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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. With a bit of magic she could pass as a 16 year old. Any other characters for the NSFWmods.com Witcher Casting call .. lol
  2. With all this discussion about actors for characters. I can't believe they choose Superman Henry Cavill . That shows me that they don't understand what Geralt is, or how he looks. Jared Leto is the one I most see as a Geralt character. Bleach his hair, add some scars and he fits the lean pale character that Geralt is from what I know of the stories. What do you think. While at it, who should be Ceri, and any other character you think would show up. I believe she would be 16 at this time so it would have to be a young character.
  3. Yep.. crypto curency creators would buy all the graphics cards at my local store regardless of price when crypto curency was hot. They didn't care if the top of the line was 2000 dollars. (MSRP 700 dollars or something around there.) Didn't give a damn. They would buy dozens if they could. (per person
  4. Yes, that is basically the normal actions for nVidia graphics cards. The reason each generation is more expensive than the last. Reason each generation ends up being more than the last generation. (perm price after glut of previous gen is gone) Even now it is hard to find a card that is close to MSRP. Even with a glut of hardware. (list price not rebates and such) There is money (back end money) being given out but the stores and such have paid such a high price (due to cryptocurrency) they want their money back from that as well (when the prices adjusted back to sane levels. again) Then, technology isn't advancing as fast as it was (real world) in that a high 6th, 7th, or 10th, gen can easily power a 1080 p monitor (the most common monitor for people even now) and you really only need a 1080+ if you are trying to run a 2k or more at full resolution (not lowering features or to 1080 p etc ) Really only those that need or want to run at high level with a 2k or more realistically 4k that need these newer cards. .. that and crypto currency makers. I got my 1080Ti (aftermarket cooler etc) when there was a rare blip in pricing which brought it below MSRP. I intend on rocking it as long or longer than I did my 670. Which I upgraded to a 970 to get a much needed 1gb more Vram... That card rocked everything I sent to it with heavy mods (as heavy as I would want to go) just fine with a 1080p monitor. I upgraded to a 2 k and wanted to have some power for it. (It was a demo and on substantial sale. Can't touch it even now on Ebay used for that price. ) Anyone that is reading this... please, please, please don't get anything bigger than a 1060 6gb graphics card for 1080p monitor. Trust me. It is a waste. it is very likely based on the previous gen growth you will be able to get a 2050ish 6+ vram graphics card and do just fine with your 1080p monitor. (with mods) and only if there is a new Direct x that is needed for some new "must have" video game.
  5. DONT... I repeat DON'T BUY I can't say this enough. These are dropping mostly due to the cryptocurency miners dropping their old worn out cards for the prospect (or intent) of getting newer more powerful cards. However, true that the cards are dropping across the board for new units. (and refurb) but not much below MSRP. Buyer beware is the best advice I can give.
  6. I actually enjoyed many of the cut scenes inWitcher. Unlike most other games
  7. Yea... a game that gives that much play is worth buying and not waiting for bargain bin pricing... I am waiting for actual game play (final game play) and real reviews from members of the gaming community.. .before I make any judgements.
  8. I played mass effect many times again and again.. however, Ihad to take a great amount of time between the play thorughs for some of them. Kind of like I do with Witcher (just more so with ME1)
  9. Looks like the old mass effect game. except first person. Good, but only so many ways you can play it.
  10. Liberty Prime (fallout NV) dubstop... lol Wonder what Bethesda thinks consider they ripped the convo from Liberty prime right out of the game! Key and Poole... Lol
  11. That is the reason I was surprised when it was mentioned that there was this in the game. If that is the case, then there will very likely at least be a character or two with that in the game. However, based on the writing they did for Witcher III which had a cross dresser and such, the characters won't be forced (created just to be there to click a box) and be fully developed. If that is done, then I can enjoy it. I hope they do continue with their crafting unique characters... (the preview does show some care in this regard) Wild cards was an RPG (not major but had a following ) which had really mature content (sexuality and such) that mirrored the book where anything could happen. (mentions a transformation /mutation of a person from a male to a beautiful female but still had their penis.. lol. It was a story in the story ... among other sometimes very distributing. content) It was edited by George RR Martin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Cards we all know the content he can create.. Unlike the SJW crap.. if something is there. ... chances are it is fully fleshed out with a meaning and a purpose. https://greenronin.com/blog/2008/08/29/wild_cards_returns_to_roleplay/ With all the talk about Marvel and DC I actually prefer Wild Cards universe I read the books (what was available ) in the late 80's and I don't really read books....
  12. Cyberpunk 2020 had gender fluidity in it? I didn't know that.
  13. I mentioned first that I didn't realize I used the same video twice. I was very tired from not sleeping well for a few days. I corrected that issue and apologized for it. You pulled all the quotes but the one where I acknowledged that I made a mistake, corrected it and apologized for it. and still hostile? Wow... After acknowledging, correcting the issue and apologizing on the thread in public, I don't feel I still need that level of hostility but whatever.
  14. 1. I forgot about my posting of this video... So for that I am sorry. Easy enough to fix... (deleted) 2. If you aren't interested in the game... then why continue posting on a thread discussing it? Especially if you are upset by it. I wasn't a rabid of Witcher III however, I did spend some hours playing it and had some good times. (221 hrs) I was very pissed off and upset with Bethesda and Fallout 4 but spend 322 hours playing it and had a few good times (now that mods are decent enough to fix many of their glaring issues ) To put it in perspective I have 1000 or more hours on most any other game I really like. (or has great mods ) As much as I was really angry at the company (more so myself now) I am not going to get so bent out of shape as it to effect me in any serious way. (I didn't learn my lesson until MEA ;)) I am concerned with the game, where it is going and what it will be in it's final release. 3. I am not making you do anything...
  15. They are also still working on it. with no release date mentioned so who knows how many of those issues will be resolved before then. as for Bethesda... give me a year of solid working on how to build mods and game stuff and would likely be better than what Bethesda could muster... lol. (not really but ... )
  16. Those that don't do their research deserve to be disappointed. I did this for Fallout 4 and I deserved to be disappointed with what was given. Sure I am mad. Sure I will point out the flaws and make complaints but I deserve what I got. It hasn't been until just recently when I think the modding world has finally started to make the game reasonable to play. With Alternate Starts, and their Sim expansion packs... lol. (speaking of they have a mod that builds that shit for you ) Even so, still priced to high for what THEY give you... (Bethesda) For the Third person view... I don't like it. I like the first person and then go to the third for some scenes and such... However, you aren't stupid to believe they would do a third person as Witcher is third person throughout. This is what They spent all their efforts in ironing out the issues with any fight animations and such. I was surprised that they are using 1st person for the game. (even so it would be nice to be able to pop out to third person once in a while to check out my toon and what they are doing) I am pretty sure it will be good but will it be Witcher III good? I think this is a great question considering it took them to the third installment to gain the fame they currently have. To really bring the entire world together. Perhaps this will be the same for this? That is the concern I have. Will it be good enough to buy when released? I believe it was perhaps due to the way they wanted to present the story. They didn't go right to the boobs... They wanted to ease the viewer into the game ... note... they even make a mention of the fact it is a mature game along the time they show this scene. I believe they did that for impact when they state it is mature... so that people really know it is MATURE I have learned to not be disappointed with any game development. I have to wait until the final release and reviews to make my judgement. THEN I will be disappointed. in this feature not being x or that not being Y... lol. I don't agree with the SJW.. I believe they would like to gain their anger... After all they did show a seriously fucked up scene when that women was seriously fucked up... almost died and then rescued... That was a pretty serious scene. I doubt CD Project Red gives a flying fuck about SJWs. Might even enjoy having them get stirred up (for publicity purposes) It would help push their game. There is a major movement growing against their stupid shit. So far I like what the game is showing however, not sure if it is a game I want to play .. at least right off the bat.
  17. They are working on the system. They only need one suit there.. chances are they will have some sort of mechanism that will move the suits through the closet. Or something else. They might even change the closet entirely.
  18. I am sure they will have many more jackets. It is part of the RPG system. One jacket space makes no sense. It is still being developed and even the video has warning on the label it isn't finished.
  19. Half way through the intro and so far digging it. Not loving it but still digging it. There is lot of slang and things you can learn. Very deep in lore so far. Makes sense.. they are using the full game... and CD is known for developing rich detailed worlds as well.
  20. DEX reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Pondsmith Mike pondsmith.. anybody? It is as if he wanted to be part of the game . .lol... It sort of sounds like him as well from what I remember from the interview.
  21. She is determined to keep her hand in her pocket.... I wonder what she is doing with that hand...
  22. If I remember correctly... the new 2080 is the 1080's replacement. The "Titan" will gets its own version (much more powerful etc) I also believe the numbers will shift again like they have in the past for new chip ... that is a 2060 would be what was a 1070, a 2070 a 1080 etc etc. (roughly. of course) could be wrong but so far that has been prettymuch what they do all the time. One way to win shares is to turn on their virtualization options for the Vega's. There are more and more people running games in virtualization and having a powerful card that can be "split" between two OSs is a must. Keep the other "PRO" features for the pro cards of course. From my understanding ATI is already easier to vitualize than nVidia.
  23. Not that I am aware of. Hopefully some news will come out soon. Not too soon, as I have to build up my cash back on my credit card.. so I can buy the game (if I like it when it is released ;)) After Fallout 4, I don't buy games anymore. I use cash back or gift cards or something else. lol. I know, it is still money but, not part of my budget and it slows me down from buying them. gives time to think. Help fight against the "hype machine" ... yes, even CDProject Red has a "hype Machine".
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