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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Not that bad.. a bit of a catchy song.. she doesn't sound bad.. doesn't sound great.. but at least it sounds like it is her that is singing.. not some computer modified version of her. At first it reminded me of a foreign comedy.. I believe she is Svetlana Stolpovskikh https://www.linkedin.com/in/svetlana-stolpovskikh-171690162
  2. Unfortunately, there are many that are using the Creation Club.. more than enough for them to pat themselves on the back and feel it is worth waiting for more adoption. After all they aren't stupid... there have been free mods and open use of mods for years and years, it will take quite a bit of time before the Creation Club gains ground and mainstream acceptance. Everything they do is hype... that is what a company does to sell their product. CD Project Red is really working their hype engine for their new game and most here believe they will at least be honest and sincere with their offering. I believe the same thing about the Creation Club (however linked to the creation kit or some tool to modify the game however, it could be by invite only and really strictly regulated Not like what they have now) Yes, not doing so would be strike 2 on the Creation Club, however, I believe they are in it for the long run. They seen the horrible backlash from the Steam buying mods crap. They are going to go slow but steady. Might take them a couple of games to sink themselves firmly into the modding community with the Creation Club... Also eventually (maybe not for 76) but they will make modding and Creation Club mandatory for modding the game. They will continue feeling the market and the community's responses. There are several modders that are making animations for Creation Club furniture for AAF for example. There appears to be a reasonable but quiet community demand for those animations. Lets face it... the community will crack and then crumble and Bethesda and other companies will get their way. They will keep on pushing and pushing getting slapped back but moving ever so slowly forward until they get their way. They got a taste, and they want more and are willing to take the long game. Pun intended. Bethesda isn't exactly lying.. most of the time.. they "work" it to be something different. very likely their "Private Servers" are going to be on their servers but through the Creation Club membership.. .something to get you primed for their mods. One more step into your pockebook. One more crack in your resolve. One more step to get what they want and where they want to be.
  3. I heard about the private servers and such and that you could use mods.. however, I don't recall them stating that those mods could be your private mods. I don't recall them saying anything about where or what types of mods would play on the server. Very likely you will only be able to use the very same mods available to the public through the Creation Club. "Carefully vetted and well designed and approved mods " lol. I believe the only selection of mods available for anyone anywhere from now on in any future game Bethesda makes is through the Creation Club only. They appear to be continuing what they were foreshadowing in Fallout 4 in Fallout 76 in the game, Lore, game play, mechanics, and even the creation club (for their servers (private or otherwise) Basically what they have been setting out to do for the past 6~10 years. Between EA and now Bethesda crap.. I might as well stop gaming .. at least with any hope of a decent AAA game being released in any regularity. The only game I see in the next year or so worthy of even consideration is CyberPunk 2077. Yea... Me too
  4. I thought there were instances of ghouls almost from the beginning of the Nuclear war... not as bad looking as the traditional one but some would start to look right off the bat like it. (Moria for example) if exposed to high amounts of radiation that didn't kill them. I seem to remember "Underworld" in FO3. forget her name, say they wondered around for years afterwards before they found a home. (changed that is) However it has been a long time and my memory isn't as good as it used to be Yea, that is just shit. If they can't use 40's ~ 50's science explanations to cover that... (like the vault where you see things) ... just cheap crap heaped on bullshit. All hail our lord and savior Todd Howard. LOL. I thought Apple fans were bad... Yea, so was I until I realized.... I don't really give a shit as Bethesda pretty much fucked over the universe after Fallout New Vegas... and I don't really ever have an intention to get the game. Perhaps from a 2~5 dollar Steam sale for a few hours of laughs and chuckles or whatever, or if someone in RL that didn't know me well enough thought it would be a good idea to gift me it. Lord knows I played shit worse that Fallout 4 (and by extension my expectation of Fallout 76) but not by a very large margin... lol. Also the die hard fans have a right to get pissed. They aren't just deciding to fuck with some story line and say you are searching for your infant.. but by the way you have to rebuild the entire fucking Boston before you can complete that task and that should be OK with you Stupid premise. That is one thing. Stupid story writing. Happens in most games. However, fucking over the cannon of the franchise without a very fucking serious reason to do so and a reasonable story as to why (think the new Star Trek timeline changed) that is quite another reason.
  5. ^ he gets it... he is aware of the Cult of Todd Howard... the perfection of everything he touches and how nobody can or should criticize Bethesda as the instrument of his perfection! All praise Todd Howard.
  6. Yes, but that is what they have been doing for a long time. That is what many sites do sadly to say. You were able to put a finger on the derailment and finish of the thread at post 147 and the post finally was closed on 205. You even said to lock this thread then. At that time were were issues... Don't know why they let it go on for so long before locking it. It was quite funny from time to time.
  7. I have the suspicion that the video author isn't of the temple of Todd Howard... We can't second guess lord Todd Howard... our minds are too small for his greatness... after all he always says...
  8. The subject was exhausted. I don't think much more could have been added. Perhaps some newer person or someone that has been away from the site might be able to make a comment but it would be pretty much along the lines of what others have posted before. No new or fresh content. At that time, if they have an issue with it going off the rails then they should just lock it then.
  9. It will likely have a newer and better system that just the same ol' modding platform of the past.. Instead it will have the CREATION CLUB!!!! The new way of modding. Better, stronger, faster, just wait and see!
  10. shit I am slow.. I missed what was going on here... lol
  11. You know it is doomsday when you have to whip out "something"
  12. The thing is I was watching various Youtube videos at the same time as trying to view one on here.. Very strange.
  13. He looks a lot different with long hair and a beard.
  14. Never too late... I did see him as well but coudn't find out if he was an actor or not. He is a very good look alike
  15. No I am not.... Mostly just get more of what I am watching at any given time. Tech documentaries and other random crap when I am board.
  16. @JoshQ unfortunately... however, Linux is far from "main stream" that is easy to use and implement for the normal casual user. It requires some work to get it up to running what you want. Requires some research when you run into an issue and sometimes you have problems with drivers for devices that are not supported anymore or supported at all. There isn't the "fit and finish" you get from many other main OS like Windows and Apple. Umbuntu being the closest to the Windows experience and for the most part you don't have to open a console if you don't want to. Usually there is a solution outside of that for 90% of the problems you might experience. It is also heavily supported and developed, so you have most if not all of the newest fixes and applications. the benefit for all that extra work (not much but... ) is you have an OS that does what you want it to do. When you want it to do it. No hijacking of the computer, forcing updates or even restriction on how you want to do a task. (other than perhaps having to learn how to do something using the command line/ console etc) Sadly that sounds about right. Why would someone have a thread and not keep up and investigate a common occurrence to see if it is something they need to address? Waste of time on the part of those trying to help Microsoft by tossing their hardware on the altar and potentially screwing up their data in the process. There are ways around it .. however not always easy or convenient. after all.... Snowden is video conferencing and doing all sorts of computer stuff without being able to be found That is the extreme side of things but...
  17. Wow.. they decide to use this as an explanation They are in a totally different world... totally different world full of unicorns and chaos. Well the SJW's got what they wanted .. someone that fails in a sport can just decide to "identify" as a female then enter and win... They aren't even required to suppress the testerone (which is normally what a Trans woman would be doing to help suppress the male secondary characteristics. By these rules.. it could be Grizzly Adams person with a 12 inch beard looking like zztop and say they identify as a female and enter and win. You know, because you can't tell some trans women that they need to shave their beard... Or even take their necessary medication that aids in their transformation. which would curb some of the physical attributes of a male sports athlete. Eventually society will get fed up with this shit and start to use more common senses.
  18. It prevents a random unplanned update in the middle of your work ... I don't turn off my computer often at least not until I am done for using it for a while. My Linux laptop stays on almost always. (off subject but ) I don't have much issues with the work. Also don't seem to get the updates as often. you might look into the reg edit or such to solve the problem further. Likely something there that can do the job better if you need it. Mostly I want the updates as soon as possible (regular ones not the early ones and only the needed ones) and I don't wait or hold off .. Windows is insecure enough as it is and I want the fixes ASAP for that From the below it looks like some reg edits are adding entries to turn it off ... Might be what is on the the enterprise version.
  19. yes, I am also reluctant to get a new computer (or actually hardware) until that issue has been fixed. Likley only to happen on a new gen (refresh) However, my computer is quite old. Might have to do so early than I wanted to. Anyway, some of the updates are actually necessary and critical and should be done... the problem in my opinion isn't the updates being done but the way they go about the updates and the process. @Kendo 2 Open "Settings" clcik on "updates and Security" click on the "Windows Update" Then find the Advanced Options link towards the bottom of the page. Then you can pause the updates for 35days .. not perfect but good for preventing random updates from occurring. I believe you should be able to update as you want. I use the timing of the updates options. That is under "Change active hours) and turn it on for times I will have my computer off (for most of the times lol) Then I randomly check for updates when I am ready to.. (which is often most of the time) and when I am going to be not using the computer for awhile ... This only works for the Pro version or the Enterprise version not the Home version from what I understand. here is a link that has more details (likely better lol) Also check the link I gave earlier.. there is some reg edits that might work however, I haven't used it and I am not sure if it has to be for a Pro version or not. Might harm the computer but it is something you can check into and see if you want to try it. (at least cross reference it to other sources to be sure it is good to go) I have used some of the other edits and so far so good. INFO on the intel update and Spectre security issue https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/intel-9-series-cpu-spectre/
  20. Around 62% of all Internet sites will run an unsupported PHP version in 10 weeks The highly popular PHP 5.x branch will stop receiving security updates at the end of the year. https://www.zdnet.com/article/around-62-of-all-internet-sites-will-run-an-unsupported-php-version-in-10-weeks/ ^Not Good... Not Good at all. Here is an idea... instead of trying to get the common person to update their computer (looking at you Microsoft) how about forcing the companies that have a majority of the backbone of the internet required to update on a regular and current bases.... ? Thoughts? That can cause far more problems than some random computer (home user) from my point of view. (Faster access to the internet. More traffic, more viability, access to personal data not their iow etc etc.)
  21. Hey, give microsoft some credit... they caught it after their dev team handed over the updates to the early adopters and they screamed bloody murder... So we are safe! (so long as you aren't an early adopter)
  22. https://www.pcworld.com/article/3245810/security/how-to-protect-your-pc-meltdown-spectre-cpu-flaws.html That was an intel and amd failure.. can't really blame Microsoft on this one... (they are responsible for many issues but not this one) They updated it right away as well as Apple and even Linux... however, the update is going to seriously slow down your rigs. From what I hear, it does work (the updates from the OS manufactures) if you updated it. Since windows 7 is still supported along with win 8 and 8.1 those should have updates as well. Also, you should check to be sure you have the latest bios and chip updates as well to be as secure as possible. On that subject, I am not sure (can't find) if they (the processor manufactures) have corrected that issue in their processors for the newest gen processors (Rizen 2nd gen and intell's 9th gen) Doubt it so doesn't matter what you run until that is fixed. The machine I am using currently is Win10 and I haven't had any "real" issues with it. I have however searched many reg edits to resolve any issues I wanted control over and turn off functions I wanted to turn off. Went to it as some software I wanted to use wasn't working well with the Windows 7. https://www.ghacks.net/2016/11/08/improve-windows-10-with-one-click-batch-files/ https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4189-turn-off-fast-startup-windows-10-a.html ^ to be as complete as possible. .. the example sight I used. I used more that that. Lots of work which SUCKS but Had to do that with Vista as well as Windows 7 to a much lesser degree (almost perfect ) Some fixes are just preferences and others are more dangerous command line fixes and alterations. Windows 10 is pretty much dropped right on Windows 7 from what I can see. Many of the old admin tools are still there just hidden (requiring a command or such) to gain access. Haven't used the "disable automatic updates for windows " option on the above site (reg edit) myself. Not sure if it works well. I restrict it and manually handle it as needed and haven't had an issue ... yet.
  23. There are other issues with different manufactures... the problem occurred before with older OSs but mostly was rare. Now with windows continuing on without waiting and changing and forcing updates and such this will only happen more. There were some issues with another computer that someone that i know had. When it updated.. a previously working wireless stopped working.. the solution? Remove it and replace it! that was the solution as the hardware wasn't part of Windows support and/or it wasn't being updated anymore. I can't remember what it was. As for Linux.. even if a mass amount of people leave and take their code with them.. that just means no more updates but for the most part the code is pretty solid. If a couple here and there leave, someone else will just step up and do work. I know of someone that was working on some power components a year ago to make it more streamlined. Not sure if it was for personal use or he intended to release it publicly... (or if it would even be accepted) however, there are lots of people doing *stuff* with Linux and coding. It is open source so those with the talent can verify any new code for security and update it if needed. The up side that Windows and Mac doesn't have that Linux has is security against massive data mining. (sometimes Linux will data mine depending on what you install so you have to be smart about what you do and install but it isn't default or part of the core system... other than what Umbuntu did a few years ago and backed down) Keep in mind that most the internet servers and stuff is running on Linux. If someone takes that code.. you can be sure someone will be creating a replacement. QUICKLY!!!!! Might slow down somethings but the more I use it and the more I learn about it... the More I want to use it and feel confident with it. Learning now, fixing problems and learning how to do things. Would be using it more but the laptop I have it in has an very old wifi adapter and I get shit internet signal where I want my desk to be at good enough to do somethings but not as fast as my main rig. (literally right below the desk) another thing that makes me confident Linux will not be effected like some are fearful (and SJWs wish it to be) is many in the industry has seen the add ons and what is being done and now are removing themselves from that (what was original proposed by SJWs) and added in its place a much more reasonable process. SJWs fucked with the wrong thing... Most users, and coders aren't stupid fucks... They see the shit and will (naturally ) change it to something more reasonable and sensible. On the otherhand... Microsoft (and Apple to a degree) is getting more and more fucked in the head with the shit they want to and are trying to do.
  24. January 14th 2020 support for Windows 7 will end. No more updates from Microsoft. It WILL then become much more insecure than Windows 10 if you have any critical task (security concerns) If not then it is great to continue with windows 7. That is until Steam or some other service decides not to support it because Microsoft isn't supporting it... Discord doesn't support it anymore (features like spell correct) for example and more sill surly come. The best advice is to move to Linux for your important stuff. (run a vm of windows whatever you want version when needed) and only use Windows for any games that require windows... (since many games do work on Linux with some of the advancements they made) Steam even streams the games to a laptop etc if you have a good enough network You can sit a rig with a great graphics card somewhere on your network / home and just turn it on when needed and stream it to your 200 dollar laptop lol (I did that to one of the newer tomb raiders. I forget the version now.) had some issues but that was the network not the process. If your rig is a monster... and you want to have two graphics cards in there you can even VM directly in the same machine and have a windows game install and have native access if you use "pass through" feature and your motherboard and hardware supports it. There are some i know that do this. (AMD 8 core 4/4 Linux/Windows ) The point of my post is we will be dragged kicking and screaming into Windows 10 or beyond eventually if we continue to play games. There are solutions and I advise people to start to think of those. Support for game managers like Steam and Origin (not sure of Gog don't use it. at least yet ;)) as well as tools like Discord and likely other management tools will start to drop support for Windows 7 much like they have for windows xp... Best to make a plan and start working on a solution that you can stand.
  25. Well if that happens. that would mean that right before or during (surprise event you won't know when) the game will have to do an update... for something not critical or something just to break your flow ...
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