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Version 5.25.2
Devious Desires Overview: A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come! Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish. This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a replacement to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes. If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds! Teen Sims are between the ages of 18 and 19. All involved Sims Teen and Above both Human and Animal are considered to be consenting adults ages 18 and up. Regardless of what anyone else tells you, this is how DD treats these Sims. Devious Desires does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the acts seen or performed by its users. Devious Desires is a Hentai mod above all, if you cannot handle Hentai, then Devious Desires is not the mod for you. Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord Language: English Game Version: (Businesses and Hobbies) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Animations: Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this! Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility. Additions: Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires: Translations: Special Thanks: Jiji JustMe Nicholas Kreuz Pariah3J Disclaimer: All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof! All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod. All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon.9 points -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... Not so "Little Red Riding Hood"!!! Well, I've been taking a break from my ITF garments revamp and new FemmeBots, and while looking around DeviantArt.com, came across a cute Red Riding Hood model, pulled from DOA5, by Sticklove. So... I decided to do an XPS to TS3 conversion. A bit of hair pulling, and a couple bottles of vodka later, her she is! I thought things came out well enough, so I am sharing this one. Not all work out. I made the hood as a hair/ hat for a number of reasons. Because of positioning and length, there are quite a few bones. Making it as an accessory and hat sliders would have led to a lot of clipping. That, and having it fit multiple hairs would have made the hood so big, it would have looked silly! The hair part is Newsea's J147 Ferris Wheel, and available below. There are also several recolors out there. This is one of the hairs I use for "Lady". The hair was adjusted and "trimmed" a bit, to tuck inside the hood. The XPS model had boots, but during testing, I used the ones I uploaded here as part of Yennefer lack and White outfit, and never bothered with the ones from the original model. Morphs and most sliders work well, but if you go to extremes, I can't help you. I hope you like her!!! Credits: Newsea J147 Ferris Wheel http://www.newseasims.com/list-page.php?page=5&cid=1&sid=8&model=FEMALE Sticklove on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/sticklove/art/DOA5-Ultimate-Tina-Armstrong-halloween-4105595794 points -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... 2 Batmobiles!!! Well, I'm makiing some cars and motorcycles. They may not be the best, but they are different from what's out there for TS3. BATMAN!!! First is the Batmobile from Batman Vs Superman. It's converted from a model by sab64 on DeviantArt. I learned a lot while making these. I knew vehicles was nothing like garments, but it's really another world! The second Batmobile is the original one from 1966 TV show and movie. The model was converted from MMD model by caplagrobin on DeviantArt. BVS has 2 presets, battle worn and one that's more black. 1966 is strictly overlay. Neither are much for recolor, but who ever heard of a pink Batmobile anyway? So, these are my first, and getting things to work was... fun ......... Anyway, I did manage to get the wheels to spin, and the lights sorta work ok, so there's that. Understand that I had absolutely no clue what I was doing when I started these projects, and kinda just picked an EA car as donor, and ran with it. So both Batmobiles require EP4 Generations EP. I hope you like them! Batpod, my version of Batgirl Cycle and some hover bikes are coming soon... soonish...4 points -
Version v3.9
Sim Snatcher Overview: A mod with a focus on enslaving Sims and selling them to other Sims (With more "stealing" focuses planned for the future). These Slaves can be trained and will do various chores around the house as well or sold to a Slave Broker and provided to the Sims community! Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Discord Language: English Game Version: (Life&Death) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Translations: Usage (For Mod Authors):3 points -
Version 1.3
Overview: An unbiased and comprehensive tuning modification that allows other Mods to register their Likes and Dislikes traits as well as custom Likes/Dislikes categories in Create a Sim. Since Zerbu refuses to provide support for any of MY mods and any of the mods of a few other creators, I have chosen to maintain my own version of his file that includes them and isn't stunted by petty bias. This file also updates the Likes/Dislikes maximum to allowing choosing up to 1 million different Likes and Dislikes at once. The description as written by Zerbu himself "To support the new Turn Ons and Turn Offs in Lovestruck, patch changed the code for how preferences work, so custom categories must be added to a list and no longer show up automatically in the Likes and Dislikes section. Furthermore, the list uses SimData, so it’s not possible to simply inject it with a Python script. Sadly, this means the only way for custom categories to work at all (at least without some really complex UI modding) is via a global mod that adds them all back." DO NOT USE THIS MOD AT THE SAME TIME AS ZERBU's MOD! Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty Discord - Reddit Language: English Game Version: 1.108.318.1020 (Love Struck) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Permissions: Modified Tunings: (Type:Group:Instance) 03B33DDF:00000000:5C1268A785694418 - traits.preference_tuning 545AC67A:006CA304:4285D0DDD57DA451 - traits.preference_tuning.PreferenceTuning 545AC67A:006CA304:5C1268A785694418 - traits.preference_tuning.PreferenceTuning 7DF2169C:00000000:0000000000041BA7 - testSetInstance_SimPreference_PreferenceDiscovery_MaxOrCooldownOrAge 7DF2169C:00000000:0000000000041D52 - testSetInstance_SimPreference_PreferenceDiscovery_MaxOrCoolOrAgeChildAllowed 7DF2169C:00000000:000000000004C86D - testSetInstance_SimPreference_PreferenceDiscovery_MaxOrCoolOrAgeChildAllowed_Target 03B33DDF:00000000:000000000005843B - casPreferenceGroup_likesdislikes 545AC67A:0090F742:000000000005843B - casPreferenceGroup_likesdislikes 03B33DDF:00000039:000000000005843C - casPreferenceGroup_turnonturnoff 545AC67A:0090F742:000000000005843C - casPreferenceGroup_turnonturnoff2 points -
2 points
Version 1.0.1
BHUNP Bimbo Clothes is a collection of mostly AI inspired outfits (I'll probably mix in some Aletta Ocean stuff) intended for use with the excellent Bimbos of Skyrim mod. Check back as I plan to upload more in the near future. Installation: Extract the contents of the compressed file into your Skyrim folder and use BodySlide to generate the clothing for your chosen body type. How to obtain: Type help 'Bimbo Clothes' in the command console to find the item codes then type player.additem [item code] 1 in the console command menu. Requires: BHUNP - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100306 BodySlide - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015 Credits: factoryclosed for BUNP 3BBB body BodySlide and Outfit Studio - Ousnius and Caliente The developers at Bethesda Game Studios2 points -
Version 3.10
The Sims 4 Community Library Overview: An API, for The Sims 4, used to make creating/writing mods using Python much easier and more accessible. On its own it does only a few debug commands/interactions. Only install this API if you also have a mod installed that requires it! This mod is intended to always be backwards compatible, so it is recommended to always keep it up to date! Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Documentation - Github Wiki - Discord (Pre Release Builds Available There) Language: English Game Version: 1.108.349.1020 (Lovestruck) and above Features: Installation: FAQ: Translations: Usage (For Mod Authors): Change-Log:2 points -
2 points
Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10028; LOD2=934 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam This release was brought to you by mechanical memory1 point -
1 point
Version 5.7
Alonely Animations~! Disclaimer: Patreon supports my numerous tame animations, and you can also find my stuff on Fanbox. Many animation previews shown here are of the supporter package animations you can get from those sites or my Discord. -Check out my Discord if you wanna share juicy or tentacle images. ;D -And if you enjoy my mods and animations and have the ability to support me, please do so; they take a lot of time to make! And grab tons of bonus animations while you're at it. ^.^ *You can always check the package contents lists at the bottom of this page to see what's in which package if something seems missing!* The following custom content objects will be required for specific animations: asketo's TS4 objects (for tentacle animations) Alonely's Dolphin (for dolphin animations) Podyssey's Dragon Dildos (for dolphin animations) Noir's horse dildos (for some fake object horse and llama animations) (alternative download link) TheKalino's llama-based horse (for the fake object horse based on the llama) Gun (for gun animations) Wine bottles (for wine bottle animations) Alonely brings you and especially supporters...DOLPHINS, LLAMAS, COWS, CHICKENS, & FOXES! Annndddd...now ACTUAL SIM HORSES! (remember to update your mod setup, go to the Discord if you need help) These were insanely in demand and I felt it would be a shame for the general public to not have at least a few in their possession if they wanted one, so the first seven Curiosity Beckons animations have been released for everyone! *Supporter previews and more supporter previews* (note: tons of gifs) List of requirements for: > Dolphins: Island Living expansion pack, custom dolphin object, and dolphin's dick ("Free Willy") > Real Sim horses: Horse Ranch expansion pack > Llamas, cows, fake object "horses", chickens, & foxes: Cottage Living expansion pack > Fake object "horses" based on the llama: TheKalino's llama-based horse (she also makes other fun animals!) > Fake object "horses" and llamas to have dicks in some animations: Noir's horse dildos (alternative download link) -- Public service announcement for running animations with animals in the Sims 4: These kinds of Sims are actual full Sims: Humans, Dogs, Cats, Foxes, and Horses These kinds of "Sims" are instead actually just animated objects according to the game's logic: Dolphins, Llamas, Cows, Rabbits, Chickens, and other birds (Cowplants and tentacles too!) That's how the game handles them, I can't change that. So: For example, if you want to start a human x dog animation, you shift+click your Sim, select two Sims, the human and the dog. If, however, you want to start a human + cow animation (the cow is just an object), you start with the same process, but then you select only one Sim. Then find the cow animation from the list, e.g. by clicking the "Select by Tag" option, and for this example, since I've tagged each animal "object" animation, you just look for the "COW" tag.1 point -
Version 1.17
Overview: This API is used to make creating/writing Adult mods using Python much easier and more accessible. On its own it does only a few debug commands/interactions. Only install this API if you also have a mod installed that requires it! This mod is intended to always be backwards compatible, so it is recommended to always keep it up to date! Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Discord (Pre-Release Builds Available There), Wiki Language: English Game Version: (Crystal Creations) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Usage (For Mod Authors): Credits: Me1 point -
Version 1.0
Life Improvements Overview: Life Improvements is a SFW mod created for The Sims 4 that is intended to add a bit of drama to the Sims world. Life Improvements is designed to be extensible and modular. What this means is if certain features are unwanted, their respective package files NEED NOT be installed in the Mods folder. Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord Language: English Game Version: 1.105.332.1020 (For Rent) and above Features: Requirements: Module Requirements: Installation: Basic Usage: Translations:1 point -
Version 1.0.0
The LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project Part 2 Oasis Landing has been a fashion faux pas for more than a decade. We have all seen it, and cringed. The time has come to fix what EA did. I mean, they made Star Trek fashion look good by comparison, right? So, part 2 of my beautication project is here. These are 4 Into The Future YA/ A female DEFAULT replacement dresses. EP11, Into The Future is REQUIRED. Yes, I made a non-default version of the Day Dress a while ago, but I think this one is better... Meaning a bit less fabric was used! All are open bottom mini versions of the EA dresses. All feature my priyatna bottom mesh and soft nipples. All retain characteristics of the EA dresses, including color presets. These dresses do not have teen or elder versions. I will include teen and elder versions with garments that do also have them. Bones and morphs work well, except the pregnant morphs. They are there, but I unchecked them because they did not move well. You can reselect the option in S3PE, but I wouldn't! There may be some clipping during woohoo, if you are using Kinky World or Passion, and the mod fails to undress the Sim. I am not done yet! There are still more ITF garments to come. I am also working on default replacements for base game and other EP's. I hope you like them!!! ATTENTION!!! It has been brought to my attention that CASP Editor tool may cause issues with morphs. I don't use that program, but if you do, and are seeing morph issues, check there.1 point -
Version 2.7.1
The Sims 4 Control Menu Overview: A mod intended to provide commands to control various aspects about your Sims, their world, and objects in that world through a simple to use menu system. Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Discord Language: English Game Version: 1.105.332.1020 (For Rent) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Basic Usage: Translations:1 point -
Version 1.0.0
Hello, some of the older stars were made for this pack. I wanted to create some of my favorite older stars as both a challenge and something fun to try. Do not need all three files for all the stars. They are split up. Whatch the files and only over write if file is larger vs smaller. 575,624,222 Anna Malle 9.7.zip part 2 283,911,008 Aubrey Hollander 9.8.zip part3 352,699,780 Ava Devine Gap 9.8.zip Part 1 342,212,774 Elizabeth Deadn Aka Gauge 9.82.zip Part 1 310,379,299 Houston 9.5.zip part 2 267,625,950 Jasmine St Claire 9.852.zip part 3 262,460,324 Jill Kelly 9.5.zip Part 1 216,529,346 Jodie Moore Gap star 9.0.zip part 2 382,323,926 Kenzie Marie 9.80.zip part 2 52,312,511 Ron Jeremy Again 2.0.zip Part 1 260,890,074 Savannaha Mitchell GaP.zip part 2 303104809_GoldenAgePornstarsPart1.rar 1141618108_GoldenAgePornstarsPart2.rar 1805483764_GoldenAgeofPornStarspart3.rar1 point -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
WHAT IS IT? More Type3 body models. All of the basic Type3 body models are included, along with several new variations. The feet have been repositioned and weight painted by hand and all of the models have been reweighted, remodeled (to one degree or another). The models are meant to be used with dimon99’s smaller female hands. The visible wrist seam has been reduced by adding extra vertices to match what is on the smaller female hands models. Those files are available as a separate download. REQUIREMENTS Type3 compatible textures are required. You can get my own personal textures HERE. INSTALLATION Rename the mesh of your choice to femaleupperbody and place it in your Data\meshes\characters\_male folder. If you do not have that file path simply create it. (The default location of the folder is Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\data\meshes\characters\_male.) CREDITS dimon99 and Backsteppo for the original Type3 meshes, Luchaire for the TypeV mesh, eronel55 for the Berry Boob Job body model and Kendo 2 for the feet edits, boob remodels and anything else. PERMISSIONS None. You may not reuse my content for your own mods or adapt it for use with other body mods without my permission. Use what I use or don’t use it at all. TERMS Do not upload my content to other game sites. If I want my mods hosted elsewhere I’ll be the one to do it. You the downloader have no vetted interest in the content provided on these pages. That includes derivatives and anything that you might steal. Do not direct link the files and you may not use my content as parts of compilations, place it behind pay walls, or do anything else I think is crooked.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project... Part 1 I like playing in Oasis Landing, but cringe on arrival, once I see what EA thinks is "future fashion"! So, I decided to do something about it!!! For some time, I have been working on ITF default replacements for female Sims, and am sharing the first two that I think are ready. NOTE: These are default replacements, and EP11, Into The Future, is required. First up is the af Metal Dress. It features an open bottom (DUH!) and a bit of "peek-a-boo(b)" action, and is a bit higher hemline than EA. Aside from that, it retains the basics of the EA dress, including preset color scheme. Next, is one reason this is taking some time. EA uses the same texture images for teen thru elder. Change one, you must change them all. This is af Suit Ruffles. I know I did a non-default a while ago, but this is a default version, and I think, a little better. Like the Metal Dress, this one is open bottom, shorter hemline but has "soft nips", because they went too far with that "global warming" crap, and now it's a bit "nippy" in the future! OY! TheSuit Ruffles has an elder version. My apologies, but I saw Madonna rolling across Kimmel's desk, and for that reason, did not make this a short, open bottom. In fact, it looks pretty much like EA's dress. WARNING: If you install the af version, you will need to install the elder version as well, because I replaced the default textures and the old EA elder dress won't work with my new textures. If anyone wants to convert these to base game, go ahead! If anyone wants to make the elder dress, open bottom, again... I have no problem with that! I can give you some help with doing either one. I have been working on pretty much all female ITF garments, including shoes and some hairs, as well as default replacements for a few other things. Work goes slow, but I hope to get more ready soon. I hope you like them!!!1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... Club Chic... open bottom minis for adult and teen female Sims!!! I have been doing some experimenting with default replacements. Thing is, all females, teen thru elder, will use the same textures, and texture reference numbers... So? Well, that means I must do tf thru ef at one shot. Club Chic is only for YA/A, so easier for what is basically BETA testing as a default replacement. So, yes, this is a default replacement for the YA/A EP3 skirt, so that EP is REQUIRED for the skirt to show in your game. But, as a small bonus, I also converted the skirt to teen, as a basegame piece! The only issue I have had with my default replacements, has been that if the Sim is a pre-existing, EA made Sim (does not seem to matter from whichever EP, or base game), the mesh will show, but the EA textures get used for some reason, that I still have not figured out. PLEASE TELL ME HOW IT WORKS IN YOUR GAME!!!! NOTE: This teen skirt is a true teen conversion with a new mesh, not just the af skirt recategorized as tf!!! Boots pictured are also a true teen conversion of the Yennefer boots that I uploaded, and resized to fit teen female. They are in a separate download. Unfortunately, I am still working on the Hello Kitty tops, but hope to have them done soon. (I have heard THAT before!) I hope to have more for you soon, and that you like these skirts!!!1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents...Way 2 Sexy Female Mail Carrier! A HUGE THANK YOU to Denton 44 at Lovers Lab for his work to fix many of the broken, or just plain stupid things found in Oniki's Kinky World. One of those stupid things was that all Mail Carriers (among others) were always male. What if you want females? Again, thanks to Denton 44, you now have a choice, and so I dusted off an old project of sexed up female "service providers". NOTE: I am experimenting with default replacement SIMOs, which means this... Each service and role Sim has a default outfit file. I am making new default outfit files to go along with the new outfits. As these are for AF/ YF, it will NOT effect EF. They will still have the EA outfit, except the hair/ hat, which may be my default replacement part for some SIMO's. And first up is Way 2 Sexy Female Mail Carrier! This page has the outfit, baseball cap hat/ hair with ponytail (this WILL be used for other SIMO's), LS Accessory Nails, and the default SIMO. Miss Daydream's Vibrant Lipgloss https://emilyccfinds.tumblr.com/post/139789578447/all-lipsticks-collection It is #25. https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-makeup-lipstick/title/vibrant-lipgloss/id/1263729/ Socks and other make up are EA, and linked in the SIMO. I list boots separately, as they are stand alone and can be used for other things, but ARE part of the new default SIMO! If you merge packages, I recommend merging these together, in a new merge, as I will be adding to, and possibly making changes. Just easier for you to replace things that way, should the need arise. Everything can go into the regular Packages folder... Override folder is NOT necessary. IMPORTANT: The new SIMO outfit will apply to any in game generated Sims, with no issues. For EA's premade NPC's, you may need to make some CAS adjustments. Another solution is to use Nraas Master Controller. After you start the game, in whichever city, click city hall and then Nraas> Master Controller> Sim> Basic> Remove Outfit... In the new window, select Gender: Female and Type of Service. Next window select Mail Carrier. If there is more than one female mail carrier, select All, if only one, her outfits will show. Just delete her carrier outfit. The game will now generate a new outfit, using the replacement SIMO! Perhaps copy this to notepad and save, as it will be the same for any future outfits that I make, with EA NPC's. Anyway, I hope you like it!!!1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... Alice Liddell "Stop the MADNESS!" This is basically a TS4 to TS3 conversion of a mesh by Plazasims, with some new mesh parts by me. And of course, it is open bottom. It took a bit to reduce polycount, and have it still look good, but I think I got it. The dress is found in outfits, and the boots in shoes. Neither are recolorable. The stockings are found in accessory socks, and have 2 color channels. I hope you like it!!!1 point -
Version 1.0.0
What this does: Adds 8 stand-alone color variations (black, fuchsia, green, navy, red, teal, white and yellow) for fishnet tank tops, panties, stockings and leggings. The tops have new binaries for nipples and all of the textures have new RLE2 shadow maps. I might have made new DST normals too, but I don't remember if I did or not. All of the items use the slots expected (tank top, accessory leggings, accessory leggings, etc.) and are available for female Teens, Young Adults, Adults and Elders in ALL of the outfit categories; Athletic, Everyday, Formal, Party, Sleep and so on. Occult category Aliens, Humans and Witches are supported. I did not make new catalog thumbnails. Requirements: None. Conflicts: None. All of the items are stand-alone. Possible Issues: This may not work with Mac versions of the game. Installation: Extract the zipped files and drop the package file into C:\Users'your name'\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. When the game loads it should display as a non-scripted mod if you bother to look for it. Terms: Do not direct link the files. Do not upload my content to other sites. You may not use my content as part of compilations, place it behind pay walls, or do anything else crooked. EA ‘Et al’ and you the downloader have no vetted interest in this content.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... Leather Minis!!! This is a collection of open bottom leather skirts for Sim females, teen thru Adult... including MedBod! These are TS4 to TS3 conversions of skirts by Saliwa at TSR. All are NON-recolorable, made using an overlay. A single tile gray will show in CAS to prevent possible CAS errors. Adjusting the gray tone may or may not lighten or darken the skirts. YA/A comes in VERY Mini and standard hemline, each in 2 different versions. Teen and MedBod are the standard hemline, and each in 2 versions. Currently, no plan to make VERY Mini for teen, but may do for MedBod. Bones and morphs were adjusted, and looked good during testing. All skirts include pregnant morphs! But, any issues, please let me know!!! I hope you like them!!! Special note: I have finally solved my MedBod waist seam problem, and am working on several separate tops and bottoms for JoshQ's MedBod that can be mixed and matched to existing MedBod garments. The cropped tank tops shown, are works in progress, but should be available soon. Soon being by my time scale, which most know by now, is quite vague at best.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks and the lunatics at Landgraab Industries "Super Secret Mad Science Division" continue to blur the lines between Sim and Plumbot... The FemmeBot Gantz Suit is a one piece chassis and requires the "No Bottom" option. It comes in 4 presets, with 4 re-colorable channels. No thumbnails, as the ones generated by the game work well enough. All "standard" FemmeBot heads will work. Model pictured with M5 head. This is a PLUMBOT! EP11 Into The Future is required. She is assembled in the bot station, as any other Plumbot. Other models and maintenance instruction here... I hope you like her!!!1 point -
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil! This is a set of 3 individual statues in one zip file. Footprint adjusted so placement as shown is without cheats enabled. They can be found in Build/ Buy, in usual place for statues. I had not thought to upload anything so soon, but these only needed thumbnails to be finished, sooooo... They are made, in part, using a new tool under developement, by CmarNYC. They are posed from an actual ripped Sim, with a rearranged UV map, so they are a bit high poly as TS3 statues go. Honestly was not intended, as I began work on these a couple of weeks ago, but I now find the theme to be a bit ironic... So, decided to make them my first upload here. I hope you like them!1 point -
1 point
Version 0.0.86
Overview Choose your own session in this House. Nothings off limits Thread Updated: 2022-02-19 Release Date: 2022-02-17 Developer: DotArt Patreon - Newgrounds - Discord Censored: No Version: 0.0.86 Language: English OS: Mac, Windows Genre: [SPOILER] 2d game, Glory hole, Onahole, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Customise, Outfits, Anal, Anal Creampie [/SPOILER] Installation: [SPOILER] 1. Extract and run. [/SPOILER] Changelog: [SPOILER] v0.0.86 v0.0.86 -Major Money Bug Fix - New Scenes Added - New Clothes - New Vag Types Etc - Futa Option [Patreon EA] - Day/Night Cycle Fix [/SPOILER] Developer Notes: [SPOILER] All Scenes Velma Hole 1 Samus Hole 1 Marge Hole 1 Zelda Hole 1 Kim Possible Hole 1 Raven Hole 1 Samsung Sam Hole 1 Velma On Desk Zelda On Desk Receptionist On Desk Zelda Reverse Cowgirl (In Office) Velma Reverse Cowgirl (In Office) Kim Possible Doggy From Below (In Office) Velma Anal Dildo Ride (Hole In Office) [Patreon EA] [/SPOILER]1 point -
Version 1.0.0
This is release four of the Skyrim Fishnet Armor Collection. The is file contains boots, gloves, fishnet dress, witch hat, underwear and a staff. All armor is light except for the underwear. How to obtain: Use the following console commands: Underwear - player.additem XX000D65 1 Witch Hat - player.additem XX001D8D 1 Fishnet Dress - player.additem XX000D64 1 Witch Boots - player.additem XX002DB5 1 Witch Gloves - player.additem XX003318 1 Grand Staff of Charming - player.additem XX003D7E0 1 Witch Staff (Not enchanted) - player.additem XX00387C 1 At a blacksmith Forge: Grand Staff of Charming - 1 Firewood, 1 Dwarven Oil Witch Hat - 2 Leather Strips, 5 Leather, 1 Hagraven Feathers, 1 linen Wrap Witch Gloves - 3 Leather, 2 Leather Strips Witch Boots - 5 Leather, 2 Leather Strips Fishnet Dress - 20 Leather Strips Underwear - 1 Leather, 3 Leather Strips Credits: Halofarm - for Pinup Poser. (The poses I use in the images) Besthesda - The maker of Skyrim and the Creation Kit Requirements: An UNPB Body re-placer and all of it's requirements. Permissions: As always you're free to use my mods your own project. No need to ask me for permission. YouTube Videos:1 point -
Version 1.0.0
WHAT IS IT? These are my personal Type3 textures for my custom companions. People have been asking for them so here they are. I am hesitant to share these as I do not want them showing up on Nexus or people hi-jacking them (ala BlackBlossom) and pretending they created something they didn't. Anyway, aside from my contribution to Type3, I take no credit for the work. Luchaire, Kiwi and Xaznom did all of the heavy lifting, I just tweaked them a little. If you want custom body meshes you can get them HERE. I have hand painted new rosey nipples, 3 vagina variations and 2 anus variations. Molina's body texture is super smooth with no flaws. Cheryl's body texture received the same treatment with added highlights and plenty of sexy moles (perfect for girls with pale skin, though Molina's works just as well.) I think these textures are too specialized to be used as general replacers but they will work in that role. The body textures are waxed and clean. I do not like pubic hair and I do not do 'wasteland nasty'. If you want a girl who looks like her pussy stinks, stick with BOG. CONTENTS 3 vagina variations of Cheryl's 'moles' body texture. 3 vagina variations of Molina's super svelte body texture. A Cup versions of the body textures. 2 face textures for Cheryl and Molina (fresh scrubbed and makeup) Optional hi-rez normals for the faces, bodies and hands (These are the REAL deal, not fakes). (All of the textures are raw and uncompressed. This makes it easy to modify them with tattoos or whatever and not result in artifacts showing up after compression. I did not include diffused hand textures. If you need them just request it.) Also included are the Hex Codes and a tutorial by eronel55 for using FO3 Edit or NV Edit to apply my preset face textures. It is very easy to understand and I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results. Just look at the screenshots. I did not include the face morphs. It is one thing to share a makeup job or a body texture, but I'm not about to hand over my girls' faces. INSTALLATION Rename the body texture of your choice to upperbodyfemale and place it in your Data\textures\characters\female folder. Rename the head texture of your choice to headhuman and place it in your Data\textures\characters\female folder. If you do not have that file path Data\textures\characters\female folder simply create it. (The default location of the folder is Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\textures\characters\female.) CREDITS dimon99 for the original Type3 Body, Lucharie for the base body textures, kiwi82mx for the real hi-rez body normal texture, Xaznom for the Many Faces face textures, eronel55 for the Hex Code tutorial, and Kendo 2 for everything else. PERMISSIONS None. You may not reuse my content for your own mods or adapt it for use with other body mods without my permission. Use what I use or don’t use it at all. TERMS Do not upload my content to other game sites. If I want my mods hosted elsewhere I’ll be the one to do it. You the downloader have no vetted interest in the content provided on these pages. That includes derivatives and anything that you might steal. Do not direct link the files and you may not use my content as parts of compilations, place it behind pay walls, or do anything else I think is crooked.1 point -
This CC is completely free You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission I don’t take requests nor commissions Details: Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Located in ‘tops’ category Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=3938; LOD2=1778 / Sleeveless LOD1=3674; LOD2=1536 2-3 color channels Only available as .package Defects: Right arm looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine. Because I had to make several modifications to it you might see a thin line behind the left shoulder, the strength of the line will depend on the skin you use Textures were scaled down so several imperfection will be visible the closer you look Tits above the default scale might cause some deformation on the sides, custom animations might also contribute Notes: So the whole sleeves from the original were too distracting so I changed the shape and just for fun I did a sleeveless version I got rid of the original overlay over the sleeves Also I replaced the chest with MedBod’s latest and using Blender’s knife tool I made it a better fit for the garment, than means clipping on shoulders should be eliminated Finally I convert it from body garment to tops and added some space behind the hip so now tight skirts, pants, shorts and the default naked bottom should be compatible. Remember, I don’t test every single pair and there’s a slight chance for texture conflict plus some custom animations flex the body a little too much to avoid clipping Credits: Original mesh and textures by Electronic Arts1 point -
Version 1.0.0
What is it? HDT vanilla-based boots meant for UNP and bare legs. Matching world models are included. The boots are craftable under whatever category is obvious and can be improved at the armorer's bench. Each pair of boots has their own height/foot position so you'll need to adjust each pair in the HDT High Heel System MCM. A good median starting range is 4.5 on the first configuration slot. Note: Because of how the HDT High Heel System works, the boots cannot be enchanted (they already have a 'spell' on them) or improved without the Arcane Smithing Perk. That is a legacy of the framework so just deal with it. If you're looking for more boots, Cross Crusade has a few decent ones and Tiwa has some really nice models in her Minidresses mod. They are not HDT. Credits: I made the models from vanilla assets so I get all of the credit. Permissions: Not a resource at this time. No conversions for CBBE/OutfitStudio/BodySlide allowed. Nothing I make may be hosted at Nexus.1 point -
Version 1.0.1
This is part two of the incomplete Skyrim Fishnet Armor Collection. The is file contains feet, hand, and body fishnet armor in five colors. Requirements: An UNPB Body re-placer and all of it's requirements. HDT HighHeels System http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36213/ How to obtain: Use the following console commands: Heels (Black) - player.additem XX00183C 1 Top (Black) - player.additem XX00183D 1 Gloves (Black) - player.additem XX00183E 1 Heels (Blue) - player.additem XX001849 1 Top (Blue) - player.additem XX00184A 1 Gloves (Blue) - player.additem XX00184B 1 Heels (Red) - player.additem XX00184C 1 Top (Red) - player.additem XX00184C 1 Gloves (Red) - player.additem XX00184E 1 Heels (Turquoise) - player.additem XX000D63 1 Top (Turquoise) - player.additem XX000D64 1 Gloves (Turquoise) - player.additem XX000D67 1 Heels (White) - player.additem XX001834 1 Top (White) - player.additem XX0012CF 1 Gloves (White) - player.additem XX001836 1 At a blacksmith Forge: Top - 50 Leather Strips Gloves - 20 Leather Strips Heels - 2 Leather, 20 Leather Strips Acknowledgement: In the high heels I used Leito86's version of FemFeet with the feet armor, so special thanks to him and in the gloves I used Bethesda female hand mesh. Credits: Leito86 and Phygit - for FemFeet. Calyps - For the UNPB Body. Ousnius and Caliente - for BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
What is it? - A conversion of Alice in Wunderland Outfits by Kendo 2 to the UNP Jiggle body of Skyrim. The original outfits were made by Kendo 2 for his Fallout: New Vegas comic (which I definitely recommend checking out), and were never released. I have had his permission to convert these outfits for a while but didn't have the time to finish until now. - Contains 2 outfits: Heart and Diamond. - Weight slider supported. How to install? - Extract .rar file, and copy everything into Data\ - Or use a mod manager, much easier. How to uninstall? - Delete the following: Data\meshes\K2\Sex Toys Data\textures\ K2\Sex Toys K2 Alice in Wunderland Outfits.esp How to get? - AddItemMenu mod. - Or console “help K2." Requirements? - XMPSE 3.0+ Skeleton. - NIOverride 3.4.4+ for the boots. Credits: Kendo 2 for the original work in Fallout: New Vegas (and the awesome comic :P). Kendo 2 (again) for the UNP Jiggle body meshes. bananbro for the glove meshes. Nightasy for the awesome tutorials. Disclaimer: No CBBE conversion at all. Kendo 2 reserves the right to report any Bodyslide conversion made from his assets in this package. If you find anything wrong with the outfits, feel free to message me on here or Loverslab. Thank you!1 point -
Version 1.0.0
This mod is pretty basic really; if your character is nude and a male NPC is aroused and comments on you being naked (‘You got no clothes, you should get some.’ etc.) they will rape you. The mod is manual install only. Details: The mod changes the vanilla quest WICommentsNaked. Unlike the old Sexlab Dangerously Nude mod that used random percents to control the comments this mod uses Sexlab Arousal factions. Also, this mod advances the WICommentsNaked quest so NPC will not continuosly repeat their lines. And the Sexlab scripting is current for version 1.62 and above. It otherwise performs like Dangerously Nude and IS NOT compatible with that mod. Requirements: Skyrim and the Update esm Sexlab v 1.62 or higher Sexlab Aroused Redux Credits: Ashal, fishburger67, Bromm83 and Kendo 2.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
This is a fix for the broken UNP vanilla mesh replacers available at Nexus. The armor and clothing meshes are not skimpy/skinny/animated/jiggly or anything else. They are basic replacers for every vanilla outfit that shows skin aside from Nocturnal's robe. That mesh is not a resource. Dawnguard and Dragonborn files are also available. This mod fixes: the NiTriShapes renames in the Nifs that were wrong. I switched them back to what they were originally in the vanilla Nifs so texture sets will work properly in the game and the CK. the jacked Nif Num UV Sets and Has Normals values in the NiTriShapeData branch back to what they need to be. (1 and 0). the texture file paths to folders that didn't exist, paths to Astrid's crispy body textures and paths to textures that no one has. I repathed all of the body part BSShaderTextureSet branches to what they need to be, and that is femalebody_1 and the support textures. Every nif (and I do mean every single fucking one) was WRONG. I fixed all of that. I also included a UNP foot fix as a separate upload, for those who want it. Why do you need this? You really don't unless: you're tired of running out of memory and your game crashes because it is trying to process texture swaps that will never happen for every female NPC in a cell. you are tired of a cell loading and every female NPC there has mismatched body textures that look dark or like they absorb light. you simply want UNP mesh replacers that are fixed. Another bonus is these fixes reduced most of the kb size of the nifs by about 200. The files sizes are smaller. Something you might want to do on your own is go to meshes\actors\character\character assets in your data folder, open the femalebody_0 nif and rename the NiNode from whatever it is to FemaleBody_0.nif. Do the same thing for femalebody_1 and rename that NiNode to FemaleBody_1.nif. You might also want to read my tutorial, Do it Dirty: Fix that Skyrim Neck Seam! and start fixing the nifs you download before you install the mod they came with. Credits: dimon99 Exeter Phigit and ME for fixing everything that was fucked up. Permissions: The usage terms of the files in this upload are retained by the original authors.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
Short description. K2AndroExtras adds a lot of leveled androgynous raiders, you need all three of Kendo2's andro mods for it to work right. The Androgynous Fiends drop Kendo's armors/outfits/bodysuits and it consolidates Kendo's outfits etc. into a repair list as best as I could using only scripting and not touching his esps. There's 20 different andro raiders in leveled lists that I hand placed around other fiend spawnpoints. Also, a vendor is added in a room at the El Rey Motel near Camp McCarran's gate. She sells a few random outfits from Kendo2's mods. Requirements: SexoutBasicFutaStraponSex allows you to add Kendo's futabody to safe clothes in sexout (i.e. use it for sex as a hardon, strapon replacement. It also allows you to have sex with anyone that doesn't have all their greetings topics tossed into choice topics in the GECK. You will be able to choose whether the player uses a strapon or the other character uses one, or both, and you can hide or unhide vaginal sex topics within the mod. It's basically a stripped down sexoutsex geared towards futas/shemales traveling with or having sex with futa/shemales. It has limited creature functionality as well. It uses the newest sexout calls so don't try to use it if you're on an only NX version or older. Requirements: Sexout (A pretty new version it uses the latest calls.) Also, for the strapon you need to install either SexoutTryout or the data pack from SexoutTrout OR: you can place a strapon mesh of your choice in the folder structure Data/Meshes/Armor/Strapon if you don't want to use SexoutTryout.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
After a long day laying trolls and wait... waaaaait... SLAYING TROLLS. Yeah... Well we all know the dragonborn needs to unwind right! Well here's another option for the mighty dovakiin. Stop in to town and pick up a wench for the night. For now, this mod adds: Two hooker spawn points to Windhelm... Sweet little Tekla in Falkreath now hooks if you have a few spare septims... A New NPC, Aurelia the ‘flower girl’ in Solitude, with a special flower - wink wink! Abelone who could use someone to help her warm up, in Dawnstar. And a new sultry NPC - Yasmine who is looking for a one night friend in Whiterun. REQUIREMENTS: SexLab - Update.ESM - Skyrim.ESM - Fuz Ro Do'h DIS-CLAIMER: This is a project mod. I have a treasure trove of crud to work on. Both IRL and in modding when I can pay attention to things. As is, you'll have to take this mod "as-is" for now, as updates will be sadly far and few. V0.5 is the latest version with most of the kinks worked out but there may be a snafu here or there. Problems with the mod, complaints, or ideas can be PM'd to me or posted on the support thread for this mod. Double-double Disclaimer: Mostly, the hookers are NOT hawt. These are somewhat desperate - gutter sluts, dope whores or regular girls. Super cute bunnies and sex kittens that will bang you for gold might come later in other cities, I don't think so at this point. (For a more RP friendly mod and to cater to immersion. Plus there is more than enough perfect girl/perfect guy mods out there.) There is no intention of adding player prostitution to the mod, again there is a metric fuck-ton (Approx: 10,000kg (2/2/2) cubed. +/- .030cm tolerance on the outer flange. Unless working with ISO9000 standards, then convert to the Imperial Standard measurement system. 5-S and Sigma-6, never required.) of those available, sooooooo no. Credits and Permissions: Ashal's code for SexLab and the technical aspects of the aforementioned are his intellectual property and subject to his terms of use for Sexlab. The core programming and putting all the pieces together is Kendo2s' handiwork, without him this mod wouldn't exist - so mad representation! All the intellectual works for versions 0.1 - 0.5 belong to me... Game Goblin, so keep your mitts off. MINE MINE MINE! And absolutely NO reuploading this mod to the Nexus, or anywhere else. If you want to help with mod, please PM me. Now on to the nuts and bolts... Fasten your seat-belts for the WALL OF TEXT D A N G E R : S P O I L E R S A H E A D WINDHELM: There are two spawn points for a total of 8 random hookers; one spawn is in the Grey Quarter close the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Another is North East of Candlehearth Hall, on the back side of it. If you have trouble spotting them, look for the women rubbing their arms to warm up. Talk to the whore young lady, she will lead you to a somewhat secluded area and (1) give male characters blow jobs, or (2) do a kinda random act with female characters. The dialogue and price (20 Septims) reflects only oral. Depending on how you have your animations flagged in MCM, you might get anything. Some of the hookers will trade you a blowjob for skooma. Known Issues: This is Skyrim, Sexlab and anything else you have crammed into your game. Your results will vary. This worked in game as intended when tested originally by Kendo2, and during trial tests by Game Goblin. As new mods and animations are released quite often since the last update of this mod, good luck to you. Like all silent mods that use Fuz Ro Do'h, there will be a lag during dialogue. Do not speed click through. Give the game a chance. When the hooker unassumingly normal woman leads you to the spot, she may or may not immediately forcegreet you. You can wait for 5 seconds for her to get her CGI shit together or you can click on her; same result. I didn't want put a wait timer or a stall for after the action happens. She will be ready for another go as soon as you are done. Ignore that, role-play it, most professionals acclimate to their jobs anyway... Having trouble after the first round? For the girl behind Candlehearth Hall console: setstage K2StreetWalkersWindhelmQuest 5 For the girl wandering the Grey Quarter console: setstage K2StreetWalkersWindhelmQuest_Skooma 5 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. FALKREATH: Poor Tekla. She's hit a rough spot. Talk to the townspeople, or Narri or Valga at Dead Man's Drink. They will point you to Telka. She has a brief narrative explaining her situation. After that she will sell her services to you and lead you to the double bed. Telka is set up to do whatever Sexlab wants to do as far as animations go. There are no tags attached to the scripts so whatever you have enabled as consensual sex will play when you bang her. Known Issues: Hopefully none. This has been tested with both a female and a male character and all of the dialogue matched and the right animations played when they were supposed to. You MIGHT encounter ugly Tekla before the quest starts. She won't hang around for long. Like all silent mods that use Fuz Ro Do'h, there will be a lag during dialogue. Do not speed click through. Give the game a chance. When Tekla leads you to the bed, she may or may not immediately forcegreet you. You can wait for 5 seconds for her to get her CGI shit togther or you can click on her; same result. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2TavernFalkreathTekla 10 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. SOLITUDE: Aurelia wanders from the Solitude market place to the Bard’s College. Look for the young woman carrying a basket of flowers. Everything else will be explained in the game. If you talk to her and she sends you to take care of something she will still be walking around with her basket of flowers when you get back. Go find her. She only sells flowers from 7am to 7pm. If she isn’t carrying her basket she will not deal with you. Known Issues: After you buy a flower there might be a slight stall between her changing packages. This only happened to me once and it lasted less than 5 seconds. Either Corpulus Vinius or his son, Sorex Vinius must be alive and operating the Winking Skeever. If they are both dead this quest will not be available. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2SolitudeFlowerGirlQuest 10 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. DAWNSTAR: Talk to the miners or sailors in Dawnstar to start the quest. There is more to Abelone than meets the eye. Talk to her and listen to her sad story; it is up to you whether or not you feel sorry for her. Known Issues: I didn't run into any issues with Abelone. That doesn't mean there aren't any, it means I didn't encounter any. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2TavernDawnstarAbelone 30 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. WHITERUN Go to the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and talk to the Redguard girl wearing the fine clothing. The mod will walk you through the rest. Known Issues: I didn't run into any issues with Yasmine. That doesn't mean there aren't any, it means I didn't encounter any. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. There MIGHT be a message box at one point in her quest. Deal with it until the next update. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2WhiterunYasmine_01 120 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
What is it? Another super skimpy armor set for UNP JIGGLE. Get it here: UNP JIGGLE BY KENDO 2 I packaged this differently. The Harness Pauldrons and Belt are individual pieces, not part of a body suit. For game purposes you'll be naked. The armor pieces, gauntlets, collar and circlet can be crafted and improved under the Leather category at the forge or blacksmith’s table. The boots shown in the second screenshot are not included with this mod. If you want sexy leather boots check out my HDT High Heeled Boots mod. Nothing much else to say. For Sexlab Users: The body slots for stripping are 57 for the Harness Pauldrons and 49 for the Harness Belt. There is an alternate esp for Sexlab users who would like the SexlabNoStrip Keyword applied automatically. Disclaimer: The mod comes as is. I am not taking requests or making any changes. Credits: dimon99 for UNP Kendo 2 for everything else. Permissions: Not a resource at this time. No conversions for CBBE/OutfitStudio/BodySlide allowed. Nothing I make may be hosted at Nexus.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
What is it? Another super skimpy armor set for UNP JIGGLE. Get it here: UNP JIGGLE BY KENDO 2 The HDT High Heels System is required for this mod! The armor, boots, gauntlets and circlet can be crafted and improved under the Dragonscale category at the forge or blacksmith’s table. The circlet and armor do not provide as much armor protection as their vanilla counterparts. They cover less so why would they? They also require fewer materials. The reshaped boots and gauntlets provide full Dragonscale level protection. If you want alternate Dragonscale boots check out my HDT High Heeled Boots mod. Nothing much else to say. Disclaimer: The mod comes as is. I am not taking requests or making any changes. Credits: dimon99 to UNP Kendo 2 for everything else. Permissions: Not a resource at this time. No conversions for CBBE/OutfitStudio/BodySlide allowed. Nothing I make may be hosted at Nexus.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
PREPARE TO BE TROLLED This is everything I've ever made for Sims 4. Some of it you may already have and a lot of it I know you don't because it was (at one time) my personal shit. So..just...WHY? Because of all the dirt that came out about how EA conducts themselves after ME:Andromeda was released. REALLY EA? Okay... AND because EA is a massive cluster fuck of diversity-hire-SJW-stupidity and I refuse to mod for or support a company like that. I don't care what you think about it or me, so FUCK YOU. NO, there will be not screenshots and NO I do not care what you do with these files. Again, FUCK YOU for playing an EA game and supporting their narrow-minded SJW Lib-tard corporate culture. You should be goddamned ashamed of yourselves. But what do I know? I'm just some faggot who knows how to mod.0 points