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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Curious question, why would someone want to disable packs in Sims 4? You bought them, why would you now want them disabled?
  2. Yes, that would be one step toward their restricting the modding community freedom. Something. Just get it over Bethesda. You are loosing ground regardless of what you do right now, might as well cut the act out and start moving forward with your plan.
  3. Wishful thinking, yearning for days past, and blind servitude and sub mentaility. That is what is left (what is wrong with a person. ) I wonder if they will do that with this game. Or just restrict it, perhaps with official use of Creation Club Kits, or something. If they want to get this train moving they need to step it up a notch. Just do it already. Thief, thief, somebody call the authorities... wait... I a an authority ... (hiding in a corner.) LOL. I missed the short bus... yet again. They can't handle the truth.... They need the wall...
  4. The problem is too many will buy them on pre-order AND trust them... even now, still people are.
  5. Above is one of those that love Fallout, Loved the idea of an online component, even likes some aspects of the game when it works properly but dosn't like it as it is. Even fans of the entire idea aren't liking the game. ...
  6. Wish we had the actual banned page capture of you ... well the not you
  7. Already, people are cheating "In fact, it is actually kind of hysterical that this is even possible in a multiplayer video game, but here is is"
  8. the author hasn't been very active, not sure what the current status is. As of now I'd consider it incomplete and not being updated unless the author states otherwise later.
  9. It is better than what some of the fan boys were coming up with... Color changing super mutants from DC... for example I wish they'd get their act together and create a proper canon story-line for their universe... they are starting to do Star Trek and Star Wars shit now.
  10. didn't say it was correct (or at least correct previously) Just tossing it in for what they are using to "explain" why there are super-mutants in 76
  11. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Huntersville_super_mutant the answer to supermutants there.
  12. @endgameaddiction Not sure how it is in Nevada... hopefully still sane unlike California or other locations (major cities etc) and if so, hope it continues. If so count yourself very lucky... @Kendo 2 thanks for the update. lol. It is the only way to teach these types of people a lesson without being on the jail side of the equation. She is also in more trouble as she was a part of the alternate party trying to get elected... This shit reflects bad on them and at a minimum she is kicked out if she wasn't chewed out by the leaders of that group before hand. I thought she was some stupid college student spouting some crap, this is worse. Even more reason to press charges when shit like that happens to help teach these people this shit isn't acceptable. She isn't in the dog house... she is several feet below the dog house
  13. Even if I agree with your idea of what should be done. It isn't the case, and they are protected. Unfortunate fact of current laws we have today. That is the reason I mentioned that man needed to press charges on her for assault, which she did and was videoed doing so. Gotta fight with what you got. If she was arrested for assault and charges pressed, she'd end up with a record. I believe she was a college student... then a student with a record.. good luck getting a great job afterwards. Of course, she wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes in jail and instead given probation (shame really, Jail would really work wonders on such a person ) the experience would be a learning one for her. Police and Judges don't give a fuck about her SJW agenda.
  14. Any physical response from that male she assaulted would end up with him in jail and her laughing and spreading the story about how she exacted justice. You have to play "their" game or loose. You decide to give someone a bloody mouth for talking shit... welcome to jail. I've seen it happen more than once. There is a difference in defending oneself from attack and serious physical harm. On that note, If my family or such is in risk of being seriously harmed, I'd take care of business as I needed to then worry about the consequences later. She wasn't physically attacked or in any way at risk of physical harm from anyone there. She committed a crime, and she is talking about justice and "right". She needs a lesson on Justice IMO...
  15. She should have gotten arrested for assault. (pretty sure that is the case everywhere in the US)
  16. They (Blizzard) should have just taken their licks and deal with the issue in a professional manner and not state"don't everybody have phones". They also could have stated... due to great feedback, we are now considering creating a PC version of Diablo. We love our customers and want to create great games they love. The answer to the share price... The price isn't really making great changes. Not much troubles there. Likely the stock buyers are likely upset with the entire package. The fact that customers "Boo'd" the announcers... (these are core players) and their response... (keep in mind EA's responses and the total profit changes)
  17. What assholes. They created a phone version of Diablo.. Ok, so what. There are fans that want it on the PC... yep.. understandable. If they don't make it, they don't make it... don't play tricks and do stupid actions to try to hide those talking about wanting the PC.. Fallout fans wanted an other fantastic fallout game.. they got Preston... then empty world ... with even more bugs than a standard Bethesda Fallout game. TES fans wanted another Skyrim or some other lands... They got the TES online... with bugs.. a game few wanted. A game few decided to play. Some do.. cool. However, another fantastic game with the quality of at least the previous Skyrim game... $$$ People need to wake up.. The owners of the major game publishers don't have a fucking clue about what is wanted, what should be made, or how to go about even protecting their IP. (looking at you EA and Mass Effect... damn. ) Now is the time for these companies to get lots and lots of $$$ but they keep on fucking the customers. Keep on fucking up their IPs.. go fucking create a new IP and play with it.
  18. Yes, there were some pretty dam good games after that happened
  19. Don't you mean "nunthing to see here"? lol
  20. It looks like it is. More details in PM... Might be something different with the Nifs etc.
  21. Early info on the game. There are people dissecting this corpse already... The way things are setup is not much unlike Fallout 4. I can see creation kit "packages" coming soon. For those that do have the game, I believe the Fallout 4 TES works on it. https://github.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit/releases/tag/FO4Dump-0448b82 or at least being worked on. Disclaimer.. these files and the TES source is from GUN site discussion not my own works... I believe they are working on this game to rip components out so they can use it in Fallout 4 (and other games perhaps)
  22. It is also possible that they believe they will get a "continuous stream of revenue" through this game so they will likely have a skeleton crew working on the most game breaking bugs as long as they "support" it. They think is if even half of what I see reported about the game is even again, halfway true, I can't see anyone buying the game in enough #s with enough continuing "revenue" to support their (Bethesda's) cash cow expectations. As a result, if it happens this way, I agree with @endgameaddiction they may come to regret making the game. Following along in EA's footsteps. Sadly, I also agree with @Kendo 2 comment above that the future games from them will be shit (more than likely) as they seem determined to follow in EA's footsteps instead of realizing how badly they are fucking up and fix some of the shit they are doing. It isn't rocket science. They aren't blind, they can see the same reports and complaints from their fans, previous fans, and even current fans (and users) of their games. Some things they can't change quickly (like the engine and retain modding ) somethings like making sure the shit works and being honest and clear in their statements to the public about their future games, what will and will not be there. etc. If something changes, don't try to cover it up.. give an explanation. Basic common sense and decency. What pisses me off the most, is they have the talent (and plenty of $$$ to get more if needed) they have the formula (shown in previous games like Oblivion, for example... Fallout 3 even Fallout NV..) even if they didn't produce it .. they know what worked. They have an avid fan base which will freely give them valuable feedback on what is wanted, expected and broken... they have what they need to be a great success but instead of focusing on the company and the IPs and product they produce... they focus on the $$$ they give their stockholders... that is a failure waiting to happen. The stockholders are interested in their company because of the success they had, failure to continue ... will lead to failure and thus lack of interest in the stockholders which they are trying to suck up to. Fucking idiots. Make great shit... people will beat down your doors to give you money. Stocks as well as customers. Wake up Bethesda!
  23. I'd rather see those that fucked up the IP get fired and not have another job in any related field for the rest of their life.. That and mock them for ever trying to get a job.. Although the firing squad idea does sound pretty good the more I watch Fallout 76 videos lol
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