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  2. Not a fan of Type6 but I might have a specific use.
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  5. It's this body, it's good because it distorts less with poses. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/81346
  6. I don't know if I or someone else put this here yet but I am having that type of day at work.
  7. Heh.... one thing that shows up in that video, and also in the FO4 game I'm playing: the awful LOD. It's just craptastic. Compared to modded Skyrim where you can see the torch on a tower from halfway across the province on a clear day.
  8. Yeah I'm in the middle of my last and final FO4 run. Not sure there's enough modding activity to get everybody that needs it updated for the new version. Even Skyrim, which has plenty of activity is still not ready yet with all the SKSE mods. Going on month 4 now! FO4 could take a year or... more likely will never get mods updated.
  9. Last week
  10. Unfortunately narcissism has become fashionable and this is the result.
  11. 1. That takes tallent IMO 2. If I had a teacher that did that, I would have done so much more in school.... lol 3. I had flashback PTSD with quadratic equations.
  12. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    The Plane of Infernus has a problem... but what are they going to do about her?
  13. @vancleef has posted a similar image in the babes thread. Maybe he'll know. I do know you need to be ready to do a lot of weight painting by hand on those sleeve fringes. Fringes are a serious pain in the ass.
  14. https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/forced-arbitration-an-american-history:a
  15. wilderness racoon dark dynasty exclusive design license (Above google translate translations) LOL. Looks like a bad cowboy to me. Time to spank her. Don't know what it is suppose to represent. Chances are just some loose idea or concept.
  16. The next time I get woke Reeeee'd I'm going to quote them and reply with this link. https://www.medicaleshop.com/special-needs-kids/special-needs-seating/helmets-neck-supports/special-needs-helmets
  17. I found it on Aliexpress, but I'm not sure what it's based on. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805220121408.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!US %24225.95!US %24144.61!!!225.95!144.61!%40210324bf17117966409862074e6f6d!12000032937011195!sh!US!0!&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007601497239.1005005406436160&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
  18. Warning a new update is coming up which will really change the game. (AKA fuck up your mods) Some of the changes listed in the video.
  19. Your an old fogey. Now a days they go in and do what every the fuck they think would be good and not give dam about the literal decades of materials that is available for them. Along with ignore any information that the fans give them. That is the new acting process.
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