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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. That is a DZ thing. We have added other games already. However, until a decision has been made I'd suggest you place them https://nsfwmods.com/forums/forum/59-other-games-downloads-support/ You can start getting them uploaded and configured to your liking and getting some traffic to that section. DZ could move it to the new sections as needed if he does create them. He might be waiting for some serious traffic and interest in it. The site was originally for Bethesda games and modding tool support etc and since that time more has been added. Not sure how far he wants to add to the site.
  2. Futas, Futas, everywhere... lol.. On a serious note. Nice job on the model.
  3. ritualclarity


    Dam... this site become Futa paradise suddenly. lol
  4. ritualclarity


    She does look pretty good.
  5. Seriously... Fuck them. I mean WTF.. all the complaints about Fallout 4 and the content and how they are looking like money grabbers and they come up with shit for their introduction of this on Skyrim? That is just plain stupid. They could have won so much if they had only waited and actually had something worth wile in content. Hell it could be content that some might not like but serious content none the less.
  6. If you did, you would have both. 32 and 64 bit. So far as I can tell this recent change hasn't fucked up my 32bit Skyrim. Can someone with a heavy modified 32bit Skyrim confirm?
  7. I think of him more as the Italian version of Robin Williams.
  8. ritualclarity


    A lot of your content is still on LL. Comics Bits and Pieces for example as well as some mods. You also have it on your site as well. Then anything you are missing I might have (finished not the raw files )Even some of the things you didn't release
  9. ritualclarity


    It's something to do. Besides, I think there will be many here that would like your comics and new content Of course this is up to you.
  10. That is a hard song to deliver. I like that she took it a slightly different path. Made it her own. Also I could understand each and every word that she sung You also know that the judges there were all impressed as they all hit the button at the same time. lol
  11. ritualclarity


    This makes me wonder if you plan on starting back on your comics ?
  12. English version. Not a good one though. More of a drama. I think it won several awards when it was released.
  13. @Gandalftw 8 track was the worst medium ever for music or any sound delivery. Someone had to think the swamping "track" was something great, however, it isn't like changing a tune on your CD. It would jump in the middle of another song. Phonograph, Tape was the best for that time. Phonographs are still better. "pure" sound if you have a good record. That is compared to most songs you get today. (not lossless) Phonograph or record players are "lossless" by default. You can hear greater highs and lows than you can on your typical song you download these days from Apple, Google or Amazon. The sad thing is old Beta max had better video quality but lose to the VHS. Those that really wanted quality would get those record sized Lazer disks. Personally I do like the direction (to a point) where the movies are going. (all digital easily transferable) just wish it was more DRM less than it is these days.
  14. Here is another that most likely haven't seen either. It is a comedy. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102164/ https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/johnny_stecchino/ another movie from Roberto Benigni Night on Earth (Rome) If you like old time comedy then you might like those. Also more than likely you haven't see these.
  15. I remember this movie... That was a very weird movie.. I haven't seen it for years but I can still remember parts. Scene like this one... lol
  16. ^ I haven't see that in a very long time... My dam sister wore out that dam VHS lol DVD stashes are excellent. Many times, they have movies that are no longer available through streaming or have horrible You-Tube uploads... So sad that many excellent movies have gotten lost due to advancements in technology. Really bad coming from VHS to DVD. Tons of movies were lost during that time. I spent over a year searching for a DVD version of some movie (I forget the name but think it was Unico or something like that) for my sister. She loved that during her chiildhood and couldn't find a copy when an old broken VHS tape was found in the attic. (VHS and Attics don't go well together... the heat is very bad for them) IN any case I ended up finding a copy but it was in a totally different region. We bought it used (yea Amazon you can find all sorts of shit on that site lol) I had to rip it just to be able to give her a copy of that rip that she could use in her DVD player. Any movie buff should keep their DVD collections safe. The same rule apply to music lovers and records Except usually most music is transferred over to new mediums pretty well unless you have special versions (Concert, or specialty music ) Those specialty versions, rarely ever get re-stamped (new records) much less transferred to a new medium (8 tracks, CDs, or digital downloads)
  17. ^ The great thing about this thread is you get to listen to some old favorites but best of all you get to listen to new content you might never have had the chance to listen to.
  18. You are providing excellent dialogue and response to those threads you are interested in as well as likes and other feedback. Others are doing the same. It is perfectly normal for your name to show up where it is currently due to your activity on the site. As Kendo states below, nobody is abusing it. We are watching for it for any abuses so you can rest on that fact. That is my thought / vote as well. There are people here that like the feature and nobody is abusing it so far so there is no real reason to disable it. That might be worse than having it enabled. I personally use it to give a nice feedback to the poster instead of adding yet another post commenting on their post. Lord knows I have enough post here on this site.
  19. ^ It has been so long since I have seen that movie. I don't even remember if I liked it or not... lol
  20. If it is hiding the function for members that don't want to see it, then I am for that. I see no reason that configuration of the site should be hindered if it is possible provided it doesn't make for a harder to manage forum. However, Like Kendo stated, DZ is the only one that has access to that and even then I doubt that can be removed due to many sites that use this software have members that like stroking their ego with reps etc.
  21. That is in line with my interest. I am more interested in Fallout NV and Fallout 3 over Fallout 4 even with the "dinosaur engine." One of of the issues might be that the new Creation Club has screwed over the script extender and apparently yet again. Might happen each update. They are stepping on the mod content creators and that will not do well for the game when it was already negatively received and has already difficulty in getting the necessary tools to bring the game to the next level. To provide the needed tools to create the more advanced mods that made Skyrim 32bit and FNV so popular. I am not omniscient either but I suspect the difference between FNV and F03 is related to the maturity of the scripting engine. It is much more developed than that in the FO3 and thus more development for it. I agree with the assessment r/t Skyrim 64bit. It just isn't there and with the CC coming to that as well (assume that it will screw up the script extender as well) won't do it any favors either. However, I would like to see some of your unreleased NV/FO3 stuff (well I have seen it and have some but... I digress) and submit it here. While at it I believe you have some nice content for Skyrim 32bit as well. you know what I am talking about. If you have it and it is fully functional why not release it? Don't think so much of it as fucking Bethesda.. but more helping the site (need an angel emoticon :P) However, I can't really blame you.
  22. For the most part the ranking means nothing. I click on things that are good for the site, interesting or something I personally enjoyed. As a result I post a few more than most do. As for others if that floats their boat, we really don't care. AS I stated there is no "reward" for someone that has the post likes or such. If there were.. then Doublezero, Kendo, and myself would be winning anyway In fact out of the "all time" members top 5... 4 are moderators and/or admin and only one is a member. Which by the way has been here since the beginning. (well close to it anyway.) So don't feel bad or even allow yourself to be distracted by this. It is part of the sight and if done correctly, allows a quick "thank you" or sign of appreciation for something someone has done which can encourage others to do the same post wise. If done wrong... well those that frequent this will soon figure out anyway. and for you ... "crazy old man" feel free to post to your hearts content. There isn't a restriction on the number of post you make. In fact, I have added some topics to help encourage some extra posting outside of just gaming interest. (Music, Movies etc) Without going and creating some silly games...
  23. Don't worry about that. Just process your post and comments like you would normally would and let the chips (or post :P) lay where they land. The moderators and admin can feature a particular photo (and I do from time to time in the past) Also you's only be moving them down one when you do which isn't that much of an issue. People can still see all the new photos easily enough.
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