanning. I actually use a 1650 on a 17in monitor and I get great framerates because of the lower resolution. So now I have a new love of small screens. :D

The second video reminded me of nVidia sounding like the Biden Administration saying "There isn't any recession" or "Inflation is only transitory", almost the same talking points. 

BTW why would AMD use those same connectors?! It's like the ultimate illusion of "choice" like Pepsi Zero vs Coke Zero/ Caffeine Free Diet Coke same ingredients and exact same taste. Pepsi does cost a little less though, so AMD would be Pepsi in this analogy.

Edited by Alkpaz
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I originally wanted a 3080, but I ended up settling on a 3070 TI. I originally planned to wait for the 4000 series launch and skip the 3000 series, but my 970 had a little oopsy. And I had to get a new GPU with the new build. My only gripe is the 8GB VRAM. I am glad I ended up skipping the 4000 series.

I'm not sure why AMD would follow suit, but hopefully they are watching this and come up with a proactive solution before it becomes a big problem.

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