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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. It might be that the campaign is really short which would really suck. I am not interested in PVP or the like. I have I believe 2 loot boxes or something like that already. Haven't opened them. Perhaps I will do a capture if I remember when I do so people can see what came out of those The game play is decent so far. They seem to have done a good job in the creation of the game. It appears to be solid and glitch free etc. Now the story, campaign being short and such.. well that is decisions that the company makes. So long as they are clear from the start (release) as what to expect.. I can't really blame them. However, that doesn't mean I will buy from them edit: Update FUUUUUCCCCKKKK MMMMEEEE Some other random captures. You can see the loot boxes you can buy still there. you get some for logging on daily etc. (which is cool) Some other screen captures as well
  2. I downloaded the trial and am playing it. I have played it for a very short time but so far it isn't Mass Effect Andromeda ;). So far the graphics are fair to good. Better than MEA. The facial animations have some issues from time to time but way better than MEA was. The game play is responsive and easy enough to figure out for the most part. (playing on very easy) I have been playing less than an hour of my 10 hour trial so I havne't been able to do much but the first section and moving into the second one. I will give them points for their introduction. There is a fixed character you have during the campaign trial. Not sure if you bought the game if you would have a different one, however it is a female which is different than many games for hero. (if she is a hero considering you are playing as a solder from the Empire not a rebel) I will post some more of my thoughts on this game during my 10 hour trial period. So far I enjoyed it more than MEA... however, that was a very low bar to obtain All jokes aside it is so far a solid functional game without any serious glitches. Haven't played enough to see if the story is interesting enough to engage but the shooting is pretty solid. Reminds me of ME3 shooting a bit. I don't play very many first person shooters like Call of Duty and the such so can't compare that. review and spoiler (of sorts) (glitch experienced) I am giving it a very open minded review. focus on playability and story etc. Not lore (I don't know that much about Star Wars during the time of this game) Feel free to chime in. Please, chime in serious reviews, Youtube video reviews etc. If there are spoilers please placed them in actual spoilers so as not to mess the game up for others. People that actually played the game are more than welcome to make negative comments based on actual situations, story or experiences. Please refrain from commenting unless referencing actual game play or linked video of actual game play. Thank you.
  3. ^ This is what makes this site so great. Different people from different places sharing their experiences. I would have likely never even known of this much less heard it otherwise.
  4. ninja'd by @Kendo 2 This is off topic. You were given the answer to your request of Atheism thread by @Kendo 2, which he stated to use this thread for that. He INVITED YOU TO USE THIS THREAD. There is no issues if you have differences of opinion, if there was, I doubt you would be invited to use this thread for your post. Lets use some common sense here, please. Stop acting as if you are being restricted in content posting, you are not. Don't get all pissed off that you can't have a special thread for atheism. Keep in mind, most gaming threads wouldn't even let you comment on anything related to this subject in the first place. There was a possibility, that in time, with enough thoughtful post on the subject I might have been able to move them over to a new thread. Much like I have done for other subjects in the past. Now that you had a hissyfit on the subject, there is a snowball's chance in a very hot hell that this will ever be able to happen now. If you have any issues with this or any other issues you are welcome to bring it up to the Admin/Moderators for further discussion through PM. Don't make it out to be more than it is. If you do, and continue, then I will consider you Trolling me, the staff, the thread, and site. You have been given the answer to your request, vindicated that you have done nothing wrong, explained why the comment was made, and given option to take it to PM with the Admin/Staff if you wish. Any further comments on the subject(s) on this site, will be deleted and actions taken. The thread has been derailed enough with these issues.
  5. A lot of good positivity was going on during that time.
  6. How many people remember this?
  7. @Gandalftw I cannot speak for @Kendo 2 however, I can speak for me and my post above. You haven't done anything wrong. It was just a friendly warning, a small time out, before things might (and might not) get heated. You are more than free to post more of those post and others like those so long as they remain relevant to the thread's purpose. Others might decide to chime in and be in opposition to your post. They are also free. As I stated I can't speak for @Kendo 2 however, I think I understood his meaning for moderator commenting as I believe it is in line with my comment.
  8. No, I agree with @Kendo 2. You are free to post those here as this thread is appropriate for such post. Currently, separate thread for that isn't necessary, if later we deem it so we will move it. @Kendo 2 is also accurate in his statement that we will not respond to personal battles on anyone's behalf, we will only respond to such events if we see a need to, for the Site's behalf, and at our discretion. Note: when you see Orange text from admin/moderator... it is us acting in our capacity as admin/moderator.
  9. The interview with the CEO above... shows that they will create an awesome game and the better the game, the better the profits. Quality will lead them to the profits and awards they desire. Simple, direct, and accurate.
  10. I wonder if anyone here can guess who the nectar will be tested on
  11. I was just thinking, you could really have some serious fun with this time period... I mean just because "official" has some info there doesn't mean that there isn't some differences, strange thing that could have happened (within reason of course) which would / could give some interesting story. The Enclave for example could have decided to send a small group toward DC. Hell for that matter a small group from BS could have done so as well. to secure some really important top secret tech, gain some intell on it (it is DC after all ;)) It could make sense. You can add small reasonable "spice" to the story (your story) where the unexpected would happen. This is what is so interesting about this time period. Originally I thought you were doing it more towards the current timeline. before Vault 21 is destroyed/abandoned. In any case this is turning out to be an interesting comic.
  12. Wouldn't there also be Super Mutants... from their Vault? I ask as I understand it that vault was experimenting quite early on (perhaps even before the bomb dropped and nuked the entrance) with Super Mutants. It wouldn't perhaps be as bad as it is now and perhaps might still have some humans there (admin) or perhaps ghoul(due to the door being nuked however inside through most o the vault it is pretty radiation free) Also I suspect there would be more cannibals during that time as well, which in time would come together later and forum the tribe which would eventually create the Luxe. I have however only briefly played with the lore from that time period... I have to admit I am getting a bit interested in this story line..
  13. Yes, that would be nice... It would be nice to have more realistic normal armors as well, for those times when you want to seriously kick some ass. As opposed to doing so in a g string... lol.
  14. I used no mods on my Witcher. I unlocked the console and use commands to get what I wanted done (which was so very little) I didn't have to use the unlocker to get the commands I wanted to use. I agree. Mods isn't needed on Witcher and if CP2077 is as well crafted as Witcher is then there is no needs for it either. It is very likely that there will be a dev mode for it if you wanted to turn it on and someone will figure out the commands (which likely will be the same or pretty close to Witcher's commands) so you have that. Now that being said... there can be a very good place for modding to enhance the game further and customize it to more of your liking in Witcher but not needed. EA/Betesda needs to get back to making a basic game that is good to play with interesting characters that people like interacting with to encourage play. They aren't doing that. They are dumbing down the game and making it harder to have any real RPG like play. That in my opinion, makes it harder to inspire authors to make the complex mods and such or the resources to build these as there is less interest in the game. Even now people are looking for the Oldrim as opposed to the new Skyrim. It is the same game, only difference is the resources and mods on the old game. Which was brought about because people loved the game. Look at Fallout 4... not anywhere near what is found in Oldrim or NV/Fallout/Oblivion games of the past.
  15. Lol... if they (the judges) are dancing and rocking to it.. why wait so long to hit the button? The judge in the second video can't even stay in his chair...
  16. Every time she gets a hard on... she passes out... lol
  17. Sorry, did a boo boo... I for some reason didn't have a spoiler for the post I had here.... I am pretty sure I clicked on it...
  18. It is so sad that things have come to that. It is a loss for everyone when the community won't help people with the info they need to develop new and interesting mods.
  19. Nice, This reminds me... the cigar lounge mod you were working on... are you still thinking of working on it/releasing it?
  20. ritualclarity

    Girl Spooky

    Always nice to get nice new photo sets. .:)
  21. Yep, just a matter of time before this happened... it makes sense. Paypal what most use for Patron doesn't allow such content for their services. (as far as I am aware) so it was just a short time before this happened. Guess Patron decided it was more important to keep Paypal happy and not seek out alternate forms or ways of servicing the people who pay for their services that would allow such content (or at least some of it) from being able to stay. Wonder if/when some other company will step in and take over for this. I have heard of some but not sure if they are fake / fraud or the real thing.
  22. Welcome, thank you for your contribution. Perhaps, in time you will be more proud of your works... Perhaps there might be some here that you can work with to help this... Remember Practice makes perfect... Also this is far better than I could do
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