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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. You can release it here... we aren't like those experiences you mention above... Our mothers won't let us act that way...
  2. Why don't you try your hand at some tutorials and such to learn. You might find you like it and are willing to work on Skyrim (with the bodies issues Kendo hates) and make your own content. It will take time and such but you have already put so much time in your Skyrim projects, what is a little more \ Besides... you have two artist (Kendo and DZ) I can name off the top of my giant alien green / grey head...that have worked on such content and if you run into a few small problems I am pretty sure they can help straighten you out you might find you like it.
  3. Comics can be placed (and I think is the best place) in the Blog. IMO. it is correct for it to be a shame that someone's work fades away. Good idea (and what I thought was going to happen or I would suggest it would be to place teasers in the Gallery for some work then link to the Blog or whereever for the rest. I thought this was going to be used for more general discussion and random post. How to create one in your game using xyz mods and settings, etc with some other discussions mixed in. More of a fan thread than a work thread. I am not familiar with "Alien 3:16" my comment was based on "general" alien lore. Anyway... get to work you have a lot to do
  4. Locked. Discussion moved to: For an open discussion for all things related to music - Ritual Clarity
  5. Thanks @zilvradrow this is a great idea. There is nothing wrong with posting in galleries, however, for discussion purposes and ease of viewing and commenting a central location would be very beneficial. @zilvradrow
  6. They look good and look realistic. They look like something someone would wear from the vault (being that the culture is based loosely off of the 1940~50's mentality and the vault is seen as remnants of this. Looks like what some young woman would do to alter the clothing as far as they can without being called out (too much) or criticized heavily. I was wondering why the two looked different.
  7. They look quite good with out looking like slut clothing.
  8. I haven't done karoke but as I understand it isn't about singing good or being a great singer it is about having a good time and being able to laugh at yourself doing so.
  9. ^ Always new experiences as well as old favorites on this thread
  10. 2:27 says it all... He is a professional game developer. He "didn't have a pc that was good enough to play mods". This explain so much.
  11. I thought the first panel was your first one. Perhaps try to soften the dialogue bubbles. As for taste, I don't do much with this type of content. I do see it and read it but can't really judge if it is in good taste or good talk. I am pretty sure @Kendo 2won't be offended with you starting your own comic, in fact I think he will like it. Also might have some ideas for you with dirty talk etc that might inspire your future works.
  12. It isn't copies... It is stuff they created for previous games... um.. until it isn't.. lol ^ statement on the power armor^ I really don't care. Let them copy to their hearts content. It just means that there is even less of a reason to buy or use their Creation Club assets. They had an opportunity to create something that might have been acceptable and they have done one thing after another wrong. I doubt things will change going forward. They will just keep on finding things to do wrong. The definition of Stupid: Continuing to do something that failed in the past expecting something to change. Bethesda is all manner of stupid in this regard.
  13. Have at it. Practice makes perfect. Not sure how @Kendo 2 will feel about you "stealing" his idea... lol. Feedback...
  14. I will be very careful not to give any ideas or comments that will spoil your comic...
  15. Let me guess. You going to use this for your comic
  16. What is this "LL" you are talking about
  17. PG NSFW music. (some of it in the spoiler... you have been warned) Weird stuff... Rare stuff.
  18. More for your collection
  19. I heard him before. I like these two
  20. Opps.. so sorry... It was what came to mind looking at the capture as well as reading about "feeldo" :D. I'll go sit in my corner now... like a bad little I am... Keep up the good work.
  21. Well... she doesn't have penis envy anymore... lol.
  22. With all the recent additon of Futa... to this site .. lol Lola LOL
  23. Love the intro Also Rick Astley... where they hell did he get that voice? I mean, who da' thunk that he had such pipes?
  24. I don't think it matters if it has high traffic or not. You should still be able to place them there unless DZ or Kendo things otherwise. I believe that is the place for these. At least until DZ can make a judgement on adding sub-forms for those. You might be surprised at the traffic for those mods. People still like playing those games and having mods help extend the play ability of the game.
  25. ritualclarity


    You will get no judgements from me. I am not interested in the "gay" stuff for those purposes.. however, I don't want my toon to look like crap regardless of which sex they are. If there is a way for Bethesda to make a character look ugly... they usually do so. Keep up the good work!
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